Marvel's King of the Undead

Chapter 303 Are you looking down on me?

Chapter 303 Are you looking down on me?

Wayne's eyes instantly turned cold, and the way he looked at the big man was like looking at a dead person.

The ambient temperature did not actually change at all.

But all the people present couldn't help shivering all of a sudden.

This deterrence,

It is not caused by changes in the external environment, but more of an influence that directly acts on the soul.

"Has the sky changed?"

After the leading man finished speaking,

Feeling the coldness from the heart, he suddenly muttered.

As an ordinary man, he

Though a seasoned criminal,

But he didn't have the slightest understanding of the metaphysics of aura, so he could only judge based on his experience.

"This group of unlucky children is finished."

Pete turned his head to look at Wayne behind him, and immediately began to mourn for the gangsters in his heart.

In his opinion,

Wayne, who has long been famous in the world of superpowers, is obviously much more vicious than this fledgling rookie.

Two soy sauce skeleton men came out of the line,
Although the sudden cold made them a little strange, they still chose to carry out the boss's order honestly.

It's just that the two detoured a little while passing Pete,
The grievances and entanglements between their organization and Pete have not lasted for a day or two. If it is true, it is really a heroic story.

Although the transvestites in front of him didn't kill any members of their organization,

But since this time,

This transvestite has already disabled dozens of their brothers, and now there are still two of them lying in the hospital.

So don't look at the two brothers who chanted loudly just now, saying that today is the death day of this transvestite,

But the physical movements still followed my heart honestly.


The two came to Wayne,

After thinking about the distance between themselves and Pete, the two gangsters became more courageous, and their waists, which had been hunched before, straightened instantly.

Wanda stood behind Wayne without moving,
The words of the gangster leader just now did not make her emotions fluctuate in any way. After staying in Hydra for such a long time, her mentality is no longer like that of an ordinary girl.

This kind of meaningless insult, in Wanda's view, is just the last noise made by ignorant people before they die.

"Are you looking down on our skeleton gang?"

Gangster No. [-] has a hulking back, and his nearly two-meter-high stature makes him look powerful.
at this time,

The look of disdain in Wayne's eyes angered him.

"Do you look down on me?"

Wayne replied lightly.


Gangster No. [-] showed a sinister smile, and raised the butt of his rifle to smash Wayne's head.

As soon as I raised my hand,

The sinister smile on Gangster No. [-]'s face froze suddenly,
His sturdy body flew straight out as if hit by a truck, and crimson blood bloomed on his chest.

before dying,
A trace of doubt flashed in Gangster One's eyes,
The young man in front of Mingming stood in place without even raising his hand, what exactly hit him?
"Are you looking down on me too?"

Wayne turned his head indifferently,

He turned his gaze to Gangster No. [-] standing in front of him.

"No, no, no."

Gangster No. [-]'s legs began to tremble a little, as if he had suffered from old cold legs in advance,
Although he didn't understand how his companion died, there was no doubt that all of this had something to do with the seemingly harmless young man in front of him.

"Then you have to die too."

As soon as Wayne finished speaking,
The right hand suddenly turned into a flash of lightning, and hit the gangster No. [-] with a "shua".


In the eyes of the skeleton gang on the other side,

Gangster No. [-], just like Gangster No. [-] before, flew out inexplicably, and then fell to the ground and died.

Although Wayne did not use the space ability,
But with Wayne's physical speed alone, these ordinary people's eyes can no longer keep up.

After a moment of silence,
Before the skeleton gang on the opposite side continued to attack,

Pete jumped over one step at a time,
Standing before two dead bodies,

Peter's face was pale under the mask,

This was his first close contact with a living corpse, and the death of the same kind made him a little uncomfortable.

After hesitating for a while,
Pete still mustered up the courage to come to Wayne.

"You shouldn't have killed them!"

Pete's tone was mixed with a hint of anger,
What Wayne did broke Pete's cognition and his yearning for superheroes,

Although Wayne is a mutant,

But in Pete's eyes,

The mutant who protected New York is also a qualified superhero.

But just now,

This superhero kills people right in front of his eyes.

"Then what should I do? Just catch them and let them do whatever they want?"

Wayne was not angry because of Pete's questioning,
After all, the self two years ago is no different from Pete now,
Because I have been living in a society that I think is harmonious, I subconsciously want to abide by the current social order and legal system.


Wayne didn't think there was any problem with what he did, nor did he feel that what he did was a disregard for life.

As the host of the origin of life, Wayne can be regarded as the person in the universe who understands the essence of life the most.

But after going through big and small scenes,

Wayne gradually understood a truth,
The nature of killing is not necessarily wrong,
Existence is not necessarily reasonable,

For some beings that shouldn't have appeared, perhaps killing is a manifestation of being responsible for other beings.

"You should turn them over to the police."

Pete's voice suddenly dropped,
He also realized that what he said was a bit too ideal,

If the police can really control these people, why do these people still appear in the amusement park?
They even planted bombs in public,
This is worse than the effect of changing his clothes in public.

"Do you know S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

Wayne said,

After a few minutes of mental struggle, the Skeleton Gang over there seemed to be ready to come over to find a place for their brother who had just died in battle.

But Wayne, who has been paying attention to their movements, just waved his hands in the air,
The skeleton gang who had just lifted their feet turned into wooden figures in an instant, motionless.


As a person with superpowers,

After the S.H.I.E.L.D. accident,

Pete spent a lot of energy researching this organization that was once responsible for managing supernatural phenomena, but managed himself into it.

"Even S.H.I.E.L.D. has been corrupted by old enemies, and you still expect the local police to be clean?"

Referring to the so-called relevant departments,

Wayne made no secret of his contempt for the entire system,
Ever since he learned that even the president had been blackmailed by Pierce and had done something immoral, Wayne had a very bad impression of all official organizations.


Pete wanted to plead,

But in front of the firm Wayne,
His little chicken soup didn't seem to be enough.

 Merry Christmas everyone!

  By the way, there was a recommendation recently,
  Although I can't find the recommended section myself.But after all, it is also a recommendation.

  I hope everyone will give some support and vote for it! ! !


(End of this chapter)

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