Marvel's King of the Undead

Chapter 337 It's all rubbish

Chapter 337 It's all rubbish


Wayne opened his eyes.
Subconsciously covering his head with his hands,

accompanied by a slight dizziness,

Memories of yesterday flooded Wayne's mind.

Although Tony followed Wayne's request yesterday and arranged the evening party relatively simply,
But this kind of simplicity also depends on who you compare it with.

For Big Shit Tony,
Even if it is simple,
It also needs to be strong enough.At least in terms of food and drinks, there is no neglect.


Under the surprised eyes of Wayne and the little fat man,
One after another, the delicacies that they had never seen before were brought up by the chef Tony had found.

Good food,

fine wine,

Warm and romantic arrangement,
It only took an afternoon for Tony to arrange everything properly,

It can be said,
In addition to his scientific research, the talented scientist Tony's achievements in eating, drinking and having fun are not comparable to others.

The venue and food have just been set up,

Pepper and Wanda hurried back,

after meeting,
The two couples who haven't seen each other for a long time must have a talk about you and me.


In the surprised eyes of the two,
Jarvis, who is familiar with the physical performance, appears,

After an afternoon of proficiency and experimentation, Jarvis finally acted like a normal person, and even mastered some of the abilities that this body already possesses.

such as,

through the wall.


Seeing Jarvis coming out of the wall, Wanda and Pepper covered their mouths in surprise at the same time.

Wanda is fine.

After all, I haven't been in contact with Jarvis for a long time, so I don't have much emotion.

But Pepper is different,

Having been with Jarvis for several years, she couldn't help rushing up to give Jarvis a hug almost after a brief surprise.

The warm hug seemed to surprise Jarvis and at the same time moved him,

The anxiety and uneasiness in my heart finally calmed down in this warm embrace.

After a story of love and reunion,

Finally started.

Looking at the delicious food on the table,

always frowning,
The little fat man who longed for dancers and hot girls in his heart finally smiled.

"Ding Ding."

Tony tapped his glass with the fork on the table,


He raised his wine glass and said:
"Let's welcome our family, Jarvis."

Everyone raised their glasses,

To celebrate the addition of Jarvis.

"tsk tsk"

Wayne drank the wine in the glass in one gulp,

Smash, smash, mouth,
The pungent taste made him a little unaccustomed to drinking for the first time, but the aftertaste immediately made him feel a little novel.

The party atmosphere has always been pleasant,

Although few attendees,
That is to say, the few people who usually live in the villa do not have the dancers and hot girls in the little fat man's fantasy, nor do they have the fast-paced music, but they seem more warm.

The reunion after a long absence and the addition of Jarvis made everyone's heart filled with joy,

In that atmosphere,
Wayne took the initiative to refill the wine glass in front of him,

Due to physical strength,
A little alcohol can't make Wayne feel drunk,

These spirits are more like a special drink with a more stimulating taste to him.


By an oversight,
he drank too much,

At first, he just felt that this special drink seemed to get better and better as he drank it.
But then,

After he drank all the wine Tony had prepared,

A slight dizziness suddenly appeared in his brain, even affecting his perception,
this strange feeling,
Let him be a little overwhelmed,


Everything became beautiful and lovely in his eyes.


After drinking the last bottle,

Wayne took Tony's hand, as if he would not let go until he was given a drink, and said:

"Is there any wine left?"


The blushing Tony shook his head,

He actually drank a lot,

He needed a hangover to celebrate after his inner knot was unraveled.

"Buy some more."

Wayne said,

His eyes are a little hazy,

The food in front of him began to shake slightly.


Tony supported his dizzy head,
He is no longer a young man now,

Although most of the wine went into Wayne's stomach, he was a little overwhelmed after a few glasses of wine.

For continuing to drink,

Tony was determined.

But when Wayne inadvertently said: "Can't you drink?",
A war without gunpowder has begun.

The ruddy Tony immediately stood up,
Regardless of Pepper's dissuasion,
A phone call directly to find someone and bought a few cases of wine back,

Under the horrified eyes of the crowd,
Wayne and Tony started fighting each other over a cup,

When it came to the No.17 cup, Tony fell face down on the table.

However, the victorious Wayne did not stop,
Instead, he began to pull the little fat man beside him to drink,
same plot,
At first the little fat man refused,
But when Wayne held his head with one hand and poured wine into his mouth with the other,
he followed,

I started to pick up the bottle and blow it on my own initiative.


I haven't finished my first bottle of wine yet.

The little fat man rushed out with his butt pouted, went to the bathroom and started to vomit.

And Wayne,
After drinking a bottle of wine,

Suddenly, I felt like I was going to float,

Wayne turned his gaze to Pepper,
Fill your glass,

Go to Pepper.

"Thank you for taking care of me all this time,

If it wasn't for you and Tony,

I might."


Just when Wayne wanted to continue to sensationalize,
Piepo slammed the wine glass in her hand on the table and said:
"do not talk,

drink! "

that's it,
Another two bottles of wine were consumed,
Although Pepper is a woman, her drinking capacity has completely killed the little fat man who can only drink once.

Shaking a more drowsy head,
Wayne glanced cloudily at the two people who were still sitting on the table.

Jarvis was staring intently at the conversation between Wayne and Pepper,
Although he can't participate as a robot, he can still feel happy.

Seeing Wayne looking at himself,
Jarvis quickly waved his hand and said, "I can't drink."

See here,

Wayne nodded.

He staggered to Wanda's side,

Pointing to the remaining six bottles of wine,

"Wanda, are you coming?"

"You drink with me?"

Wanda raised her eyebrows,
There was a malicious smile on the corner of his mouth.


Wayne sat down next to Wanda,
One person short,

He can do four kills.

"I'm not targeting you,
I mean,
than drinking,

Everyone here is rubbish. "

Although Wayne is drinking for the first time,
But with the previous brilliant record as a foreshadowing,


"bring it on."

Wanda picked up a bottle of wine unceremoniously, and poured it directly into the bottle.

Wayne was taken aback by Wanda's heroic actions.

He followed suit by throwing the cup in his hand aside, picked up a bottle of wine, and drank it.

Wanda and Wayne drank three bottles of wine at the same time,
As for the latter,
Wayne already remembers a little bit unclearly,


He also doesn't know how he got back to bed.

  Is there anyone who was determined not to drink at the beginning?

  But can't stop once you've had a glass of wine?

(End of this chapter)

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