Marvel's King of the Undead

Chapter 41 Wayne's Superpower

Chapter 41 Wayne's Superpower
Wayne was a little depressed and sat alone in the last row of seats. He chose this seat because it happened to be covered by sunlight, and other students might feel a little hot.

But I don't know why, recently Wayne always likes to bask in the sun when he has nothing to do. He thinks it's because he has been locked up in that dark laboratory for too long, so now he has a special preference for sunlight.

Feeling the sunshine gently covering his body, a sense of satisfaction from the bottom of his heart appeared in Wayne's heart.

It's good to lie lazily like this, Wayne, who was lying on the desk basking in the sun, couldn't help thinking.

Ignoring the teacher's voice on the podium, Wayne, who was a little bored, began to look at his classmates.

The little fat man was having a great time chatting with another fat man who was similar in size to him. It was not difficult to infer from the movements of their swallowing saliva and the light in their eyes that they were discussing food.

And a girl about his age sitting directly in front of Wayne successfully attracted Wayne's attention because behind the girl was a fluffy tail flicking under the bench.

Just as the curious baby Wayne was about to reach out to grab it, suddenly a small ball of fist-sized fireball appeared on a boy's hand obliquely in front of him, and the ball of fire spun around the boy's hand flexibly.

While the boy was proudly showing off his skills, a burst of cold suddenly came from behind him. In an instant, the active fireball turned into a ball of cold ice.

Just as the ice puck was about to fall, suddenly a cloud-like air mass condensed by water vapor appeared, dragging the falling ice puck in time.

Not far away, a little girl with eyes was staring at two naughty male students, and then whispered:
"Attention teacher, you two idiots."

Looking at the group of students around him, Wayne suddenly felt that none of his new classmates were serious. A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and Wayne muttered to himself:

"I'm kind of starting to like it here."

"Jingle Bell"

As the bell rang for the end of get out of class, the originally peaceful classroom exploded in an instant.

Fatty walked towards Wayne with his new friend.

"Hey Wayne, this is my new friend."

Seeing Wayne lying lazily on the desk, the little fat man said happily.

Just like Wayne, when the little fat man came to this class, he felt an inexplicable kindness. Looking at the peers who were similar to him around him, the little fat man felt like he was at home.

"Hello, Erpang."

Looking at the two chubby fat men, Wayne greeted the second fat man.

As for who the fat man is, needless to say, it must be the little fat man.

"Don't use nicknames, Wayne."

The little fat man glanced at Wayne helplessly, and began to introduce his new friend.

Fatty’s new friend is Liao, who is from Zhejiang, China. It is said that he awakened his supernatural ability because he didn’t know what additives he ate when eating at home. 200 catties.

Although China does not reject mutants, Liao's sudden weight loss still frightened his parents.

And his parents did everything possible to find out about Xavier School for Geniuses through various channels and relationships. Although they were reluctant to send their son to a foreign country thousands of miles away, for the son's health, the couple still did it. This painful decision.

"This is 108 catties?"

Looking at the fleshy Er Fatty in front of him with some surprise, Wayne exclaimed.

"Well, that was before, and now I am back in the ranks of 200 catties."

Looking at the surprised Wayne in front of him, Liao touched his big belly shyly, and then explained to Wayne.

"After I came to the college, after examination, I found that the reason for my weight loss was that my stomach was connected to a different dimension, and the previous me could not control my ability, so that the food I ate was not affected by my stomach. Absorbed, but entered that unknown space."

"So are you able to control your stomach now? What's the use of your ability?"

After nodding clearly, Wayne understood the reason why Er Fat lost weight. After all, no matter who doesn't eat at all, they can lose weight quickly.

"This." Mentioning his ability, Liao said a little unconsciously: "Except for the extra-dimensional space in the stomach, my esophagus doesn't seem to be damaged in any way, and my mouth seems to have mutated to produce suction. "

"so what?"

Wayne continued.

"So. Now I can eat a large pot of boiling hot pot in an instant without worrying about scalding myself."

As Liao talked, he subconsciously swallowed his saliva, as if thinking of all kinds of delicacies.

"You have"

Wayne was just about to say what is the use of your ability, when suddenly out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of the little fat man looking enviously at Liao, and immediately shut his mouth.

Thinking about it carefully, this ability seems to be quite useful when grabbing food.

At this moment, other students in the class also gathered around. After all, Wayne, a new student, hadn't introduced himself yet, and everyone wanted to know more about this companion who was going to get along day and night.

"Hey, my name is Bob, my ability is ice, nice to meet you."

I saw the boy whom Wayne had followed in class just now walked over and said to Wayne, and made an ice sculpture in the shape of Wayne in his hand and handed it to Wayne.

Looking at the ice sculptures exactly like himself and the enthusiastic classmates around him, Wayne decided that it would be better to introduce himself seriously, after all, he still needs to get along with each other in the future.

"Well, hello, my name is Wayne, and I came with Steve. Is the ability immortal?"

Speaking of ability, Wayne suddenly became a little entangled, what should I say about my ability?
Super strength, super vision, super hearing, super perception, super recovery, super wisdom.

Looking at the envious faces of the students around him after hearing about his abilities, Wayne suddenly wondered if he was too good. He had so many abilities, and he could make others envious if he reported any of them.

"Does not dying mean that you can always be so young?"

Suddenly, the female classmate with glasses who had summoned the cloud looked enviously at Wayne's face and said.

"Yes, yes, your skin is really good."

Before Wayne could answer, another girl who had been flirting with Wayne answered, and stretched out her hand to touch Wayne's face.

Wayne, who was still narcissistic just now, suddenly felt a little confused, why did he feel that what others envied and what he was proud of were not the same thing.

Are you being molested?Feeling the temperature on his face, Wayne thought shyly in his heart, so another of his abilities is being super handsome?
(End of this chapter)

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