Chapter 42 The man
When Wayne was besieged by the girls in the class, he suddenly felt that the air around him became hot and dry.

Looking back, the boy playing with fireballs in class summoned his little flame again. After attracting everyone's attention with the flame in his hand, he looked at Wayne from the corner of his eye and said:

"What's so strange about a little white face?"

Glancing at the stick figure in front of him, Wayne lowered his head again. Could it be that such a perfect self encountered the most bloody campus bully in the legend?
Seeing Wayne's reaction, the boy increased the temperature of the flame, laughed and said:

"Look, only strength is what a man should pursue, not like a cowardly little boy."

Seeing the furrowed brows of the students nearby, Bob stretched out his hands towards the boy, and a burst of ice visible to the naked eye quickly spread in the air, quickly approaching and extinguishing the fireball in the boy's hand.

"That's enough of you, John."

Looking at the ice balls falling on the ground and the angrily John, Bob said.


Glancing hard at Bob, John turned and returned to his seat.

"I'm sorry, John's temper has always been like this."

Bob took the initiative to sit down beside Wayne and said to Wayne.

"It's okay. It's said in the book that ugly people often do mischief. He is just envious of my super good looks."

Seeing the stickman sitting on the seat and looking back at him constantly, Wayne smiled and said.

The break time at school was not long, and after 10 minutes, Reina stepped onto the podium again.

Looking at the pieces of broken ice on the ground near Wayne's seat, where the shape of a fireball could be vaguely seen, a flash of understanding flashed in his eyes, he smiled slightly, and said to the following:
"It seems that everyone is getting along well with the new classmates. Next, let's explain the current situation of mutants in various countries."

"As we all know, apart from mutants being treated equally in China, mutants in other countries are subject to various oppressions."

Listening to the boring knowledge on the podium, Wayne leaned sideways on the desk, supported his head with his left hand, and secretly took out his mobile phone from his pocket with the other hand, relying on the desk to block the teacher's sight on the podium.

The hand holding the mobile phone tapped a few times on the screen, found a book called "The Encyclopedia of Whole People", and studied it carefully.

Although he was very magnanimous on the surface, in private, Wayne would not let that arrogant matchstick man go so easily.

Although he has offended himself, then he must be able to convince others with virtue, use the knowledge he has learned from books to educate him, and let him know that knowledge is the foundation of strength.

The day ended quickly. After dinner, Wayne and Fatty brought their new friend Liao to their room.

"Hey, Wayne, John is sure to get you in trouble."

Liao sat on the single sofa next to the bed a little aggrieved, feeling the pressure on his buttocks from the armrests on both sides of the sofa, looked at the salted fish lying on the bed with some worry and said.

John's status at Xavier Gifted Academy is somewhat similar to Joseph in the orphanage.

It may be because John's ability to control flames makes his personality as violent as a ball of fire, and he is also an extreme pursuit of power and a person who likes to show off very much.

Today Wayne's appearance suddenly attracted the attention of most of the girls in the class, which made John, who liked to be the center of attention, feel neglected.

Although it sounds bloody, most of the sixteen or seventeen-year-olds should have this mentality, especially when you have a cool ability that you think is cool.

"Hahaha, Liao, he should be worried."

On the other side of the bed, the little fat man was looking at his mobile phone, and he couldn't help laughing when he heard Liao's words.

Ever since he was a child, the little fat man has never seen Wayne suffer from his peers.

Liao didn't know Wayne very well, but the little fat man knew Wayne's true strength, and John's little flame did not pose any threat to Wayne at all.

"Liao, is there no physical education class or courses to help you develop your abilities?"

The motionless Xianyu finally turned over on the bed, looking at Liao who was sitting on the sofa, Wayne felt sorry for the sofa in his room.

Wayne has been thinking since he came back, since this is a school made up of mutants, it will definitely be different from ordinary schools. If we only explain some situations and basic knowledge every day, what will be good for these mutant children? how much help?
"Well, there is this one. Teacher Storm will teach us how to control our abilities, and teacher Cyclops will teach us how to use some abilities."

Having said that, Liao paused for a moment, then continued after thinking about it:

"But since someone came here, the school sometimes organizes us to have some competitions. Of course, the competitions are divided into two types, one is the combat group, and the other is the logistics group."

Interestingly, after a day, Wayne discovered that the students in the school had an almost crazy love for nicknames. It seemed that everyone wanted to give themselves a nickname.

And many times they call each other not by their own names, but by each other's nicknames.

For example, the Liao in front of him has a title he has chosen by himself - the king of big stomachs, not the second fat that Wayne said.


Hearing Liao's answer, Wayne has a new understanding of the school's education system, and this is what a mutant school should look like.

The previous courses are all for students to better familiarize themselves with and control their own abilities, while the competition mentioned later is to better allow mutants to apply what they have learned.

After all, ability has to be put to use in the end, otherwise no matter how powerful your ability is, it will be useless if you don't use it in practice.

So who proposed this competition? Since he came here, it proves that this person is not from the school.

Wayne looked at Liao curiously and asked:
"Er Fatty, who is this person you're talking about?"

"Hey, you can call me Big Eater. Let me see, the teachers seem to call him Wolverine?"

After thinking hard for a long time, Liao Mingsi spit out a name from his mouth with some uncertainty.

Hearing this name from Liao's mouth suddenly, a gleam flashed in Wayne's lazy eyes.


Ignoring Er Pang and Da Pang's continued communication, Wayne murmured the familiar name in a low voice.

The first time I heard this name was when I was tortured by Francis. Later, Wayne specially dragged the little fat man to learn more about this person on the Internet.

It is said that he has the same self-healing ability as himself. Since the world war hundreds of years ago, his stories have been circulating in the world.

"Why did he leave?"

The little fat man asked gossip.

"Hehehe, it is said that he has helped the school a lot, but he has some disagreements with Mr. Cyclops. You know the specific reason."

When mentioning these gossips, Liao suddenly laughed a little wretchedly, and gave the little fat man a look that you understand.

After being stunned for two seconds, the little fat man suddenly realized that Liao not only chatted with him about food in class today, but also talked about a lot of school gossip.

At this moment, the player in the little fat man's phone suddenly turned on, and a singing voice came out:
"Looking forward to a fortune and a shock

what a wonderful encounter

Climb over the top of the mountain ahead and the layers of white clouds
Where is the green light. "

Rolling his eyes, Wayne asked Liao:
"Er Fatty, will he come back?"

A little too lazy to correct Wayne's address to himself, Liao said:

"He comes back every game."

Nodding silently, Wayne began to look forward to the college competition.

(End of this chapter)

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