Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 989 Punish Evil and Promote Good

Chapter 989 Punish Evil and Promote Good (2)
The life and death field of the Sword Demon God Palace is free for both internal and external parties, and this was approved at the gang representative meeting.The purpose of doing this is to attract more players who must be killed to come here to duel, so that gang members can learn more and learn more combat skills.After all, it is not ordinary people who can come here for a decisive battle.It has won the title of the most popular place of life and death for six times in a row.

At this moment, on the arena of Sword Demon City, two teams of people stood side by side.

To the east of the arena is the members of the Sword Demon Palace headed by Leng Ye, there are about dozens of them, all of them are elite members of the gang.To the west of the arena are members of the Assassin's Guild headed by Qin Wudi, and there are dozens of them. It can be seen from their attire that they are by no means ordinary people.

Leng Ye could have wiped out Qin Wudi and the others before they came in, but he didn't.It's not that he has any benevolence towards the traitors, on the contrary, he just wants to use the live broadcast system of the martial arts arena to publicize the faces of these traitors to the world, making them become street rats, and everyone shouts and beats them.

"Leng Ye, aren't you very cute? If you are brave enough to fight with me in the life and death arena, I will not be afraid of you even in the life and death arena of your gang!" Qin Wudi's words can be described as farting.The field of life and death is very fair in the game, no matter which gang is involved, they will be treated equally.

"TMD, killing you is not as easy as crushing an ant. Let's let you be crazy for a while, and you will look good later." Leng Ye suppressed his anger, laughed twice, and said: "The two of us go in Not a little too monotonous."

"What? All of you from the Sword Demon God Palace come in! I... I, the Fifth Emperor Qin, will never be afraid of you!" After hearing this, the Fifth Emperor Qin added: "As long as you are not afraid of outsiders saying that you are more bullied than you are."

Qin Wudi said so, which proves that he is still afraid.

There are generally three types of traitors: first, those who are greedy for money and lust; second, those who are greedy for life and fear death; third, those who are forced to do nothing.No matter what kind it is, once he betrays the righteousness of the nation and has something to do with these two words, then this person becomes the public enemy of the people, and his crime is unforgivable (of course, he can change his past without causing losses to the nation. may be able to obtain the understanding of the people).The will of traitors is generally very weak, and their positions are unstable and easily shaken, but they all have one thing in common, that is, they betray the righteousness of the nation for their own self-interest.Once a person becomes a traitor, that person will become more greedy for money and sex, or more greedy for life and fear of death, etc. As a result, people will hate him even more.

Leng Ye absolutely believed that among the dozens of people who came with Qin Wudi this time, there must be some who were not traitors or did not want to be traitors. The reason why they joined forces with Qin Wudi might be because they were forced to do so.Before causing any big losses to the China region, Leng Ye decided to give them a chance to turn around.So he said it out.

To Leng Ye's relief, when he mentioned that the Fifth Emperor Qin was a traitor, there were a total of 64 people, 42 of whom stood up and made it clear that they knew nothing about the Fifth Emperor Qin's collusion with the devils, and they were in front of Leng Ye. Empress Wa made a heavy oath in front of her.

(End of this chapter)

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