Marvel's King of the Undead

Chapter 336 Wild or Simple?

Chapter 336 Wild or Simple?
The plane flew straight back to New York,
It was already noon the next day when Wayne and the others saw the villa they had not returned to for a long time.

familiar waves,
warm sunlight,
cozy villa,
Everything made the three of them feel as if they were separated from each other.
After parking the plane on the tarmac next to the villa, the three of them took Jarvis back to the villa.

There was no one in the villa, and Pepper had been busy handling the Stark Group's business during this time, almost even sleeping in the group's office.

The reason why so hard,

It is nothing more than to enable the Stark Group to continue to maintain a good development trend.

Said that she can't help when Tony is outside wearing armor and fighting the enemy,

But she can do her best to help her man stabilize the rear, and support a certain man to continue his willful nonsense.

Wanda and Pepper have been inseparable these days,

As an orphan whose parents died at an early age, Wanda's understanding of the world was not very perfect.
Plus later adopted by Hydra,

Constantly being indoctrinated with thoughts that are more terrifying than viruses, it is already a miracle that Wanda can form the current worldview.

Whenever Pepper had free time, she would teach Wanda all kinds of truths,

With more and more contact with normal life, Wanda gradually began to become more and more like a normal woman, rather than a cold-blooded killer created by Hydra.

"When are they coming back?"

Wayne lay on his favorite sofa in the living room, holding a cup of hot coffee in his hand, took a sip very comfortably, and asked.

"It's probably in the afternoon. The last time Ultron revealed some internal information of the Stark Group, it really caused us a lot of trouble."

Tony lay on the other side of the sofa,

Close your eyes and rest,

It was rare for this research madman to go straight into the laboratory, but lay down with Wayne leisurely.

"What do you think the results of the inspection will be?"

Wayne asked.

Just back to the villa,
Jarvis took the initiative to ask the little fat man to do a full-body examination for himself, so as to completely prevent Ultron from leaving traces in his program.

In order to gain everyone's approval, Jarvis has exhausted his mind.


As soon as you walk in,

The little fat man took Jarvis to the laboratory downstairs, and used his network dimension to prepare for a full-body physical examination.

"do not know."

Tony didn't open his eyes.

But listening to the tone, you can feel the irritability and worry in Tony's heart.

Jarvis and Ultron were like his own son and the brat next door to him,
It has nothing to do with him whether he is beaten or scolded.

Even he himself will take the initiative to stop when he sees a brat doing something bad.

But if his own son committed a crime, as a father, he would definitely be full of worries.

The laboratory below was quiet, without a single sound.

Fatty's network dimension has only been seen by him so far,

His ability should be the first among mutants,
after all,

Even if the previous mutants had awakened his ability, they wouldn't have the Internet for him to manipulate.

About half an hour passed,

Suddenly footsteps came from the stairs in the basement.

Wayne and Tony looked up at the corner at the same time,

If there is nothing wrong with this check, then Jarvis has really joined them with a new identity.

"The inspection is all right, I think Ultron has really disappeared."

The little fat man ran up with his fat belly, showing a big smile.

Under his full exploration,

Still no trace of Ultron was found on Jarvis.


Is it because they think Ultron is too bad?

The little fat man shook his head,
in fact,

In the final duel with Ultron before,
Some words of Ultron still touched him,


Different characters are destined to have different perspectives on things, although from the perspective of Ultron, it is indeed human beings who are persecuting him.


On the other hand,

Ultron's actions have indeed caused the death of many innocent people,


If his dream comes true, it is estimated that all human beings on the earth will die out.

"Jarvis is now down there getting used to his new body on those gym machines."

The little fat man sat down on the sofa,
The soft sofa instantly concaved down a huge arc.

Although Jarvis was created by Tony before, but he actually helped a lot in the later stage and devoted a lot of effort to the continuous improvement of Jarvis.

His affection for Jarvis may be second only to Tony in this villa.


Tony breathed a sigh of relief.

Just now his expression seemed relaxed,

But actually,
His anxiety was no less than that of a father who was waiting for his wife to give birth at the gate of the obstetrics and gynecology department.

"It's okay if there are no accidents,
We should look into how to make Jarvis unable to connect to the Internet from now on. "

Tony opened his eyes, stood up and started walking towards the basement.

The reason for this urgency,

It's not that Tony doesn't trust Jarvis, so he wants to counterattack in advance.

On the contrary, it was precisely because Tony cared too much about Jarvis, so he hoped that he could completely solve this hidden danger for him.

after all,

Even if they don't care about the existence of artificial intelligence like Jarvis,

But most people in this world may not be able to accept this kind of thing for the time being.

Only took two steps,
Tony was suddenly pulled by Wayne.

look back,
Tony looked at Wayne suspiciously.

"There is no rush to study this kind of thing."

Wayne pulled Tony back to the sofa and said, "You don't believe him?"

"how is this possible."

Tony raised his eyebrows and retorted: "No one in this world knows him better than me. He is different from Ultron."

"So don't worry about research, I think we should have more important things to do."

"whats the matter?"

Tony asked.

"Shouldn't there be a celebratory party for Jarvis?"

The little fat man said cheerfully.

This is the idea he put forward on the plane before,

After discussing with Wayne, he immediately got Wayne's approval.


Tony touched his nose,

This time it seemed familiar and strange to him,
He was a frequent visitor to various parties before, but since he put on the armor, how long has it been since he didn't relax?
"What do I need to prepare?"

Tony asked.

"I don't know, we haven't been to a party."

The little fat man spread his hands,
In fact, he has always longed for this kind of thing, but he has never had the opportunity.

"Okay, leave it to me."

Tony strode again,

walked a few steps,

Looking back, he said, "Do you want something wild or something simple?"


The little fat man nodded his head frantically, his two small eyes were shining with a strange light.


Wayne reached out and knocked on the little fat man's head,
Then he looked at Tony,

He opened his mouth and said:

"It's better to be warm."


Tony nods,


Turn away.

(End of this chapter)

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