Marvel's King of the Undead

Chapter 200 We Are Finished

Chapter 200 We Are Finished
Take up the scepter,
In this messy ruin,

The gemstone at the top of the scepter was still shining brightly without any dust, and the golden handle underneath was also clean as new.

just got it

A cool energy came from the scepter,

It shook Wayne's previously tired spirit, as if he had encountered an oasis in a dry desert.

Turn on the headset,

wayne says:

"Tony, I've found a way to close this big hole in the sky."


A noise turns,

The voice finally became clear.

"We're in big trouble, Wayne, a nuke is coming our way."

"Nuclear bomb?"

Wayne's eyes widened in disbelief.

Although he doesn't pay attention to the knowledge of weapons, he still knows the most basic common sense.

nuclear bomb,

Generally, it is used as a manifestation of a strong national power and a deep deterrent.

This kind of destructive weapon is theoretically impossible to use.

not to mention,
The location used this time turned out to be New York,
In this city with a population of nearly 1000 million, even if a large number of citizens have fled in the chaos, there are at least a few million people left in this city.

"Are those people crazy?"

Wayne said without thinking.

It is estimated that the most vicious villain in the world would not have the idea of ​​dropping a nuclear bomb on New York.

"They don't believe we can defend against this alien invasion, eh, politicians."

Tony's voice was tired and sarcastic.

"What should we do now?"

Wayne panicked.

Even though he has the ability to be immortal, he still panics.

Almost all his friends are in New York,

Tony is fighting aliens,
Wade who might be dating at the villa,

Fatty, Liao, and Adonis who are rushing here.

If the nuclear bomb really exploded in New York, even if he survived,

Then he has only life left.

everything else,



will all be gone.

"I have to stop this nuke."

Before Tony could answer, Wayne spoke again.

"Hahaha. Don't panic, I've figured out a way, Wayne."

Tony smiled and said,
The whole tone is a little relaxed,

some relief,

Some regret,

Silence for two seconds,
Tony said again:

"Bye, Wayne."




"Where are you?"

Wayne pressed the headset with one hand and kept talking.

All he got was a busy tone.

Suddenly he realized something.

hold the scepter,

The constant cooling sensation not only failed to calm Wayne's mood, but made him even more anxious.

Looked up,
Wayne jumped onto the tallest building around,

The perception ability is opened up by him to the maximum extent,

A trace across the sky,
A white warhead is flying towards New York with a long flame,

And directly below the warhead,

A red figure is firmly attached to the missile, as if trying to push the warhead into the portal above.


Found Tony's figure, although he was lying on the nuclear bomb, but Wayne was relieved.

Just knowing Tony's plan,
turn around,
Wayne jumped off the building,

Holding the scepter, he came to the old man.

At this time, the old man was still immersed in his excitement of saving New York.

"Hey, big trouble is coming."

Wayne patted the silly old man and said.

"What's the big trouble?"

The old man was taken aback,
The dangling hands froze in the air.

"A nuclear bomb is coming soon."

Wayne said slowly.

"Nuclear bomb?"

The old man jumped up,


He is much clearer than Wayne about the power of nuclear bombs.

"Yeah, so, you want to save New York one more time?"

Wayne shrugged.

After thinking about some problems, there was no pressure. At this time, Wayne felt relaxed.

"How to save."

The old man forcibly calmed down,
After experiencing alien abduction and alien invasion, the old man seemed much braver.

"Take this."

Wayne threw the scepter in his hand to the old man, and continued:
"Wait a while, someone will push the nuclear bomb into the portal above, and you will guard here with the scepter, and when you see that person enters the portal, you will immediately destroy the machine."

"Can it be done?"

Wayne patted the old man and said.


Holding the scepter, the old man hesitated and replied.

"But who pushed the nuclear bomb in? Wouldn't he die if he pushed it in?"

After a while, the old man came to his senses.

He raised his head and wanted to ask the boy in front of him,
But I only saw the boy's figure suddenly jumping onto the Stark Building.


Wayne inserted one hand directly into the glass of the Stark Tower, and then continued to use force, and the whole person flew upward again.

side climb up,

Wayne took out his cell phone from his pocket and dialed the fat man's number.

"Hello, Stephen?"

"I'm coming soon, the road here is too difficult to walk!"

over the phone,

The little fat man said out of breath.

"Okay, can you find out where Tony is?"


The little fat man closes his eyes,

in his brain,

The whole of New York has become another picture, one full of online world.

In this online world, the armor on Tony's body is like a red light bulb, moving at high speed.

"Can you hack Jarvis?"

Wayne has come to the roof,

A gold bracelet was found behind Tony's bar.

"Hey, are you trying to do something bad?"

The little fat man suddenly laughed softly,
It seemed that he had been with Liao for a long time, and there was a trace of obscenity in the little fat man's laughter.

"Can you?"

Putting the bracelet on his hand, Wayne looked up and saw that Tony was not far away.


The little fat man answered decisively.

Although Jarvis is considered the most advanced artificial intelligence on earth, in front of him, he is as fragile as a newborn baby.

"Listen to my instructions later and remove the armor on Tony's body."

Wayne walked slowly to the edge of the building.

at this time,

A few hundred meters away from him, Tony was flying over with the nuclear bomb.

getting closer and closer,

At last,
The nuclear bomb and Tony almost changed direction by rubbing against the side of Stark Tower,

The moment Tony successfully raised the nuclear warhead.

"Now, Stephen!"


Tony, who had successfully deflected the trajectory of the nuclear bomb, heard a familiar voice before he could be happy.

it seems that,
The sound of armor being lifted.

Then, the sense of weightlessness came.


With panicked screams,
Tony was thrown out of the armor directly and fell from the sky.

Just when Tony was about to fall to the top of the Stark Tower,
Wayne, who had been preparing for a long time, jumped up and caught Tony in the air.

"Hahaha, is bungee jumping exciting?"

After landing,
Wayne put Tony on the ground and asked with a smile.

The panicked expression on Tony's face still did not disappear, he stretched out his hand, pointed to the sky behind Wayne and said:
"We're screwed, Wayne."


look back,
Wayne took a look,
The nuclear bomb that was supposed to go directly into the portal flew halfway, and the flames of the thrusters suddenly disappeared.

Weak succession,

The nuclear bomb fell straight down from the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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