Marvel's King of the Undead

Chapter 374 You are finally here

Chapter 374 You are finally here


The solid walls burst open,

Wayne raised his leg and stepped into the new passage,

The always stern expression finally showed a trace of fatigue,
The chest rises and falls slightly.

"How many layers of walls did Hydra build?"

Take a breath,

Wayne looked at another iron wall in front of him, and couldn't help complaining.

Until now,
He could hardly count how many walls he had pierced through.

From the previous high spirits,

So far it's tasteless,

Wayne turned his head and looked behind him,

They can even see Tony's figure flashing past in a distant place occasionally.

It is clear,
During the time he was tearing down the wall,

Tony and the others have successfully broken through the hole he opened, and have begun to fight against Hydra's defense force.

For the safety of Tony and others,
Wayne didn't have the slightest worry,
Their lineup this time is really a bit luxurious, although the two most capable players in Tony's super boy group did not attend.

But after adding Pete and Wanda,

The fighting power of this team can still allow them to have fun on this land of the earth.

Wayne didn't think that a hydra that was about to toss itself to death could show the power to crush the super boy team. If they could, they probably wouldn't need cats in this ice and snow.

He stopped to look at the situation behind him.
After letting his body rest for a while, Wayne started his demolition journey again.


Wayne kicked a big hole in the wall in front of him,
Through the gap the size of the sole of the foot,
Wayne suddenly discovered that there was a clear gap between the scene behind this wall and the stereotyped aisles before.

"It's finally here!"

Wayne showed a relieved smile,

Take a few steps forward,

"Bang bang" made this small hole directly into a big hole.

over the wall,

Wayne's eyes suddenly brightened,
The ceiling height of this space is about five meters, which is almost twice as high as before. It should be for the convenience of installing relatively large equipment.

A few tens of meters away from Wayne, there is a huge metal gate, with a hydra logo and an octopus pattern with a skull engraved on both ends of the gate.

"That's it."

Wayne walked near the gate,

He put his hand on the door and exerted force, trying to push the door open.


There was a slight knock at the door,

But it didn't mean to be pushed away at all.

"Hey, it's pretty solid."

Wayne froze,
The metal ground under his feet was dented downwards due to Wayne's force just now, but the door still had no intention of being opened.

Can this stump me? "

Wayne smiled contemptuously,

Put your hand on the door again,
This time, he didn't continue to use brute force to push hard, and he didn't know what the door was made of. Just now he had exerted all his strength, but he couldn't shake the Hydra door at all.

The blue light in the green eyes flashed away,
Wayne also crossed the gate and flashed directly to the other end of the gate.

Although Wayne didn't know what the space behind him looked like,
However, it can still be done by using the spatial coordinates of the gate to forcefully push back a distance of five meters.

after all,

No matter how thick this gate is, it can't be as exaggerated as five meters.

The scene in front of me changes instantly.
Wayne looked up.
The complex instruments and machines he imagined were not here, and the instruments placed in the playground-sized space were not even as many as those in Tony's small laboratory.


Most of these instruments are placed on the left side of this space,
And in the middle position,

A red carpet extends from the gate to the other end,
There are steps on the red carpet,
And at the very top of the stairs, there is an all-golden seat quietly placed.

It looks a bit like the chair under the god king in a fairy tale.
But Wayne is clear,

Even if the seat under the god king in those myths is made of gold, it should be pure gold.

Unlike the chair in front of me,
Wayne's vicious eyes could tell right away that it was gold-plated.


What about the so-called gods?

There are guests here, come out and pick them up. "

Wayne looked around, shouting loudly.

The appearance of the gold-plated seat made his rating of the so-called god drop again in his heart,
Properly pretending to be poor.

Just like the lunatic in the mental hospital who fantasizes that he has become the president of the United States likes to build his own White House with sand,
Wayne didn't think a man who could build himself a gilded chair would be a true god.


Footsteps suddenly sounded,
It was particularly harsh in this quiet and vast hall.

On the right side of this space,
Finally, there was movement in the area covered by a thin surgical curtain.

The white surgical curtain was lifted by a haggard pale arm,

If it weren't for this arm that looks as white as milk,
Wayne would even think that Joseph ran out from that unknown space to act as a demon again.


The curtain was lifted completely,
The owner of this arm was revealed.

A woman as thin as a skeleton, with deeply sunken facial features, slowly walked towards Wayne.

"You, the so-called god?"

Wayne frowned.

He had some doubts whether the woman in front of him, who was walking in a frivolous way, could bear the strength of his fist.

Although he thinks that the so-called god is just a cover,

But obviously did not expect this god,
It turned out to be such a ghost,
This is so obviously supposed to be called a mummy,

Even if it's a pretentious name, it can only be called a resurrected pharaoh at most, and she doesn't have those cloth strips that have traveled through thousands of years of time and space as decorations.

The deterrent power of the whole person has plummeted, and it is estimated that even children over seven years old will not be able to scare them.


A smile appeared on the woman's face,
As if he didn't see the weird expression on Wayne's face, he still walked slowly towards Wayne with his weak steps.

"Who the hell are you?"

Wayne stood where he was,

Staring straight at the woman in front of him,
In his perception,

This weird woman doesn't have any power at all, she's just an ordinary person who can't be more ordinary.

The woman still didn't speak, she staggered towards Wayne with two thin legs, as if she had spotted the person in front of her.

at last,

The woman came to Wayne,

A smile appeared on the mummy-like face again, and the skin on her face seemed to be all attached to the bones, making her smile look a bit ferocious.

"You finally came."

woman holds out her hand,
He touched Wayne's face.

(End of this chapter)

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