Marvel's King of the Undead

Chapter 335 Acceptance

Chapter 335 Acceptance

Wayne looked at the respectful Jarvis in front of him, and suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.
It's not that I'm not used to Jarvis' respect. As an artificial intelligence, Jarvis treats everyone with a respectful look.

Wayne was not used to it, mainly because Jarvis, who had always been just a program, suddenly appeared in front of his eyes in the form of an entity.

It's just like,
Sadako, who has always existed only in movies, suddenly crawled out of your TV one day. As long as you are still a normal person, you will inevitably be a little bit surprised.


Jarvis's body still looks very awkward to Wayne, leaving aside the Ultraman-like appearance.

There is no hair on this head.

"How do you feel now?"

I struggled for a long time,
Wayne finally asked.

"It's a bit unaccustomed, but overall it's very good, and having a body is a wonderful experience for me.

A stiff smile appeared on Jarvis's face,

Wayne could see his body, which had been rigid, relax.

At this time, Jarvis was a bit like a child with a sensitive heart,
Every move is clumsy and cautious,

But the knowledge accumulated over the years has given him wisdom beyond that of adults.

He clearly understands what it means to have a body, and also understands why Ultron made Tony so afraid.

Now he is in a very embarrassing situation,

After receiving Ultron's last gift, he also has the ability to evolve himself,


He did not choose to connect himself to the Internet like Ultron to complete the evolution of himself.
Instead, stay obediently,

Carefully observe other people's reactions to this matter.

"Well." Wayne shook his head and said with a smile, "I mean, how does it feel to have no hair?"


Jarvis touched his bare head subconsciously, with a thoughtful look in his eyes,
Every move of this body can bring him a wonderful experience,


This is an experience that he knew as an artificial intelligence, but never experienced.

"That's good."

After a while,
Jarvis said honestly that he has not yet formed his own aesthetics.

When Ultron made this body, he didn't think about transplanting some hair on it. He cared more about the performance and combat capability of this body.

Wayne didn't answer.

Instead, he turned to look at Tony, who was frowning deeper and deeper.

See here,

Jarvis tactfully returned to the cab,

After his consciousness entered this body, it meant that the artificial intelligence system on this plane disappeared.

Today's aircraft also need a dedicated pilot to fly.

"Is this what you're worried about?"


Tony nodded.

After a long silence, he said: "You know what our action is for this time. Although Ultron has been successfully eliminated now, another one has been created."

"Since Ultron has been destroyed, our mission this time has been successfully completed, so there is nothing to worry about."

The little fat man said on the side.

"You have seen Ultron's abilities and changes.

In just a few days, he has caused many things for us, not to mention the robbery and extortion, but the number of human beings killed by Ultron is no less than fifty.

It is my fault that artificial intelligence technology is not perfect now, and I should not rush it. "

Tony buried his face in his palms, covering his red eyes.

"So, you want to destroy Jarvis?"

Wayne asked.


Tony raised his head, facing Wayne's words, he suddenly didn't know how to answer.

If the artificial intelligence that appeared this time is still the intelligence developed by Ultron or other mad scientists, Tony promised that he would choose to destroy it without hesitation.


This time it's Jarvis,
The meaning of this artificial intelligence to him is obviously different from that of other machines or systems.

After so many years of getting along,
Long ago, Tony regarded him as his relative.

right now,

What has been tormenting Tony are the two heavy roads ahead of him,

Either clean up your loved ones and maintain the peace of the earth.

Or let the whole world accompany him to take risks for his loved ones.

"How do you know that Jarvis will be like Ultron?"

Wayne asked back.

"Because the learning ability of artificial intelligence is too powerful,
It should be said that the knowledge and information on the Internet are too complicated.

Not to mention an artificial intelligence,
Even a human being with a sound mind, perfect morality, intelligence, body and beauty may develop mental problems after being exposed to a lot of negative information.

You have to know that what we come into contact with every day is only the living environment we are familiar with,

Most of the knowledge and information we come into contact with are selected by ourselves.

However, artificial intelligence is different,
As long as they are connected to the Internet, they will passively receive massive amounts of information. "

Tony emotionally began to popularize the knowledge of artificial intelligence for Wayne,
He didn't open up all the permissions for Jarvis before to prevent the discovery of this kind of thing.


No matter how much you resist and guard against some things, it will eventually happen at some point.

"and so,
As long as we don't let him connect to the Internet, that's enough. "


Tony was taken aback,
He didn't seem to have thought of this way before.


Tony hesitated: "This kind of thing is impossible."

"Why is it impossible."

Wayne rolled his eyes.
Although stubbornness can sometimes be an advantage for a scientist to help them progress.


Sometimes it makes them like stones in a latrine.

"Are you willing to do this? Give up continuing to use the Internet and live in a way more similar to human beings?"

Wayne said something in the direction of the cockpit.

Jarvis's little tricks can hide Tony and the little fat man, but they can't hide it from him at all.

Although Jarvis is flying the plane now, his mind is all on this side.

"I am willing."

Just as Wayne finished speaking,
Jarvis appeared at the door again. Although his face was still expressionless, everyone could feel the fluctuation in his heart from his eyes.

"How? Give him a chance?"

Wayne looked at Tony.


He pointed to the little fat man again.

"Look at him,

He hasn't been able to access the Internet yet, but he hasn't done anything to destroy the world so far. "

The little fat man was slightly taken aback,
Instead, he buried his head down.

At this time,
In order to help Tony get in touch with the pimple in his heart,
In order for Jarvis to regain recognition,

He should feel sorry for himself.


Tony thought for a while,

The knot in my heart seemed to be finally untied.

The whole person slumped on the back of the sofa,
His eyes turned to Jarvis, who was looking forward to it,
Said: "Welcome back, Jarvis."

(End of this chapter)

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