Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 994 Punish Evil and Promote Good

Chapter 994 Punish Evil and Promote Good (7)
"Guangzhu, let's confirm it too, shall we? To avoid people saying that we are timid and fearful." Zhang Feng said with a big mouth.

Leng Ye nodded, and was the first to walk over to the corresponding button, stretched out his right index finger, and pressed hard on the corresponding button on the wall of space.Then, the others followed suit.

The last one to confirm is black and white impermanence.I have to admit that the effect of the reincarnation system on the player's appearance is indeed obvious.Before the reincarnation, Black and White Wuchang's face was so dark that it was almost as black as charcoal, but after reincarnation, the effect of blackness was no longer so obvious.Today's black and white impermanence is a bit like Bao Qingtian, a legendary figure in ancient China (on TV).

The big screen of the live broadcast also deliberately made a close-up of Black and White Wuchang, and finally the camera fell on his equally black right index finger.In the expectant eyes of everyone, Heiheiwuchang lightly pressed his finger on the button on the wall of space.

One click, it won't work... Press it again, it still won't work...

What puzzled and disappointed everyone in front of the big screen was that no matter how hard black and white impermanence was, the wall of space never disappeared.

"TMD, is the wall of space broken!" Qin Wudi was furious, and began to curse.

At this moment, Shuang'er on Leng Ye's side suddenly yelled: "Look, Liuzhier, it's Liuzhier!" Shuang'er pointed at the opposite side of the space wall.

Leng Ye looked in the direction of Shuang'er's finger, and was surprised to find that a guy dressed as a thief was playing with a dagger boringly on the opposite side, and the right hand holding the dagger actually had six fingers.

The degree of intelligence of the system is really high.Just a moment after Shuang'er screamed, there was already a close-up of the thief's right hand on the big screen.As soon as it was exposed, people who watched the live broadcast immediately cursed, and none of the eighteen generations of ancestors of the six-fingered thieves was spared.

That's all for the outsiders, but at this moment, the players who were sitting around the arena watching the live performance couldn't hold their breath anymore, and instead of cursing at the six-fingered thieves in the arena, they even rushed down the stage, trying to make space The door was broken, so Jin Dao and others had to maintain the atmosphere at the scene.

However, people inside the space field can't see or hear the actions of outsiders at all, otherwise, Qin Wudi might also be ruthless and kill the six-fingered thief to appease the public anger.

"Master, I know him, I know him!" Wine Bottle suddenly exclaimed.

"You mean thieves?" Leng Ye doubted.

"Yes, the gang leader. He is the boss of the 'No Origin Gang', the Thief of Six Fingers! He is not good at fighting, but his skills as a thief are superb, ranking second in Lingyun," said Wine Bottle.

Without this gang?Six-fingered thief?Leng Ye had never heard of it before, but he murmured in his heart: "Qin Wudi can even invite such capable people. It seems that I really underestimated him." Then he thought: " In a decisive battle between life and death, why would he bring a thief here?"

"Could it be?" Thinking about it, Leng Ye fought a cold war, and couldn't help admiring the despicable and insidious Qin Wudi.

In the field of life and death, there are no restrictions on the warring parties.As long as the wall of space is opened, no matter what method you use, whether it is a literary fight or a violent fight, the system will consider it legal (of course, those protections for women still exist).The only condition for leaving the field of life and death alive is to clear all the opponent's levels to zero.

(End of this chapter)

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