Online Game Lucky Lazy Egg

Chapter 997 Punish Evil and Promote Good

Chapter 997 Punish Evil and Promote Good (10)
And Zou Gongjin himself is such an educated villain. Not only is he bad himself, he also does it himself, and he often comes up with some "smart" ideas for the Five Emperors of Qin. It is also by virtue of this "smartness" that he gradually gets the reputation of being a gangster. Appreciation of the Five Emperors of Qin.Another characteristic of Zou Gongjin is that his ears can move, as long as his ears move, his bad ideas will come out immediately.

No, his ears moved again when he saw the French fries "playing vegetable cutting".

"Guard master, according to the regulations of the life and death field, the person who enters the life and death field can only open the wall of space by pressing the corresponding button with his right index finger. In my opinion, the reason why the wall of space does not disappear is probably because the six fingers of Liu Zhier let it go. The system is confused, if we..." Zou Gongjin made every move while speaking.

Zou Gongjin has been with Qin Wudi for not a day or two, so as soon as he made this action, Qin Wudi immediately understood what he meant.

"A small amount is not a gentleman, and non-toxic is not a husband!" Qin Wudi repeated his code of conduct again in his heart, and then walked to the front of Liuzhi Thief, coughed, and said his thoughts.

In Lingyun, due to the high degree of simulation, when people fight with people or people fight with monsters, if the attack is too high and the position is accurate, there is a certain chance that the person or monster will be killed under the premise that the opponent is not dead. The "extra part" of the monster hits down.The so-called redundant part refers to the part other than the head for humans, but not necessarily for monsters.This kind of attack that knocks out the "excess part" is the legendary eight times weak point attack in the game.However, the chance of him appearing is very low. After repeated calculations by chaos mathematicians, it is about one in ten thousand.The reason why it is so low is because ordinary people or monsters die before they have a chance to taste this taste.Of course, for humans, unless there is an accident, the part that is knocked out can be regenerated, and the regeneration time is limited to within [-] minute after being knocked out, and it is between [-] and [-] seconds depending on the strength of the attacker's strike and the position. Float inside.

"Master Qin, you want to chop off my fingers, isn't that too cruel?" Six Fingers Thief said depressedly.For the Thief of Six Fingers, if he was killed immediately by Qin Wudi, he would have nothing to say.However, if your fingers are stomped off, you will become a "five-fingered thief", and your reputation will be ruined. It will be difficult to "take jobs" again in the future.

"Liuzhi, your sister is indeed very beautiful! But don't worry, my brothers are all strong and strong, and I guarantee that she will not be lonely..." Qin Wudi laughed lewdly.

"Stop talking! Do it! Qin Wudi, if you dare to touch a single hair of my sister, I will definitely not make it easier for you!" The Six-fingered thief said angrily, and stretched out the little finger of his right hand helplessly.

Qin Wudi was cruel and ruthless, he could even hurt his biological parents for personal gain, so how could he take a little six-fingered thief in his eyes? go.

(End of this chapter)

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