Marvel's King of the Undead

Chapter 201 I will come again

Chapter 201 I will be back
The nuclear bomb falls feebly,
directly below it,

Wayne and Tony stared dumbfounded at the big killer slowly falling towards them.

"How does this thing work?"

Just glanced at the nuclear bomb in the sky,

Wayne quickly lowered his head, raised the metal ring on his wrist, and asked Tony.

Although the development of the matter was somewhat unexpected, but fortunately, he had made two-handed preparations before.


Tony was slightly taken aback when he saw the familiar bracelet.

I also have a bracelet like this in my hand, but that bracelet has been damaged with the shattering of the armor.

reach out
Tony tried to snatch the bracelet from Wayne's hand, the body supported by Wayne jerked up, grabbed the wrist of Wayne's wrist with both hands, clasped the bracelet with ten fingernails and pulled it out.

The blue veins on his arms tensed up suddenly, and his pale cheeks flushed red at this moment.

A few seconds later, Tony suddenly felt that this thought,
very childish,
Wayne simply lifted his wrist slightly, and one hand caught the bracelet, making his actions futile.

The power contest between the two is like a tug of war between an ant and an elephant.

Tony moved Wayne's arm with all his strength, but found that what he was holding was like a steel bar,
No matter how hard you try, you will still remain motionless.

"We're out of time, Tony."

Wayne stared at Tony expressionlessly and said, his tone was a little calm but very serious.

Wayne, who had always had a hippie smile, suddenly seemed to be a different person.

The previous naughtiness and laziness have all disappeared,

It seems that an alien invasion directly matured Wayne.

In his perception, the falling speed of the nuclear bomb has become faster and faster,

They have no time to hesitate.

Tony froze for a moment, subconsciously looked up at the sky,

The nuclear bomb in the sky above is printed in angry eyes.


The hands holding Wayne's arms fell to the ground feebly, and Tony closed his eyes tightly with a distorted expression.

this moment,
Tony's heart was extremely tangled, and all kinds of emotions suddenly rushed into his heart.


lean less,
Tony opened his eyes.
His eyes were red, but he still held back his tears.


Tony said slowly.

As soon as the voice fell,
The wall not far away suddenly cracked,

There are sets of steel armor neatly arranged on the wall,
"call out."

One of the suits of armor seems to have felt a call,

Flying directly from the wall, a beam of infrared rays shot out from the armor and precisely printed on the bracelet on Wayne's wrist.


This suit of armor spreads rapidly through the air,

Wayne stood up, stretched out his hands,

"click, click, click"

The armor was automatically divided into several parts and covered his body, and then connected automatically,

After more than half a year,
Wayne finally puts on his armor again.

"Now this wearable technology is much more advanced than before."

After putting on the armor, Wayne looked at Tony and said.


Without waiting for Tony to answer,


Thrusters jerk on,
Dazzling flames spread from the soles of the feet,
Wayne drove the armor towards the nuclear warhead,
"Jarvis, how long before the nuclear bomb explodes?"

inside the armor,
Wayne looked at the familiar interface in front of him and asked.

"One minute and thirty seconds, Wayne."

"Enough, all energy is used to power the thrusters."


The armor sped up again,
Since Wayne had had experience flying with the armor many times when he helped Tony design the armor, he was very proficient in operating it at this time.


Wayne came near the nuclear warhead,

Hugging the nuclear warhead, carefully holding the nuclear bomb firmly in his arms,
Turning around, Wayne flew straight towards the huge space portal in the sky.

along the way,

No soldiers stopped Wayne,
The aliens don't seem to know what the metal Wayne is holding is.

"There are still 30 seconds until the nuclear bomb explodes."

Jarvis' chime came,
at this time,

Wayne has come within the range of the portal,

As soon as he approached the portal, Wayne keenly felt the difference here,

Streams of space energy are constantly escaping towards the surroundings,

Various spaces intersect,

Perception is constantly distorted by space energy,

The distance is closer,
Wayne can even see the scene behind the portal through the portal,
It was an empty, dark space,

The sporadic flashes seem to be the stars shining in the distance,

"Rush over."

without hesitation,

Wayne gave Jarvis another order.

"Is there anything you'd like to say to the others, Wayne."


Jarvis said proactively.

The mechanical tone was as cold as ever, but it made Wayne feel a trace of human warmth.

"Tell them, wait for me, I will come back."

half an hour,

Wayne suddenly smiled.

Looking behind the portal again,
Look at the spaceships that are ready to go and the whale monsters that keep coming.

The smile on the face turned into a hideous one,

"Go to hell!"

the other side,
The chaos in New York continues,

Except for a few people who saw a bright red armor rushing into the portal, more people were still fighting with the alien soldiers in front of them.

near Stark Tower,
Next to the machine that opened the portal,

The old man held the gorgeous scepter in both hands, staring at the head with his eyes intently,

The hands holding the scepter trembled slightly,
at this time,

A scientist in his mid-fifties has millions of lives in his hands.

"Is this man Tony Stark?"

The old man squinted his eyes and murmured.

Although his eyes are not good,

But the red color of the bag was so dazzling that the old man directly spotted the figure advancing in the opposite direction against a group of alien soldiers.

"Good luck."


The figure disappeared before his eyes,

After the old man silently prayed for the figure in his heart,

Tremblingly, he raised the scepter and aimed it at the machine in front of him.

Stabbed without hesitation,

a soft sound,
It's like popping a balloon with a needle,
The indestructible energy shield explodes directly after encountering the gem on the top of the scepter,

The scepter successfully broke through the defense of the energy shield and directly pierced into the machine.


Sparks start to flicker,
No matter how sophisticated a machine is, it can only have one ending after being destroyed.


A little spark came from the machine,


As if causing a chain reaction, the machine began to tremble violently.


The blue energy column piercing through the sky suddenly disappeared,
Losing the energy supply, the huge portal in the sky also began to gradually disappear.

at the same time,


Tony struggled to get up from the ground,
The scene of Wayne rushing into the portal seemed to be constantly replaying in his mind.

Staggering to the edge of Stark Tower,

Tony happened to see the old man pull the scepter out of the machine. At this time, the whole machine was completely damaged.


Tony clenched his fists tightly, then raised his head to stare at the ever-narrowing passage, and murmured, "Come out, Wayne!"

Until the portal disappears,

There was still no sign of Wayne in the sky.


Tony fell to the ground unconsciously, staring blankly at the sky, his mind blank.

a long time,

Suddenly, a familiar voice came out of the headset.

"Wait for me, I will be back."

 Come back with recommended tickets and monthly tickets! ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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