Marvel's King of the Undead

Chapter 18 The Man Who Rided Iron Man

Chapter 18 The Man Who Rided Iron Man
There was silence in the dark sky, and suddenly, a group of bright lights rose rapidly from the ground, like a shooting star across the sky, breaking the original tranquility.

"Oh that's cool."

The light was Tony, with Wayne hanging on his lap like a monkey.

I saw Wayne pulling the armor's thigh with one hand, and while avoiding the flames from the thrusters in a hurry, he yelled as he watched the scenery fly past the ground.

As if he thought it was boring to entertain himself alone, Wayne reached out and tapped the chest of the armor, and said with some dissatisfaction:

"Hey Tony, it's so cool that you don't talk!"

"Aren't you afraid of falling to your death!"

Although the voice from the armor has been processed mechanically, the helplessness of the owner of the voice can still be heard.

"Don't worry, Tony, I'm jumping the plane. It's more exciting than the plane! I'm a little hot from the fire!"

Wayne grabbed the armor's arm with his other hand, and then he pushed his hands together, turning his whole body upwards, and sat directly on the armor's waist.

"I'm sitting tight, speed up, Tony!"

Wayne, who was riding on the armor, supported the shoulders of the armor with both hands, and posed for a motorcycle.

"Damn kid" Tony complained silently in his heart.If it wasn't for the inconvenience now, Tony really wanted to beat him up on the spot.

Tucao to Tucao, Tony still speeded up the flight.Human beings have a heartfelt longing for flying, and finally achieved the goal, and Tony is ready to enjoy the fun of flying.

Tony, who was flying vigorously, suddenly noticed that Wayne on his body had quieted down. He turned around in surprise, and saw Wayne leaning sideways, picked up the mobile phone he had given him, and made a gesture to himself who was turning around. 2. Press the shutter with a click.

"Wayne! You bastard, delete this picture!"

The anger that was finally calmed down was successfully stirred up by Wayne again.

It's not that Tony doesn't accept taking selfies with Wayne, but he can't accept the pose.

With Wayne's character, Tony can already imagine that Wayne will post the photo on the Internet, and maybe even name the photo the first double flight.Then the next day, all major editions of the newspapers were full of photos of himself being ridden by Wayne.

What will follow will be some ambiguous eyes from some people.Thinking of this, Tony couldn't help but shudder.

"Hey, it's a memorable moment, Tony, and I'll put him on my Facebook page as a memento."

Wayne pressed save casually, and said with some satisfaction.

Looking at Wayne who was still about to pick up his phone and prepare to take pictures, Tony immediately changed direction:
"Jarvis, full speed, fly up!"

The sudden change of direction caught Wayne a little off guard, and he put the phone away in a hurry. Wayne could only maintain his balance by tightly grasping the armor's shoulders with both hands.

"What are you doing, Tony! I can't even take pictures."

"Just so you can't take pictures."

Tony, who was complaining silently in his heart again, ignored Wayne, but continued to say to Jarvis: "Keep going higher and test the limit of the armor."

"Tony, it's getting colder!"

"External armor has freezing conditions, sir"

Ignoring Jarvis' warning and Wayne's complaints, Tony continued to fly upwards. He needed to find the limits and deficiencies of the armor so that he could make targeted adjustments later.

"Hiss" followed by two flashes of sparks, and the propeller lost power in an instant.

"We're freezing, Wayne." Tony didn't panic, and slowly said to Wayne who was behind him.

"I'm also...frozen."

At this time, Wayne had shrunk to a lump, completely frozen on the armor, and replied tremblingly: "We are falling! This is the second time Tony!"

Feeling his own rapid descent, Wayne swore he would never do anything Tony was driving again!
The last time I escaped, I fell right after taking off.Although it lasted a little longer this time, it still couldn't escape the fate of falling.

"Don't panic."

Tony's voice was still calm, and he stretched out his hand and twisted the ring on his leg, just when the armor was about to collide with the road.

The huge reasoning of "Boom" came again, and when they were less than 2 meters away from the ground, they flew up to the sky again.

"Hahaha, how could I make these low-level mistakes." Feeling the fast flying speed of the armor, Tony laughed wildly from the armor, and then drove the armor towards home.

"Boom." There was another loud bang, and the armor smashed through the ground and landed directly on the negative floor.

Feeling that his spine was broken, Wayne yelled at Tony who was still excited:
"You're fucked, Tony is a big shit!"

In the next few days, because Wayne had a psychological shadow, he didn't pester Tony to take him out to fly again.Without Wayne's interference, Tony's armor is also gradually improving.

And while Tony was testing the armor, Wayne and Fatty weren't idle either.

"Stephen, can you help me find someone online?"

Looking at the little fat man who was checking the schedule of the President of the United States again, Wayne was a little worried that he had developed feelings for the President of the United States.

"No problem, this is trivial to Black King."

During this period of time, the little fat man also knew that he became a legend in the hacker world, and he also called himself the Black King, which means the king of the Matrix Empire, and also supported various departments and organizations One sound.

"A man named Wade Johnson was tested with me, Canadian, yes, that's him."

Looking at a bunch of photos called Wade Johnson that the little fat man pulled out, Wayne suddenly found the person he was looking for.

In less than 5 minutes, the little fat man proficiently found out all of Wade's consumption records, as well as the information captured by the street cameras.

After 2 years of blank information, this information was re-recorded last month. It is clear from the video that Wade goes shopping and grocery shopping with a woman every day.

"He's still alive!" Wayne was a little surprised, "Can you find his contact information?"

"Of course it's no problem. I'll call him directly for you." The little fat man said something into his phone, and then handed the phone over to Wayne.

"Hello? Who are you?"

Hearing the familiar voice from the mobile phone, Wayne said excitedly, "Hey, Wade, it's me, Wayne."

"Aha? Wayne?" The voice on the other end of the phone was also a little surprised.

"Why did you escape by yourself? I was thinking about saving you every day. But you know, I was imprisoned for two years. I finally got out. I must spend more time with Vanessa. You won't die anyway. You don't blame me, do you?"

"You beast."

Wayne rolled his eyes.

"I think our revenge plan can already start, do you have any idea?"

"not yet."

Wade's voice was a little frustrated.He has also been looking for clues for revenge for a while, but all he has caught so far are little Luo Luo who doesn't know much information.

"I think we can start with the orphanage where I grew up. At least the dean of the orphanage should know Francis. Is it convenient for you to come to New York now?"

Wayne suggested.

"No problem, I'll bring Vanessa with me to show you the real beauty."

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(End of this chapter)

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