Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 993 Punish Evil and Promote Good

Chapter 993 Punish Evil and Promote Good (6)
Each field of life and death has two doors of space, and the number of people entering each door is [-]. One of them is a red door, and the other is a blue door, which are prepared for the two sides engaged in a life-and-death battle. The two doors are opened at the same time, and each door The opening time is [-] minutes.People who enter through the red door and those who enter through the blue door cannot meet each other immediately, because there is a horizontal transparent space wall in the middle of the field of life and death.The effective time of the wall of space is [-] to [-] minutes. Once the effective time is over, it will disappear automatically, which means that the decisive battle has officially begun.The reason for this setting is to allow the two parties in the war to have sufficient preparation time.Every time a person enters the door of space, there will be a button on the wall of the space. As long as the person presses the corresponding button, it means that he is ready.If the two sides prepare quickly, the wall of space can disappear immediately after [-] minutes. If the preparation is slow, there can only be [-] minutes of preparation time at most. fail.

The total area of ​​the field of life and death is [-]*[-] square meters. Before the game, it was separated by a wall of space, [-]*[-] square meters on each side.[-] people came in from Qin Wudi's side, and the average free space for each person was just over [-] square meters, which seemed relatively crowded. However, there were [-] people in Leng Ye's side, and the average free space for each person was close to [-] meters, which seemed quite crowded. loose.

After [-] minutes passed, the space doors on both sides automatically closed, and the atmosphere on both sides suddenly became tense.

The people on Qin Wudi's side had already pressed the button of the door of space, getting ready, holding weapons in their hands one by one, waiting for the wall of space to open.

The people on Leng Ye's side also pressed the button of the door of space, getting ready, holding weapons in their hands, waiting for the door of space to open.

However, what puzzled the spectators in the martial arts arena and all the players in the China region in front of the big screen watching the live broadcast was that the wall of space was not opened, making people have to wonder if there was a problem with the system.

"Master Leng, let's press the button again!" Qin Wudi was a little anxious, and shouted to Leng Ye on the other side of the wall.

"Master, the wall of space is sound-proof, so you won't be able to hear him even if you shout loudly." One of Qin Wudi's younger brothers hastily reminded him.

That's right, in order to make it easier for the two sides in the battle (there are more than [-] people on each side of the battle) to arrange tactics, there is such a setting in the field of life and death: before the wall of space is opened, each independent space in the space field It is an absolutely closed existence and will not be affected by the outside world. Of course, any situation that happens inside each party preparing to fight will not affect the outside world.Therefore, even if Qin Wudi broke his throat, no one would hear him.

"Who the hell hasn't pressed it? Check again!" Qin Wudi said to his depressed opponent, and then he was the first to run over, stretched out his right index finger, and pressed hard on the corresponding button on the wall of space one time.

Soon, the 23 people on Qin Wudi's side completed another round of confirmation.However, what puzzled almost everyone was that the wall of space was still not opened.

(End of this chapter)

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