Marvel's King of the Undead

Chapter 341 May Parker

Chapter 341 May Parker

A blue Bentley on its way to Queens.

Pete sat in the passenger seat,

Touch east and west,

The expression looked very excited, as if he wasn't worried about how to fool the family later.

Like the first time Wayne got into Tony's Rolls-Royce,
Pete, who was exposed to this luxury car for the first time, behaved similarly to all his peers,


It should be said that it is similar to the performance of all boys of the same age.

After all, he wasn't pulling his collar, scratching his head and yelling for heat.

"Where is your home?"

Wayne asked while turning the steering wheel.

Queens is not a rich area. People here are a little surprised by the sudden luxury cars, and some children are watching with longing eyes.


Pete pointed to a small villa not far away,

looks ordinary,
Like his own disguise, he looks like the most well-behaved student in the most ordinary and ordinary family.


The car stopped slowly,

Pete jumped out of the car first, and looked into the house.

"She should be in the house, I saw the kitchen light!"

at this time,

Only a trace of nervousness and apprehension appeared on Pete's face.

"rest assured."

Wayne gets out of the car,
Pat on Pete's shoulder.

"I will definitely let her teach you a hard lesson."


Wayne stepped forward,
Gently knocked on the door.

"I'm coming."

A mature female voice sounded,

Then came the sound of brisk footsteps.


the door is opened,

A pretty mature woman who appeared to be in her 30s at most appeared in front of Wayne, a trace of doubt flashed in her beautiful eyes, and said

"็ Hello Who are you?"

Before Wayne could answer,
Pete jumped out from behind him, as if he knew his aunt's temper, and said flatteringly.

"Aunt, this is my friend, Wayne, and this beautiful woman is my aunt, May."


Wayne nodded with a smile,

Although Aunt Pete's appearance was a bit beyond his expectation, he was not like Tony, a lecherous and hungry ghost, who wanted to hunt people when he saw them.


May eyed Wayne suspiciously.

Wayne is dressed very casually today,

With his young face,
From appearance alone, he is indeed about the same age as Pete.

"Come in quickly."

After a slight hesitation,
May reacted quickly and warmly invited Wayne into the house.


May took Wayne to the living room and motioned him to sit down.


Turning his gaze to Pete, who was trying to take the opportunity to escape upstairs, he scolded:

"Where did you fool around last night? You got so dirty? Did you roll around in the mud?"


Pete froze.
Turning around in embarrassment, he pointed to Wayne and said, "I stayed at his house last night."

"Cough cough."

The water that Wayne just drank in his mouth almost spit out,
Faced with Mei's increasingly weird expression,

Quickly explained:
"Auntie, listen to my explanation."

"Go ahead."

May sat down across from Wayne,

To this handsome young man whom she met for the first time, she was quite polite.

If it was the fat man from before,
It is estimated that he has already opened his throat and sprayed.

Pete secretly gestured to Wayne, and then slipped up with his legs up.

See here,

Wayne picked up his water glass and took a sip.
He opened his mouth and said:

"Auntie, let me tell you,

in fact,

Pete is also old, almost at the age of falling in love. "


Mei's face was a bit strange,
But still said:
"Although I am old, I am not the kind of rigid-minded person.



May frowned.
I suddenly felt a little confused inside,

Deliberately want to tactfully express my objection to Pete's liking for a boy,

But soon another obese figure flashed in my mind,

If Pete really likes boys,
The white and clean man in front of him seems to be much more acceptable than the fat black man before?
"no no,
You may have misunderstood me,
I mean,
Peter now has someone he likes, a girl student at their school. "


Just as Wayne finished speaking,

Mei's frown immediately calmed down, and there was even a hint of surprise on her face.

In fact, a few years ago,
After Pete went to junior high school, May began to pay special attention to a certain aspect of Pete.

Logically speaking,

Her previous first love happened in junior high school, which is almost the period when most children have ignorant emotions.
As a character who is not a mother but is better than a mother who has pulled Pete up with one hand,
May had always been very curious about what kind of little girl Pete would be with.


Year after year passed,

Under Mei's careful observation,

She found that Pete hardly had any particularly intimate relationship with other girls,

Instead, he spent all day with that fat man named Ned.

This has always troubled her,
He wanted to have a good talk with Pete, but he was afraid of hurting his sensitive heart.

She had heard it said,
Once the boys and princesses get up, they are more sensitive and vulnerable than most girls.

at this time,

Wayne's words shattered May's nightmare,
The expression on his face became even more enthusiastic.

"Stay at our house and have dinner later before leaving."

Mei invited with a smile on her face,

in fact,

The reason why she wanted to keep Wayne was just to find out more news.

"No, no, no."

Wayne quickly refused,
Listening to the movement upstairs, it felt like Pete had changed into clean clothes.

In order to ensure that his words would not be exposed, Wayne stood up quickly.

In fact, I don't know much about this matter, I only know that the girl's name is Laura.

They should have been together for a while, but Pete has a thin skin and is embarrassed to tell you. "

while talking,

Wayne walked towards the door,

He had heard the name from Ned when he first met Pete and the others.

"I know, I know,

Pete has been introverted since he was a child, and he likes to keep many things in his heart.

If there is no urgent matter, why don't we go after dinner? "

Mei stood up and invited again.

"Next time, I'm really in a hurry today."

After declining Mei's invitation,
Wayne walked out quickly.

"Peter, your friend is leaving."

May called upstairs.


Pete hurried down,

This is different from what they said before,
In the car before, Wayne promised him that he would stay at home until after dinner, and he would not leave until Mei's doubts were completely dispelled.

It's only a few minutes now?

What can I do if you are gone?
I don't care about some messy clothes on my body,

Pete quickly chased him out, he didn't want to experience the scene of torture and interrogation alone.

"Where did he go?"

Pete asked with wandering eyes.

"left already."

May closes the door,

look back,
There was an inexplicable smile on his face, which made Pete tremble inwardly.

"what happened?"

May gave Pete a strange look,
Pull him to the living room and sit down.

"You were exhausted last night."

There was a trace of tenderness in May's tone that Pete had never felt before.

"Uh, it's okay."

Pete replied stupidly.


I couldn't help feeling indescribable admiration for Wayne again in my heart.

This technique of coaxing women,
No less than his other abilities.

Pete, who had a cheerful face, didn't notice the fact that Wayne sold him after changing hands.

(End of this chapter)

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