Marvel's King of the Undead

Chapter 342 Detective Game

Chapter 342 Detective Game

There was a muffled slam of the door.

In fact, Wayne, like most car blinds, has a superficial understanding of the difference between luxury cars and cheap cars.

such as,

A luxury car accelerates faster because the engine is better.

such as,

The sound of closing the door of a luxury car will be dull, because the materials used are sufficient.

Other than that,

Another point is more obvious,
That is, sitting in this Bentley can obviously isolate the noise from the outside world.

sit in the driver's seat,

Wayne could imagine what was going on in Pete's house now,

Mei with a weird smile on her face and Pete with a blank face.

With a long sigh,

Wayne had to sigh with emotion,
In fact, sometimes it is very pleasant to skin,
This feeling of looking back on digging pits between good friends seems to bring him back to the first years,

Back to those ordinary and ordinary years,

Do not know why,

Recently, Wayne has frequently recalled his previous life in the orphanage,

Sometimes I still recall the time when I just entered the Xavier Talent Academy,
Those carefree days are long gone,

But it always pops up in his mind now and then.

But it's a bit uncomfortable,

Others can go back and revisit their old places if they miss their previous time,
But for Wayne,

Both the orphanage and the Xavier Academy for Geniuses have been turned into ruins.

shook his head,

Wayne didn't start the car, but sat quietly in the car thinking about what he should do next.

Wanda seems to have found her life,

And the little fat man became Tony's good friend in research,


Alone with nothing to do after leaving a life full of violence,

Although I am a novel lover, but there will always be times when there is a shortage of books,
Even the most dry salted fish needs to be turned over occasionally to bask in the sun on another side.

Look at the time,
2:35 in the afternoon,
There are still 8 and a half hours before Wanda said that it is time to go home. Generally speaking, this kind of group meeting is lengthy and boring. Wayne still has not figured out why Wanda is willing to participate in that kind of meeting.

"Do you have to find another hobby with yourself?"

Wayne rubbed his nose,

think for a moment,

Still started the car, he was going to drive aimlessly on the street this afternoon,

Take a good look at this bustling city.


Wayne stepped on the accelerator all at once,
After having the ability to respond and control far beyond ordinary people,

Wayne can't play soft driving,
The blue car flew off like a F1 racing towards the finish line.

at this time,

Wayne's peripheral vision suddenly caught sight of a figure on the side of the road.

It was a middle-aged man,
Whether it is appearance or dress, he is very passer-by, and belongs to the kind that will be drowned immediately when entering the crowd.

But Wayne instinctively noticed a trace of abnormality,
Although this man is sitting on a street seat,
With a newspaper in hand,
But his eyes always involuntarily glanced in the direction of Pete's house.

Obviously tricky,

Wayne's eyes flickered,

A brake stopped the car.

"Beep beep!!!!"

Before Wayne took other actions,
Suddenly there was a rush of horns behind him.

at this time,

His car was parked in the middle of the road,
The driver who just followed behind him was honking his horn with cold sweat on his face.

Just a tiny bit short,

The front of his car hit the back of Wayne's.

If it weren't for the high price of the car Wayne drove, he would almost have thought that the man in front was just playing tricks.

"Can you drive!"

A roar came from the driver behind him.

See here,

Wayne can only start the car again,
After parking the car on the side of the road in another block, he opened the door and got out.

Just now,

He suddenly had an idea to pass the time.

I bought a baseball cap for more than a dozen dollars at a roadside shop,

Wayne lowered the brim of his hat to cover most of his face, and walked towards Pete's house silently.


Wayne walked past the unremarkable man just now. Although he just missed him, his close observation allowed Wayne to discover more information.

First of all,

The newspaper this man reads is not the New York Times, but a boring professional newspaper.


The man's sitting posture has hardly changed since just now.

Even the position of the finger on the newspaper has not changed,
It is clear,
The newspaper in this man's hand is not for reading, but for props.

The corners of the mouth curl up slightly,
Wayne suddenly felt like he was playing a detective game.

On the next corner of the street,
Wayne found a roadside flower bed and sat down,

This position can not only see the panoramic view of Pete's house, but also look at the suspicious man from the corner of the eye.


Wayne took out his phone,

He started to use two things at once, quietly observing the man while reading the novel that was just updated.

"Mei, I'll go up first."

After Pete ate the food on the plate, he said to May opposite.

"Okay, go to bed early today and pay attention to rest."

There was still a weird smile on Mei's face, and her voice was soft and a little outrageous.

"What the hell did Wayne tell her?"

Pete muttered a few words in a daze, wondering if he needed to ask Wayne for advice the next time he saw Wayne.


Pete returned to his room full of doubts,
close the door

Pete's demeanor suddenly changed.
This small room is like a small world that belongs to him alone,
it's here,
He doesn't need any pretense,
Be whoever you want, and be able to play your new role to your heart's content.

such as,

Recently, Spider-Man has become famous.

Fastening the garbage bag containing his tattered uniform, Pete dug out a large bag from the corner of his closet.

open the bag,

It was full of no less than three sets of loose red and blue sweaters and trousers.
This cabinet is ostensibly his wardrobe,

But secretly,
Pete prefers to call it the Suit Warehouse.

Looking at the still dark sky outside,
Pete flexibly took out a new uniform and started changing.

Although the day before yesterday when I was performing a mission, I was overshadowed by others,
But the superhero Spider-Man will not be discouraged,


He wanted those terrorists to feel the wrath of Spider-Man.

Not long after,
Pete changed into his uniform,

He quietly opened the window of the room, and after making sure that Mei below was not disturbed, he crawled out like a gecko.

at the same time,

The middle-aged man who had been stalked by Wayne finally moved.
He raised his head,
After the flexible sound shadow on the roof left, he slowly stood up.

After reading a page of the newspaper for five hours, he finally put it away,

Throw it in a nearby trash dump.

Walked straight to Pete's door.

"bang bang bang"

There was a rhythmic knock on the door.

(End of this chapter)

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