Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 986 Hero Banquet

Chapter 986 Hero Banquet (3)
Before Leng Ye only saw the appearance of the two brothers and sisters, but did not expect that their backgrounds were so pitiful, and he couldn't help feeling an indescribable sadness in his heart.Although he is also an orphan, Leng Ye is luckier than the two of them.

Finally, Leng Ye came to Zhang Feng, took out the Dragon Spirit Horn, handed it to him, and said only one sentence: "Brother, can you try it?"

Zhang Feng didn't say much, he opened his big mouth lightly, and put the thin end of Longling's horn into his mouth, his cheeks bulged and closed, and a wonderful song "Dongfanghong" immediately rang...

(End of this chapter)

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