Marvel's King of the Undead

Chapter 304 Dangerous elements

Chapter 304 Dangerous elements
"OK OK."

Wayne held his forehead with one hand,

It feels like a thousand flies are "buzzing" tirelessly next to my ears.

"Do you think superheroes should be like the protagonists in movies and cartoons who convince people with virtue?"

Pete didn't speak,

But look at his expression,
It's obviously a natural look.

"Damn screenwriter!"

Wayne cursed secretly,

Some helplessly said:

I can let these people go today, and even send them to the trash police as you thought before.

But don't cry if the final result is not what you imagined. "


Pete agreed decisively,

He is very confident in his judgment,

After all, in addition to his own superpowers, Pete himself is also a smart person,

Usually smart people have a bad problem, that is, they stubbornly think that their persistence is correct, just like Tony who is still working hard in the underground laboratory at this time.

Wayne looked at the wooden man over there,
At this time, the surrounding crowd had already run away, and there was no need for them to call the police. It is estimated that many tourists had already reported the situation here to the police station.

raise your hand again,

The palm trembled slightly in the air,

The wooden people over there seemed to have been hit by something, and they all stood upright and passed out.

After doing this,
Wayne said to Pete: "I'll wait for you in the parking lot where I met you today,

After you see the police take these people away with your own eyes, come over. "

"You recognize me?"

Pete exclaimed in surprise.

".Am I stupid?"

Wayne pointed to Ned, who poked out a head from behind the tree, and said.


Pete nodded dejectedly.
But in the next second, the whole person suddenly became excited again, and he felt that he had finally done something that could be called a superhero.


He also relied on his own efforts to reverse Wayne's idea of ​​killing people,

This made him feel a sense of accomplishment in his heart.

Wayne and Wanda came to the parking lot,
After opening the door,
The two got into the car and waited for Pete who was coming.

"Why do you care so much about him?"

Wanda blinked,
In her opinion,

Wayne's attitude towards Pete is much better than Wayne's attitude towards those mutants at the mutant shelter before.

Even now, I am willing to spend time waiting in the parking lot for the student I met for the first time.

"Is it because when you watched him change clothes, certain places attracted you?"

Wanda shrank her whole body on the seat of the sports car, tilted her head and showed an evil expression.


Wayne froze for a moment,

It seems a little unaccustomed to Wanda's sudden change,

But as a person who came here,

Wayne reacted quickly, grabbed Wanda's clothes with one hand, leaned his head over, and whispered in Wanda's ear:
"Not as attractive as you."


Wanda said softly.

Just when Wayne was about to explore further,

Her keen ears heard the sound of footsteps from far to near.


Wayne leaned out of the car suddenly, and suddenly saw Pete who had just entered the parking lot and Ned beside him.

at this time,

Pete had put his uniform back in his bag and changed into his normal attire.

"Hi, my name is Pete."

"My name is Ned!"

"Well, this is Wanda, my girlfriend."

Wayne nodded slightly,

He didn't specifically introduce himself, after all, the two people on the opposite side had clearly recognized him.

"The police arrested all those people?"

Wayne asked.

"Yes, not one is missed."

Until now,
Pete still thought he had done a good thing.

"Is there only so few people in their gang?"

Wayne was a little puzzled,

Could it be that a dozen or so people can be considered a gang now?

Organizations of this size,
Shouldn't it be called the gang of hooligans?
At best, for the sake of the rifles in their hands, call them an armed gang of hooligans.

"No, they already have a hundred or ten people, some of them were injured by me, and some of them didn't show up today."

"Ha, then you can be optimistic about them for the next period of time.

after all,

They can get so many guns in New York. "

Wayne smiled when he heard this,
He didn't say what was in his heart, but just gave a few words of advice.

Judging from Pete's actions just now,

Whether it is strength or speed, it is obviously many times higher than that of normal humans.

If you use this kind of physical fitness to deal with some armed hooligan gangs, if you can still be injured,

It is estimated that Pete is not suitable to continue to take the superhero route.

"Okay, let's go first."

Wayne said,

Then drilled back into the cockpit of the Ferrari.

"This is the end?"

Pete was taken aback,
I thought that Wayne made a special trip here to wait for him to explain some more important things,

In the end, I didn't expect to leave after saying a few words.

Don't you have so much free time?

the other side,
Wanda also had a puzzled expression on her face.

She thinks the same as Pete,
Look at Wayne's appearance just now,

It seems that there is a lot to say, but at this time, just a few simple words and it's over?

Wayne started the engine,
The "buzz" made Ned's eyes flash with envy once again.

"I was going to talk to you more,
But after thinking about it,
Many things still need to be experienced by yourself before you can really understand them.

That's it for now. "

Before Wayne hits the gas pedal,
Suddenly he stuck his head out of the window and said:

"My phone number tells you, you can contact me if you need anything."


Wayne stepped on the gas pedal,
The bright red sports car roared out of the parking lot.

"Wow, are we friends with him?"

Ned snatched the phone out of Pete's hand.
Open Contacts,
Save Wayne's number in his mobile phone.

"That's it."

Pete touched his nose,

Resisting the excitement in his heart, he began to think about the meaning of Wayne's words.

"He asked me to keep an eye on the Skull Gang,
Is it because they are afraid that these people will attack the police station? "

Pete's mouth twitched,

Then he shook his head to dismiss his thoughts,

In his impression,

Although these gangsters are usually very arrogant and do many illegal things without mercy,
But when it comes to attacking the police station openly, I'm afraid it won't work.

after all,

No matter how bad the impression of the police station in Wayne's mind is,
On the bright side,

It is still the face of the relevant departments, but not all cats and dogs can jump up and step on it twice.

"Let's go back quickly. If we go home too late, my aunt will worry again."

Pete urged, getting into the dilapidated Volvo.

"Just tell him we know the big guy in mutants, what's there to worry about?"

Ned sat in the driver's seat,

He also has another identity this time as a guest driver.


Pete was taken aback.
"If she knows that we have something to do with such a dangerous person, she will really kill me!"

(End of this chapter)

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