Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 996 Punish Evil and Promote Good

Chapter 996 Punish Evil and Promote Good (9)
That grievance in Six Fingers Thief's heart!He wished he could steal all of Qin Wudi's wife and mother.However, he had to endure, who could he tell the pain in his heart!After being scolded, he also had to try to press eleven fingers on the buttons on the wall of space one by one, hoping for a miracle to happen.To be honest, as a thief, it was really the first time that Six Fingers had entered the field of life and death, and now he resented that he had no experience before.

Just as the Thief of Six Fingers stretched out his slender and slender hands and pressed the corresponding button on the wall of space, all those who followed this life-and-death battle held their breath, expecting his perfect performance.

However, I don't know if the heavens are deliberately helping the big man to traitor the Five Emperors of Qin. After No. 11 of the Thief of Six Fingers pressed the button heavily, the wall of space still did not disappear, which disappointed everyone again.

The eleven consecutive test failures not only did not free Six Fingers from being suspected, but on the contrary aggravated his guilt, leaving him speechless.Who told him to grow an extra finger to disrupt the balance of the game!At this moment, I am afraid that even the aggrieved Six-fingered Thief is resenting why his mother had to give birth to an extra finger.

At this moment, behind Leng Ye, a tall, thin and handsome "big boy" felt very bored. At this moment, he was actually playing a "finger game".Perhaps affected by the "six-finger incident", he stretched out the little finger of his left hand, which was much longer than the average person, and with his right hand as the palm, lowered his head, and started to cut carrots, just like a chef.

This big boy's name is Potato Fries. He is tall and thin as his name suggests. He is a hidden professional Boneless Sanren. It is said that he is the successor of the Boneless Sanren.According to Jin Knife, French Fries is the son of a comrade-in-arms of one of Jin Knife's old bosses, so Leng Ye has to show face to his elder brother no matter what, and besides, to Leng Ye, it doesn't matter whether there is one more person or one less in this battle .

There is a saying that "the speaker has no intention, but the listener has intention". Once upon a time, this saying has been evolved into "the doer has no intention, but the seer has intention".Unexpectedly, when French fries were playing the "finger cutting" game, his action was seen by a "caring person" on the other side of the wall of space.The caring person was none other than Zou Gongjin, one of the two most popular people around Qin Wudi.

Zou Gongjin, known as Qiao Gongjin, is knowledgeable and talented. He thinks he is smart, but he is not without righteousness and has many crooked ideas.

As the saying goes: bad guys are not scary, what is scary is that bad guys are educated.Take the most basic murder, arson and QJ as examples.Generally speaking, an ordinary villain with no cultural background can at most use knives and guns to kill people, while a knowledgeable "capable person" can develop bacteria and kill with atomic bombs; It is to burn down a house, a building, and the educated villain will bomb Iraq with planes; the ordinary villain will do irrational QJ behavior to a certain extent, and then he will be punished for his behavior However, a well-educated villain would think of seducing a woman with money, having a second wives and a third wives, and a third wives and a fifth wives. Once the financial crisis broke out, he would even think of a lover's big PK (you can search for it on the Internet in Qingdao A rich businessman took care of five mistresses, and layoffs due to the financial crisis).

(End of this chapter)

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