Marvel's King of the Undead

Chapter 372 Why is he so fierce!

Chapter 372 Why is he so fierce!
Time seems to slow down in an instant,

Even the upside-down world around me began to gradually blur,

It seemed that the whole world was focused on the missile that was constantly approaching him.

After another failed cry,
Pete weakly gave up the futile struggle, and even slowly closed his eyes.

The world is not worth it,

It's tiring to be alive.

The originally drowsy brain seemed to be active again in an instant,
In just a few seconds, Pete thought a lot.

Thinking of my parents who have been missing for many years,

Thinking of the aunt who had worked so hard to raise me up,
At last,
He thought of the hell Wayne had described to him.

in case,

If there really is hell in this world,

Pete felt that when he got to hell, he must
bah bah bah,
Spit three times in my fantasy,
Pete felt that an upright and kind person like himself should go to heaven even if he really left, and only people like Wayne would go to hell after they died.

The memory begins to trace back slowly,

Recalling the bits and pieces of his previous life, Pete suddenly felt a little unwilling.

in fact,

Neither heaven nor hell seems to be a good place, he just wants to stay on earth.

His heart is now completely filled with regret,

He regretted why he was easily fooled by Wayne and participated in this dangerous incident.

Be the superhero next door,
Help the old lady to cross the road every day,

Wouldn't it be nice to help the lady next door catch the cat in the tree, and then tease those street gang members in your free time?
Why do you want to be brave enough to save the world?
I don't have Tony's armor, I don't have Captain America's shield, and I don't have Wayne's abnormal ability.


It's just a cute little spider.

turning point in my life,
It seems that it started when I met Wayne.

I never want to see your face again! "

Although the lines are somewhat pretentious,
But thinking that he was going to die anyway, Pete still couldn't help shouting out his inner thoughts.


Pete suddenly reacted.

How can I talk?

It seems that even the wind blowing on the face is a little less.

Subconsciously opened his eyes,
A familiar face appeared in Pete's sight.

"Huh? You don't want to see me anymore? Then I'd better send you back."

Wayne tilted his head, puzzled and said something,

Then he grabbed Pete's arm and made a gesture to throw him towards the missile not far away.

"Don't don't!!!"

Pete's eyes widened.
He held onto Wayne's clothes tightly, like a drowning man grabbing the last straw and never letting go.

"Watch out for missiles!"

All the previous thoughts were thrown out of the sky in an instant,

Pete at this time,
While reminding Wayne to pay attention to the missiles behind him,

While sighing inwardly,
“It was delicious!”


Wayne replied,
He teleported here directly by using the space ability. Although the two of them were still falling rapidly at this time,

But he didn't panic,
A blue light flashed in his eyes,
A deep black hole suddenly appeared in front of the missile and engulfed it.


Wayne grabbed Pete's arm,

The two disappeared directly into the air and came to the ground.

Stepping on the soft white snow,
Pete almost cried out!
"Scared me to death, scared me to death, scared me to death."

His palms kept patting his chest,
Pete felt that this must be the most thrilling and exciting day in his life.

at the same time,

Tony, who used the flames from the missile explosion to deceive Hydra before, finally started to do things.

Tony squatted on one knee at the top of a mountain, where he could overlook the entire snow-capped mountain where the Hydra base was located.

"Friday, find a hole in the shield."

"Okay, Mr. Stark."


Friday marked a few weak spots in the shield,
It only needs to break through these points at the same time, and the protective cover of Hydra can be directly collapsed.


Tony raised his arms,

The armor on the forearm flipped open, and six small palm-sized missiles flipped out. The size was somewhat similar to the ex-wife of Hammer Industries. It looked more like a toy than a powerful missile.

With a "swoosh",
Six missiles flew out at the same time,

After rising to a certain height, it suddenly split apart and rushed forward according to the position marked on Friday.

Hydra also seems to have found a missile that popped up suddenly,
A few missiles were also launched from several exposed turrets, as if trying to intercept them.


Think I'm some trash from Hammer Industries? "

on the top of the mountain,
Tony pouted silently.


"Booming" explosions came one after another,
An invisible defensive cover shattered before it even had time to appear on the stage.

"Can the action begin?"

Natasha's voice suddenly came from the microphone,

During the period just now,
They have successfully landed nearby.

After Tony and Pete had almost all of each other's attention, their descent was quiet and peaceful.

"Are you ready?"

Wayne looked at Pete beside him and said,
At this moment, Pete's feet were still trembling, and he looked as if his body had been hollowed out.

"and many more."

Pete straightened up and checked the web shooter at his wrist.


Pete nodded,
His eyes shone with excitement.


After the fragrance,
Pete directly forgot all the sentiments in his heart just now.

catch the cat,

Cross the road,
How can there be real guns and live ammunition to enjoy the battle?
Pete smiled uncontrollably,
right now,

He felt like a super agent in a movie,

It is about to show its power to save people all over the world from the fire and water.

Army attack! "

Wayne stared,
Ignoring Pete beside me,
The whole person directly turned into a shadow and rushed towards the inside, raising high snowflakes behind him.

Although his task is to deal with the "god" created by Hydra's secret project, this does not prevent him from helping his teammates behind him to forcibly tear a gap in Hydra's iron-walled defense.

All the way north,
Without the slightest detour and scruples,

Wayne was on a rampage like a tank.

Raising his hands and crossing them on his chest, Wayne slammed into the mountain in front of him!

An invisible shock wave swept everything around,
In this way, Wayne slammed into the mountain with his own body,
Countless white snow,
The rocks exploded one after another,
The silver metal wall hidden in it was revealed.

Wayne's tendency to charge forward was slowed down,


Looking at the familiar wall in front of him, the corners of Wayne's mouth turned up slightly.

fist raised,




Like a tireless pile driver,
Wayne punched and punched the metal wall in front of him, making deep dents.
After an unknown number of punches,
With a "bang", Wayne forcibly punched a huge gap in the metal wall.

behind Wayne,
Pete jumped up and followed. There were no tall buildings around, so he could only hurry on in the most primitive way.

As soon as it falls,
Pete saw the huge gap in front of him that was purely made of flesh,
The corners of his mouth twitched twice.

Why is he so fierce! "

(End of this chapter)

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