Marvel's King of the Undead

Chapter 19 Abbas in Imprisonment

Chapter 19 Abbas in Imprisonment

"Stephen, what do you think we should do in the future?"

It was already the second night after talking on the phone with Deadpool. Wayne lay on the sofa and said to the little fat man who was playing with his mobile phone while he was bored.

Although Wayne and Fatty stayed at Tony's house during this period, they could eat the high-end food that they could only see on TV every day, and they didn't have to listen to boring classes, and they didn't have to worry about being sent to clean the toilet in the afternoon. .

But Wayne somewhat misses the self-supporting life in the orphanage. Orphans usually have stronger self-esteem than ordinary people. This may be used to cover up their inferiority complex, or it may be to prove that they are not weaker than others.

Although Tony doesn't care about paying for Wayne's future living expenses, which is a drop in the bucket for Tony, who has tens of billions of assets, but Wayne hopes to use his ability to get the life he wants, rather than being like a parasite Same with Tony.

What's more, he now has the ability that most people dream of.

"Being a hacker?" The little fat man didn't even look up.

"Being a hacker? You are really worthless. In fact, I have always wanted to form a team, similar to mercenaries, but the number does not need to be large, just like a special agent team."

Wayne looked at the little fat man with disgust.

Ever since he knew he was a mutant, Wayne knew that he had embarked on a completely different path from before. In the past, Wayne's dream was just to open a hot pot restaurant.

Although he also dreamed of becoming a billionaire, he understands that for an orphan, this dream is too far away. Opening a hot pot in New York is already very remarkable.

After possessing the ability, Wayne suddenly discovered that he was no longer an ordinary orphan. After awakening, the ability allowed him to easily do things that ordinary people could not imagine, so Wayne's dream was changed to become a billionaire. Millionaire, open a hot pot restaurant by the way.

Ever since he saw the sizable arsenal of mercenaries in the Middle East, Wayne has become very interested in this business. In his opinion, even those mediocre mercenaries can earn so much money. If he forms an elite team, with his own ingenuity, it is not impossible to catch up with Tony!

Thinking of this, Wayne once again wanted to thank his ability. Without it, he could only be a member of the mediocre crowd, but now, he can do it for the charming money, no, for that Young dreams to fight for.

"I haven't figured out where the team can make money conveniently before, but now your ability has made me discover the first direction for us to make money!"

Wayne, who became more and more excited as he thought about it, jumped up from the sofa, snatched the cell phone from the little fat man's hand, and did not ask the little fat man's wishes. Wayne, who had already forced him into a team member, looked at the little fat man. The fat man said seriously.

"Ah? What's the first direction?" The little fat man was a little confused.

"Be a hacker! Steal information from major organizations and companies, and sell information. Isn't that what spies do in movies?"

Wayne looked around and whispered to the little fat man.It seems to be afraid that Tony will know his top secret idea and steal his idea in order to prevent his assets from surpassing him.

"Didn't you just say that hackers have no future?"

The little fat man was even more confused, but he clearly remembered the look of contempt on Wayne's face after he said he was a hacker just now.

"We are agents! Agents, do you understand? Although we do the same thing, the force is different."

Wayne patiently explained that in order to ensure that the first member of the organization understood his good intentions.

"For example, Tony went to the street and kissed an old lady forcibly, that would be gossip news, and the major entertainment weekly magazines would report it the next day. But if you went to the street and kissed an old lady forcibly, it would be waiting for you the next day It's a prison meal."

".Why would I go to the street and forcefully kiss the old lady."

The little fat man was a little frightened.

"It's also a lumbar intervertebral disc, why do you protrude so much!"

Wayne was a little broken, and he finally came up with a suitable metaphor, but the little fat man's focus was indeed kissing the old lady forcibly.

"Hey, Stephen, if you didn't grow up with me, I wouldn't even invite you to join the team. Your IQ will lower the average level of our team."

Sighing, Wayne said to the little fat man with the expression of you coming to thank me and I opened the back door for you.

"Have you ever asked me about my wishes?" The little fat man twitched the corner of his mouth, and continued to ask, "Who else is in our organization?"

"Well, it's you and me at the moment." Wayne paused: "When Wade comes, I will ask him what he means. I heard that he is a professional mercenary and can help us avoid many detours."

The little fat man didn't answer, he felt that he was on a boat of thieves, his future was dark, and there was no light in his future.

"Okay, Stephen. Let's try our hands, starting from the orphanage. We need to make preparations for our operation tomorrow."

After patting the dazed little fat man, Wayne returned the phone to him.

"Okay, let me hack into the surveillance system of the orphanage."

The little fat man took the phone and felt that what he was doing now seemed to be like the preparations made by the agents in the movie before going out to carry out the mission, and he couldn't help but get a little excited.

Both Wayne and Fatty are very familiar with the distribution of monitoring equipment in the orphanage.The orphanage doesn't have many means of entertainment, so the orphans can only pass their time through various boring things.

Wayne and Fatty once spent a whole day counting the number of surveillance cameras in the orphanage.

After three checks, they found that the orphanage has a total of 47 cameras, of which 46 are located in the orphanage, and one is facing the gate of the orphanage.

Following the little fat man's silent recitation, all the surveillance images of the orphanage were quickly displayed on the phone.

Because the screen of the mobile phone is too small, the little fat man projects the screen of the mobile phone onto the wall through the device.

Due to the relatively late hour, the orphanage seemed a little quiet at this time, except for the bright lights on the dormitory building, there were only a few dim street lights on the playground and aisles.

"Wayne, we seem to have made a mistake before. Why can I see 48 surveillance images here?"

Suddenly, the little fat man patted Wayne who was researching the infiltration route, and exclaimed in surprise, and then enlarged and projected the 48th picture found on the phone onto the wall.

The 48th monitor seems to be in a room with no windows, only a simple iron bed and a somewhat broken wooden bench.

At this time, a man covered in blood was lying on the somewhat rusty iron bed.

The man was lying on his side beside the iron bed, his clothes were a little torn, covered with blood, and his messy hair covered half of the man's face.

"This person seems familiar. I'm afraid he has just been tortured."

Looking at the picture in front of him, Wayne immediately thought of the scene when he was tortured.

"Damn! This man is Abbas!"

There was a roar from the side, and when Wayne turned his head, he saw the little fat man staring at the video on the monitor with red eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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