Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 985 Hero Banquet

Chapter 985 Hero Banquet (2)
Compared with the Wuchang brothers and sisters, another fighter named Zhang Feng looks much more handsome.Zhang Feng is tall (about 1.9 meters), very fat (at least [-] catties), in terms of size and hairstyle, he can be considered a handsome guy.However, no one is perfect, the whole body is up and down, the only thing that doesn't match his figure is his head, which is three points bigger than a pig's head.

In fact, Leng Ye had noticed this person as early as Zhang Feng had just entered the door, and even asked the poor young man about it.After Zhang Feng introduced himself this time, an unprecedented smile appeared on Leng Ye's face.

On the other two tables, besides Leng Ye's women, Jin Nanyan and Li Xiaoyun, there were mourners, Barefoot Immortal, Gong Qingdong, Love You Forever, Soul Eater Cat, Xiao Shishi, Yingwu Tan, Yulian, Duan Shao, young master of the Yang family, Jiujie, Du Aipeng, Ah Huo, Yuan Daying, Dianren, Liu Kai, the reality is too fake, Jie Shao, Gai Nie, Pizifeng and others, they are all for the sword demon palace. A man who has made great military exploits.These people are either extraordinary in personal strength or outstanding in command ability. They have at least one first-level meritorious service, otherwise they would not be able to enter this hall.Leng Ye has a good memory, and he memorizes their names, appearances, and specialties in his heart, so that he can find them out and use them immediately when necessary.

After all the introductions were finished, the last item before the banquet began, which was the so-called awards ceremony.Originally, it was a bit inappropriate to be in this place, but in order to encourage everyone present to serve the Sword Demon God Palace better in the future, Leng Ye and Young Master Luo Luo decided to implement it after discussing it.And the prizes are the three treasures that Leng Ye just broke out from the golden titan: the scroll of the only hidden professional god difference job change, the only hidden professional ghost envoy transfer job, and the magic weapon Dragon Spirit Horn, which is almost indispensable so far.

In order to create an atmosphere, Young Master Luo Luo gave another gorgeous speech before the award, talking about how powerful and unfathomable Leng Ye is.If it wasn't for Leng Ye's stop, the poor young man would probably brag about the three treasures. In fact, even if he didn't mention these three treasures, others would know their value.

When Leng Ye handed over the two job transfer scrolls to Wuchang brothers and sisters respectively, most of the people present were surprised.In their view, this generous gift from Leng Ye is probably only worthy of a golden knife and a down-and-out son. However, they never thought that Leng Ye would hand over this priceless treasure to a stranger who had only known him for less than an hour.

After Wuchang brothers and sisters received the two job transfer scrolls, they were moved to tears immediately, and they immediately swore to the sky that they would follow Leng Ye to the death and defend the Sword Demon God Palace to the death.However, Sister Wuchang also said something that touched Leng Ye: "Master, it is the Sword Demon God Palace that made us two abandoned children who are looked down upon by others, and it is you, the master, who made us truly raise our heads and be human. Brother and sister must swear to stay together to the death, in order to repay the leader's kindness of knowledge!"

(End of this chapter)

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