Chapter 987

The singing stopped abruptly.

Zhang Feng pulled out the Longling Horn from his mouth, looked at Leng Ye, opened and closed his mouth and said, "Master, the system prompts me to change my job to horn soldier? Do I want to change my job?"

"Trumpet soldier? It should be the job triggered by Zhang Feng's blowing of the Dragon Spirit horn!" Leng Ye thought so, smiled, and asked, "Then do you want to change jobs?"

"Master, I..."

"You can blow the horn of the Dragon Spirit to prove that you are destined to be a trumpeter. If you really want to change jobs, I will give it to you. However, you have to think carefully. After all, it is not easy for you to rise to the current level. If Re-transfer to..."

Before Leng Ye could finish his words, Zhang Feng became anxious and hurriedly said, "Master, I am willing!"

In an instant, Zhang Feng's appearance changed dramatically. The shiny golden warrior suit disappeared and was replaced by a shabby and neat military uniform.With this military uniform on his body, at this moment, Zhang Feng really looked like a heroic and fearless charging bugle soldier during the Anti-Japanese War.

In Lingyun, hidden professions have their innate advantages, and as the player's level increases, this advantage will gradually become apparent.Especially in the later stage, this advantage represents the highest level of the player in a certain aspect.Therefore, generally speaking, hidden occupations are much stronger than similar ordinary occupations, and there are countless players who want to change to hidden occupations.However, although there are many types of hidden occupations in this game, compared to the hundreds of millions of players, this number is insignificant.

As an ordinary professional fighter, Zhang Feng was able to stand out from the more than 30 gang members of the Sword Demon Shrine, and made nineteen first-level meritorious service for the Shrine, which in itself already speaks of his strength.And Leng Ye took a fancy to Zhang Feng, so he was relieved to hand over the Dragon Spirit Horn, a magic weapon of great significance to future wars, into his hands.Leng Ye believed that such a person would definitely be able to take on the great and glorious task of the trumpeter.Furthermore, only Zhang Feng's big mouth can hold the Dragon Spirit Horn.It was as if it was destined in the sky.In addition, Zhang Feng has indeed been looking forward to the hidden profession for a long time, and he also absolutely believes in the power of the magic weapon.Therefore, under such a coincidence, Zhang Feng completed his transformation and changed his job to become a trumpeter.

"Guangzhu, don't worry, I will do the charge in the future!" Zhang Feng patted his chest and promised Leng Ye swearingly, and then shared the attributes with Leng Ye.

Leng Ye looked at it and was a little surprised.

Zhang Feng: Hidden professional trumpeter/Level: [-] to [-]/Attack: [-]/Defense: [-]/Life: [-]/Speed: [-]/Skill: Horn blowing (Blowing the horn can improve the morale and combat effectiveness of our army. [-] level, with a radius of [-] meters).

The offense and defense are all [-], only life and speed, which made Leng Ye admire the hard work of the game designer.On the battlefield in the real world, don't trumpeters just risk their lives to blow the horn of battle!

"Husband, this horn really works. Sister Lanlan and I have increased the attributes of our whole body by [-] percent." Shuang'er said.

Leng Ye hurriedly checked his attributes, and was surprised to find that his magic and other attributes had also increased from [-] to [-], which was more than [-]!If the level is higher, the increase in this data will be even greater.And everyone else also got a [-] (percent) bonus.

The reason for such a situation, even a fool would probably think that it has something to do with the song "Dongfanghong" just now.

Just such a short half of the song increased the total attributes of everyone present by [-] (percent sign).If it is used on the battlefield, the fighting power of an army will be astonishing!
This unexpected discovery made Zhang Feng more confident about his own prospects, and made everyone present more confident in the development of Sword Demon Palace.You must know that for an elite army, this [-] (percentage) strength bonus is definitely not comparable to adding [-] people to [-] people.Moreover, everyone agrees that after the level of blowing the horn is improved, this bonus will be even greater.

This unexpected discovery made people feel the power of the bugler.Everyone present would believe that the magic weapon, as the trigger of the trumpeter profession, might have far more hidden power than that.

People who have never seen super artifacts and magic tools will blindly pursue them, and when these people see the magic tools, their blind pursuit instantly turns into desire...

"Brothers, the reason why Sword Demon Shrine is today is due to everyone's hard work. I, Leng Ye, would like to express my sincere thanks to you all. 'For meritorious service, you must be rewarded!', Shen Gong, and I, Leng Ye, will definitely not Treat anyone who has made any contribution to the shrine. The more effort you put in, the more you will gain. As long as your contribution is large enough, I will offer you divine artifacts, super divine artifacts, and even magical artifacts with both hands. Please You believe in me, Leng Ye, and you also believe in Jingu. I won’t say much, I wish you all good food and drink. Come, let’s toast to the bright future of Jingu!”

Leng Ye's short words once again stimulated the "heroes" of the Sword Demon God Palace, making them more passionate and ready to meet tomorrow's new challenges...

(End of this chapter)

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