Marvel's King of the Undead

Chapter 371 Unlucky Pete

Chapter 371 Unlucky Pete

The bearded man staggered up from the ground, ignoring the pain in his leg.

First, he looked at the cheeky face of the fainted monkey, and when he was about to help him up, the corner of his eye suddenly caught an LCD screen.

In a world of gray and white,
A humanoid machine in red and gold was rushing straight towards them,


The robot seemed to be holding something wrapped in blue cloth in its arms.


The bearded man cursed,

The waist that had just bent straightened up again, and he limped to the side of the monitoring platform, calmed down his inner panic, found the emergency paging microphone from the table, and shouted anxiously:

"Attention please,
There is an enemy attack,
The target is suspected to be Iron Man,
Holding a bomb in his hand, he is quickly approaching the base! "

Enduring the pain and finishing the whole paragraph in one breath, the bearded man collapsed to the ground as if he had lost his last strength.

The work on Big Beard's side is considered complete.
But the words of the bearded man exploded directly inside the Hydra base like a bomb,

The base that had finally calmed down became lively again.
But unlike the previous turmoil,
This time everyone's actions are orderly, and all units and departments have begun to perform their duties.
As the last pure land of Hydra, the defense mechanism and guarding force here are the top configuration inside Hydra.

Shoot him down! "

A man dressed as a commander stood in the control room with a grim face,
He calmly ordered to the people below.

As head of defense at Hydra headquarters, he was experienced in handling these emergency raids.


Countless forts hidden under the snow are quietly operating,

After a few seconds,
With a "swoosh",
Countless missiles shot out from the muzzle at the same time, aiming at Tony in the sky.

And after Tony,

Those floating gray parachutes were ignored by Hydra's people under Tony's x-ray halo.

have to say,

Sometimes having a glamorous teammate isn't such a bad thing.

Really the full 1 minute? "

Tony looked at the time and couldn't help complaining.

It was a full minute after the little fat man hacked Hydra's system, not more than one second, not less than one second.

in front of him,
Missiles shot at him overwhelmingly, more than the ones encountered at the SHIELD headquarters before.

Fortunately, Tony re-improved the armor after the S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters was besieged by missiles.

With the help of Friday,

Tony flew back and forth between the gaps of various missiles like a butterfly,

From time to time, some small anti-missile devices will be launched from the gaps in the shoulders,
Although the number of missiles fired by the opponent this time is a bit large, Tony can still handle it for the time being.

However, if you keep it for a long time, you will lose it.
Just when Tony thought he had successfully avoided the first round of attacks,

At some point, a missile flew onto the evasion route Tony had calculated before, and it was about to hit it.


Tony's expression changed.
Hiding in the armor, he is not afraid of being hit head-on by a missile.
After many upgrades, he has full confidence in the defense of his armor.


There is another classmate in my arms.

Unlike Tony,
Pete's already horrified expression became even more horrified, and he had the déjà vu of seeing a ghost in broad daylight.

so special,
After finally avoiding the fate of falling to death, are you going to be killed by the bomb again now?


Tony looked at his flying height and the surrounding terrain, and hurriedly shouted to Pete in his arms:

"I'm throwing you down now, and you use your spider web to stick to the mountain in front of you."


Regardless of whether Pete listened to his suggestion clearly,

Tony threw Pete vigorously towards the mountain not far away.



The bomb arrived as expected,

Blast Tony from the sky directly,

Under the intense light of the fire,

Tony turned into a black shadow and quietly rushed towards the Hydra base below under the cover of the explosion.

In the Hydra command room,
After successfully blasting Tony down, the moral atmosphere in the entire command room was not as excited as expected, but a little dignified.

The commander who gave the order before frowned and stared at the image from outside,
After solving the suspected Iron Man character, the camera turned to the object thrown by the previous man when he was hit by the bomb.

Because the outside environment is too harsh, the quality of the video transmitted is not very high, which is somewhat similar to the quality of some movies in the island country.


Judging by the commander's experience,

This is not the bomb that the previous alert said.

"Fire a missile!"

The commander said with a cold face,

No matter what it is, to be on the safe side, it's better to blow it up directly.

As soon as the voice fell,
A special missile flew towards Pete who was floating outside.

The missiles here are all products specially improved by the weapon scientists of S.H.I.E.L.D.

The commander is full of confidence in this,

Even if Iron Man came personally, he was confident that he would kill this big dog with one shot.

"Hoo hoo.. hoo.."

Pete's ears kept echoing the sound of the wind, feeling the constantly upside-down world, and the little face under the mask was pale.

Today is a very special day for him.

He finally understood why Wayne had always said his street fights were petty.

so special,
It is too dangerous, too exciting!
Exciting a little too much,
Pete now feels that his head is a little lack of oxygen, the whole person is dizzy,
I don't know if it's because of altitude sickness or because I'm constantly being reversed in the air.

Pete vaguely remembered what Tony seemed to have yelled at him before,

His current brain seems to have lost the ability to think, and he can only feel his body quickly falling towards the white snow below with a confused face.

"According to the height just now, I should not be able to fall to my death."

Pete, who successfully avoided two life-and-death crises, thought optimistically,

When he wants to come,

If he was really going to be thrown to death, Tony wouldn't dare to throw himself out directly,
There was a surviving smile on his pale little face as Pete waited for him to land safely.

Pete suddenly saw an object that would not be affected by the perspective from the constantly upside-down world.

Whether you look up or down,
Or look left and right,

This little black dot looks like the missile just now.


Pete was taken aback.
The smile on his face turned into surprise in an instant.

The heart roared again,
This really makes people unable to live,

I want to go home and find my aunt!
"F ah ah ah ah ah ~"

Constantly echoing in an empty sky.

(End of this chapter)

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