Marvel's King of the Undead

Chapter 331 The Truth

Chapter 331 The Truth
"Hydra killed them, I killed them"

"what happened?"

Wayne looked puzzled,

A little impatiently interrupted Joseph's soliloquy.

This guy seems to be in a daze,
These two sentences are repeated over and over again, like a disc stuck, intermittent and repeated, which makes people feel anxious.

If it weren't for the ghost that Joseph had become, Wayne really wanted to punch him to wake him up.

"it's me."

Under Wayne's scolding,
Joseph seemed to have regained his sanity again, and a tear flowed from his charred face, saying:
"It was I who killed them,

At that time, the person in charge of the orphanage called all of us to the big playground,

say to us,

The orphanage is going to relocate, but it will not give up on us. It will take us away together and give us a more comfortable living environment.


Most people believed it, and even began to look forward to a happy life in the future,
For those few who don't believe,

What if you don't believe it?

Even if we orphans who are despised by others feel dissatisfied in our hearts, we have to rely on their breath and their charity to survive.

All chose to follow them away,

Believe it or not,
Between unknown dangers and survival, most of them will choose to survive.

If you don't go with them,
Some may become beggars in the streets,
while others,

like me,
I would be back under the control of gangs, I don't want to live that kind of life anymore, those days where I'm haunted by nightmares every night.

You should understand, Wayne.

Although you were a maverick when you were in the orphanage, as an orphan, you must be able to understand our thoughts at that time. "

Joseph stared straight at Wayne, repeatedly hoping for Wayne's approval.

"I know."

long silence,

Wayne nodded slowly,

to be frank,
Among the many orphans in the orphanage, his experience is really relatively happy,
The orphanage they stayed in was different from ordinary orphanages,

Due to the special purpose of Hydra,

The orphans recruited in that orphanage can almost be regarded as the poorest group in the world, no matter before or after entering the orphanage.

In that environment,

Except for a few lucky ones like him and the little fat man, what more orphans want to do every day is to survive.

Even if they are tortured by painful memories every day, they still want to live.

Their demands are not high,

just wondering,


you understand

I have my own reasons,

I do not want this,

I really don't want this. "

Joseph's body began to twitch,
The state of mind that was slowly returning to normal began to fluctuate again.

"Can you speak well!"

Wayne yelled,
But Joseph still twitched on his own, and his eyes began to roll upwards slowly.

Without any choice,

Wayne put his hand on Joseph's arm,

Although I really dislike this anxious touch,
However, he still forcibly communicated with the source of life in his body, passing a trace of vitality.

Joseph's breath quickly calmed down,
His body also began to regain his composure, so he continued:
"We were deceived,

We were taken to an uninhabited island, surrounded by jungle, almost no human habitation, isolated from the world.

There is a base on the island,
The kind with high courtyard walls on all sides, like the ball cage of felons seen in movies,
Soldiers with guns will guard the courtyard wall 24 hours a day, and some people who try to escape will be shot dead without reaching the wall.

Some people who reacted violently were slaughtered on the spot,


A small red lake formed on the ground.

Everyone else was stunned, including me, when has a gangster who just wandered at the bottom of society seen such a bloody scene?

All chose to obey,
Even if they treat us like guinea pigs, keep us in dirty cages all day long, and inject some unknown substances into our bodies on time.


In order to survive, we still gritted our teeth and stood up.


In that environment, the relationship between all the surviving orphans miraculously improved.

Can you imagine me and Messi, shoulder to shoulder, pouring out our inner feelings to each other? "

Joseph smiled,

It seems to be remembering the difficult and good times at the beginning.

"As those who remained got on better terms, it seemed that any injustice could be tolerated.


one day,
The balance is broken,

Death began between us,


The speed of this death is getting faster and faster,

At first it was one person a day, and later it was two people a day. As long as the person who was pulled out would not appear again.

Seeing these people whom we regarded as our brothers lose one by one in front of us, our bodies and mentality also slowly changed.

Some people began to slowly discover the miraculous changes in their bodies through constant abuse and despair of life.
The abilities that appeared in various science fiction movies began to appear in us slowly.

After having strength
We began to plot secretly,

Rather than waiting to die,

It's better to fight before the temporary, and the result of failure is nothing more than death. "

"Then you failed, and you survived alone?"


Joseph paused,

After hesitating for a long time, he said:
"We were caught in a trap,

We've been caught in the trap since we agreed to move with them.

They guarded us very strictly,

Originally, we thought that the operation at night would have a greater chance of success.


When we finally escaped from the cage and ran desperately outside, we were greeted by a group of heavily armed soldiers.

We rise up against,

But still no match for those experienced soldiers, most of our brothers died in that chaos.

I survived by luck,
There are still more than 30 people as lucky as me.

In the beginning,
We think we're lucky,


We later learned that this was the beginning of the nightmare.

They locked us in a locked hall and watched us through cameras.

no water source,

no food,

Where they want us to die,

After being hungry all day, they changed tack and started talking to us."

Joseph's pupils shrank, as if thinking of something terrifying.

"they said,

Give us a piece of meat whenever we kill a human being.


They also said,

Of the more than 30 of us, only one survived in the end. "

Joseph closed his eyes.
Two lines of tears fell from the corners of his eyes again.

Wayne pursed his lips,


He could imagine what happened next,

It's nothing more than life and death, some people choose to attack their companions in order to survive,

Attack those brothers who once could confide their hearts without any burden, those brothers who once fought against the unfair fate together.

I looked at Joseph who was beginning to suffer,
Wayne suddenly began to sympathize with him,

If I was in that environment at that time,
Wayne didn't know what choice he would make.


Could he be the current Joseph?

 It feels cruel to write,

  sometimes some people,

  In fact, the difference with us before is nothing more than the difference in circumstances.

(End of this chapter)

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