Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 990 Punish Evil and Promote Good

Chapter 990 Punish Evil and Promote Good (3)
However, maybe this group of people had been following the Fifth Emperor Qin for a long time, and they were more or less polluted by him. As soon as the vow was made, forty people were struck to death by lightning.

Seeing so many people died, Qin Wudi was happy instead. He never thought that a guy like himself who relied on killing and arson, selling women and children, and selling national treasures would have so many devoted followers.

However, Leng Ye was depressed.It is a good thing that these deserving people were struck to death by lightning, but it also just shows that they and the Five Emperors of Qin wore the same pair of pants.

Among the two people who swear an oath in front of Empress Nuwa, one of them is bald, named Almighty Mo Zhuangbi; the other is a man with long hair, named Pervert.Although Leng Ye thought that the people who could get along with Qin Wudi were not much better, but he guessed that no matter how bad these two people were, they would not be so bad that they would betray their country and seek glory.So, Leng Ye let the two go.

Leng Ye sighed, and said: "Qin Wudi, your people are dead and gone, and there are only 22 left. If you promise to the players in the whole China now that you will no longer be a traitor from now on, Stop being a running dog of the devil. I can still let you go, otherwise, you can take these 22 people to be buried with you!"

"Leng Ye, don't be stupid, this is just a game. For me, the most important thing is profit. I will do things for whoever gives me gold coins. This is justified. I admit that I have deals with the Japanese, but that It's all legitimate business dealings, and the price they offered was high, so I naturally sold the national treasure...and...the equipment to them." Having said this, Qin Wudi blushed one by one.

At this moment, the players who were watching the live broadcast on the big screens in the main cities of the system gritted their teeth and became furious when they heard the word "national treasure". , many people were dragged to jail for damaging public property.

At the same time, countless players flocked to Sword Demon City, all angry, wishing to tear the Five Emperors of Qin to pieces with their own hands.

Faced with such a shameless and plausible traitor, the players in China were completely outraged.

Leng Ye had heard Shui Rulan talk about the bad habits of the Five Emperors in reality, and it is assumed that he and the Japanese must have reached a certain deal in reality, otherwise he would not be so rampant and irrational.

"He said national treasure, is this intentional or unintentional? Could it be that he is going to make this deal with the Japanese again?" Such a thought suddenly flashed in Leng Ye's mind, and at this moment, his heart was about to explode.However, rationality defeated impulse, and Leng Ye's expression remained calm. He knew that even if his prediction was true, he must not startle the snake.

"Qin Wudi, since you say that, you are publicly going to be a traitor, and I will seek justice from you on behalf of the entire Chinese people! In the field of life and death, we will fight each other!" Leng Ye said angrily.

Qin Wudi's vigor had long since disappeared, and when Leng Ye said that he wanted to be singled out, his heart immediately became extremely cold.However, thick-skinned is his capital, so he used this specialty again.He pretended to be calm, smiled, and said, "You said before that it was too monotonous for the two of us to play, and I think it makes sense now. Well, I'll do what you want, and you pick out from your subordinates. A few, let's group P!" At the end, Qin Wudi added another sentence: "Dare you?"

(End of this chapter)

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