Marvel's King of the Undead

Chapter 330: All Dead

Chapter 330: All Dead

After the explosion,

The place where Wayne and Joseph were standing had long been sea water, and a large amount of ice was melted and evaporated in an instant.

In the center is a blue pool
In the distance are surrounded by icebergs.
In the center of the pool, the dreamlike smoke is constantly rising,

The whole picture looks like a fairyland.

The two beasts that just fought each other here have long since disappeared, as if they were vaporized by the explosion just now.

a long time,

Suddenly there was a "gurgling" sound in the pool,

There are circles of ripples on the calm water,
round and round,
getting bigger,

It's like something is about to come out of it.


The water was broken,

A penguin with a snow-white belly peeked out from the water with a small head,

Before it was still fishing in the distance,
Just when it was about to catch today's dinner, the sea water suddenly churned, and the huge current directly washed it over.

Penguins glide flexibly on the water surface,

Not long after swimming,
The penguin suddenly felt that there seemed to be something big approaching quickly under the water.


The penguin speeds up its swimming.


A figure rushed out directly from under the surface of the water, and then slowly crawled onto the ice.

Wayne put one hand on the ground to support his upper body,
at this time,

He looked a bit embarrassed,
The skin on his face was scorched black, as if he had just experienced severe burns,

One leg was dangling weakly on the ground, and the clothes all over his body had already disappeared.

Fortunately, there is no one else here,
The only spectator was the little penguin who had just landed.

By Wayne's side,

Lying Joseph had just been fished out of the sea by Wayne.

Judging from the current situation of the two,

In the desperate fight just now, Wayne finally won, and he still won by a crushing advantage.

Joseph's whole body had already turned into black charcoal, forming a very sharp contrast with the ice beneath him.

If it weren't for Wayne's amazing perception ability and the origin of life, he wouldn't even be able to see the slightest breath of life from Heitan in front of him.

All of Joseph's vital signs had long since disappeared, and even his heart, which had been exposed to the cold wind, had stopped beating.


Wayne spat out the seawater in his mouth,

The injuries on his body are recovering rapidly under the nourishment of the source of life,

In just a few minutes, the pain on his face disappeared, and the numbness gradually began to appear in his unconscious leg.

A bitter cold wind blows,

Wayne's body suddenly trembled,
Just now,

He actually felt the long-lost cold.

I looked at the charcoal around me,

Wayne slowly got up, his body slightly hunched,

It's not because the injuries in his body haven't recovered yet, but because he's not used to standing naked in such a vast environment.

"Hey, can you still talk?"

Wayne kicked the charcoal on the ground,

In his perception,

There is a strange energy surrounding Joseph, guarding the fire of his life that is about to be extinguished.

"Is it really dying?"

Wayne crouched down again,
Frowning, he carefully looked at Joseph in front of him.

Originally, I wanted to catch up with him, talk to him, and communicate with him to get rid of hatred before his temporary visit.

It seems that there is no chance.

After waiting for a while,

Wayne shook his head silently,
stood up again.

Just when he was about to turn around and leave, the charcoal at his feet suddenly moved.

Wayne squinted and looked over.
Joseph's heart that had stopped beating slowly started, although it was very slow, but the frequency was very stable, and there were more and more movements.

Another few minutes passed,
Two white spots suddenly appeared on Charcoal's head.

Wayne crouched down again,
On the one hand, it is because it is convenient for two people to communicate, and the other is because it is convenient to cover their vital parts.

"Can you talk?"

Joseph's eyes blinked,
Seems to be echoing Wayne's words,

After another moment,
He finally opened his mouth, and his voice was vague, like a flickering candle.


"Do you still think your Hydra is powerful?"


Joseph suddenly laughed, and his eyes were no longer as dull as before, but had the look of a normal person.

The corners of the dry and pitch-black mouth curled up towards the sides, looking very ferocious.


"Hydra what?"

Wayne tilted his head down a bit and held out a hand.

Joseph's voice was too low, so he couldn't hear what he said just now,
If Joseph is beaten like this, he will shout a hydra pen,

Then Wayne is ready to beat him to death immediately,

After all, he felt that he had nothing to say to such a stubborn old iron.

"Hydra are devils."


Wayne for fun,
The hand that was originally raised was also retracted.

"Didn't you say that I was a devil before? Could it be that my brain was short-circuited?"

"Ha, I know you, Wayne" Joseph rolled the whites of his eyes, this is the only action he can do by himself now. "When I was in the orphanage, I just saw that you were unhappy."


Wayne also rolled his eyes, and said, "It's the same as saying that you are pleasing to my eyes,

What about the others?
Are you the only one who joined Hydra, and the others would rather die than be killed? "

The previous orphanage was empty overnight.
Until now,
Wayne only met Joseph outside, and the others seemed to have evaporated.

For the character of those people,
Wayne generally understands,

Logically speaking,

If Hydra forces them to choose between Hydra and humans,
Wayne can be sure,

In that environment,

The elves in the orphanage promised to join Hydra directly without hesitation.


Since Joseph can continue to come out after joining,

What about other people?

Joseph once again showed a smile that was uglier than crying, and at the same time closed his eyes.

"They are all dead,

I alone survived,
You don't know what happened to us, although you don't know how you survived.


All those transferred died.
It's all over! "

Joseph's emotions were a little agitated, which made his heart stop suddenly for two beats.

"How did you die?"

Wayne bit his lip.
It would be an exaggeration to say how deep his relationship with the orphans in the orphanage was, otherwise he would never have thought of finding them.

But it would be too much to say that there is no emotion at all. After all, they are friends who grew up since childhood, even if they were not very familiar with each other before.

Suddenly heard that they were all dead,

Wayne couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart,
The picture of me teasing Ronaldo and Messi before could not help appearing in my mind,
And the scene where everyone huddled together in front of that old TV.

"Hydra killed them
it's me,

killed them. "

 Guess how they died?

(End of this chapter)

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