Chapter 373

Looking at the huge opening in front of him that can accommodate one person,
Wayne turned around.

Behind him, Pete was staring at him with his mouth open, horrified.

"In a moment you go in here,
You can contact other people here. If the few of you are together, you should be able to advance smoothly. "

Wayne patted Pete on the shoulder and reminded:

"The people here are different from the gangsters you met before, don't think about keeping anyone else.

I can assure you that everyone in here is damned. "


Pete's expression softened,

Finally waking up from the shock just now, he nodded solemnly.

in fact,

From the beginning of the [-]-meter skydive,
Pete already clearly understood the difference between this operation and the previous ones,
In those street fights before,

He was not forced to the point where dangers appeared one after another in a short period of time.

see you later. "

Wayne smiled.
He turned his head and rushed directly towards the gap he had opened.

been brewing for so long,

He had long wanted to see what kind of character the legendary created god was.

a thing made by man,

Can it really be called a god?
For this,

Wayne has reservations,
He didn't think that his opponent in a while would really be a so-called god,
after all,

People like Thor, the god of thunder, cannot be created by humans alone.

Thor he had seen before,

But the crystallization of the legendary Odin and Thor's mother's years of hard work,

How could it be so easily tampered with by Hydra?

After countless times of strengthening and evolution,
How strong is Wayne's body?

this problem,

Wayne himself doesn't even know.
Anyway, since he returned from hell, it seems that there is no opponent who can compete with him. Even the former Joseph is not his opponent at all.

at this time,

Wayne ran at full speed like a gray wind,
Ordinary untrained Hydra civil servants can only see a phantom passing in front of them, and even the guards can only see a figure clearly.

I didn't waste any more time to deal with the guards I met on the road,
Wayne passed through one long passage after another like an arrow leaving the string,

He had seen the internal route map of the Hydra base obtained by Coulson before,
his opponent,

The man called God is hidden in the core part of the Hydra base,

Since the introduction of this project called God-making Project, the core area of ​​Hydra has almost become a closed forbidden area. Except for a few people related to the project who can freely enter and exit, other people are not allowed to approach that area at all. .

With clear goals,
Wayne planned to go straight to Huanglong all the way. Anyway, tearing down the walls in Hydra's base was something he was used to.

He has disassembled the experience and dismantled the skills.

He has long been familiar with how to use force and how to find an angle to tear down a big hole in the wall as quickly as possible.

All the walls in front of him collapsed under his fist,
This not only makes it easier for Wayne to get close to the restricted area,

It can even be convenient for Tony and others who will come in from this entrance later.

There is no need to scurry around in the labyrinth-like base, just follow Wayne's route.

Alarm bells rang frantically,

Since Wayne entered the base,

All the alarms rang through the positive film base at the same time, and those high-level guards didn't even care about the movement outside.

Soldiers began to gather one after another, hoping to block Wayne who was rampaging in the base,
Wayne, who was the target of everyone's arrest, didn't feel nervous at all.
Instead, tear down a wall.

take a few steps
tear down a wall,

take a few steps
The standard action is like a precision machine in an assembly line factory,
He even found a little bit of pleasure from this monotonous and repetitive action.


After breaking a wall again,

Finally, a figure appeared in front of Wayne's eyes.

A soldier wearing a black combat uniform was running in the passage, as if he wanted to gather somewhere.

The moment Wayne broke through the wall,
The soldier froze for a moment.
Immediately, he rushed towards Wayne involuntarily,

If Wayne's appearance was a little more normal, it might take the soldier a minute or two to understand Wayne's identity,

But because Wayne's way of appearing on the stage is too straightforward,

Anyone who is not blind can tell that the man tearing down the wall in front of him is not a good person.


The soldier took two steps,

Suddenly an explosion flew directly from the ground,
The familiar orange light was burning in the soldier's eye sockets,

This soldier is not an ordinary human soldier, but a soldier who has become a strengthened soldier after being injected with the Extremis virus.

At the moment of approaching Wayne,

The soldier's fist swung out violently, and the sharp piercing sound resounded instantly.

The bright fist Shanghai quickly approached Wayne with a trace of burning sensation.

After long-term research on Hydra,
The stability of the Extremis virus seems to be getting higher and higher. The soldiers who were injected with the Extremis virus that Wayne encountered these few times are no longer as before.
The orangutan I met before,
He can even skillfully manipulate the power of the Extremis virus to achieve an effect similar to the self-healing factor.


After all the soldiers rushed in front of him,
Only then did Wayne move,
Head crooked,
Looking at the ferocious-looking soldier in front of him, he stretched out a hand, as if there was a fly that kept "buzzing" and wanted to raise his hand to slap it to death.

The palm was lightly patted down.

Wayne's movements seemed slow,
But it hit the soldier's head first as if he had traveled through space,
"Bang." There was a muffled sound, and the soldier didn't even have time to react or self-destruct. His head was separated from his neck, and hot magma flowed down the soldier's neck to the ground, making a sound like a frying pan.

"So it can still be used like this?"

Wayne shook his head.

At that moment just now, he combined his spatial ability with his fist, and directly let his fist span the distance of space.

After getting a new way of playing with spatial abilities again, Wayne looked at the surrounding environment,

The passage here is obviously narrower than the previous one. It may be because there are not many people who can come here, so the passage does not need to be so wide. After all, the base of Hydra is mainly designed for practicality. host.

The soldier just now was like a brief episode, which couldn't disrupt Wayne's rhythm of tearing down walls.

Once again looking for the wall in front of him, Wayne waved his fists and rushed towards the wall in front of him like a Teddy saw his thigh.

  From six to seven hundred subscriptions per day,

  It directly became more than 100 subscriptions per day,

  What happened to the friend who read this book? ? ?
(End of this chapter)

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