Marvel's King of the Undead

Chapter 443 The Giant Ant-Man

Chapter 443 The Giant Ant-Man

smooth and level ground,
It has already become bumpy.

It seems that only places where superheroes or super criminals often hang out, the construction industry will develop a lot better than other places.

Wayne stood there quietly,

gasping slightly,

He looked down at Captain America and Winter Soldier who had been beaten to the ground by him.


Do you still want to fight? "

If it is calculated based on pure combat experience and fighting skills,
Although Wayne is strong,
But it is also impossible for one person to defeat the two opponents.


The blame is that Wayne's physical fitness is really too strong,
Even after he has deliberately suppressed his own strength and speed, he can still defeat his opponent with his powerful body.

"What do you say?"

Captain America slowly got up from the ground,

have to say,

Although his strength and speed are far inferior to Wayne's, he is indeed superior in terms of stamina.

"Then go on."

For Captain America's answer,
Wayne was not surprised at all. He has been watching Captain America's comics since he was a child, and he already knows Captain America's personality like the back of his hand.

Especially that sentence,
"I could spend the whole day with you."

It can almost perfectly interpret his character.

Just when Wayne was about to rush up again to pick up the US team and smash it,
Suddenly there was a "click" in the air,
This time,
It wasn't that someone's balls shattered, but a sound similar to glass breaking.

Wayne paused for a while before rushing forward, turned his head in some surprise, and looked in the direction where he had imprisoned Ant-Man before.


A small black spot about the size of an ant,
In an instant, it swelled up suddenly as if drinking some super growth hormone.


The roof of the airport was smashed into pieces in an instant.
Countless miscellaneous materials spilled down.

In just a few short breaths, Ant-Man has grown from an ant to an indomitable giant.

Wayne looked up.
mouth widened,
Some were surprised and said:
"Which game is this?"

at this time,

Even though he has raised his head, he can still only see Ant-Man's lower body.


His upper body has already grown out, and this airport seems to be unable to accommodate his huge size.

Captain America got up from the ground,
He didn't attack Wayne at the first time, but looked at Hawkeye who had been playing soy sauce with a look of surprise.

"I don't know that I didn't see him have this skill when I investigated him before."

Hawkeye spread his hands and explained blankly.

"I think we need to go to another place now, otherwise Germany may need to rebuild an airport later."

Wayne pursed his lips and said.


raised his head again,



big man,
Can you hear us?Now we're going to fight on the tarmac outside. "

In fact, Wayne has always had a curious thing,

That is who pays to rebuild those streets and buildings that are invaded by aliens or destroyed by super criminals every time.

Although Wayne still hasn't figured this out,
But as an outstanding young man, he instinctively felt that he should avoid destroying these public property.

The voice just fell,

Ant-Man, who had grown into a giant, took his own heavy steps.


first step,
While crushing the front desk of the airport, it also pulled a long passage directly on the ceiling of the airport.


The second step,
Thanks to the pair of super long legs he gained after swelling, he only took two steps to walk out,
But when he went out, he smashed a large piece of tempered glass into pieces.

See the big man is ready,

Several other people at the airport also emerged from the almost half-destroyed terminal.

"Oh my God."

Wayne narrowed his eyes,
Looking at the Ant-Man, which was bigger than an airplane, he couldn't help but exclaim.

He had indeed seen some guys who were bigger than the current Ant-Man before,

For example, Dormammu before,


Dormammu's form looks more like a monster, far less shocking than the proportionally enlarged human body.

"bring it on,
The real battle begins now. "

Ant-Man opened his mouth and said.

After zooming in,

His voice sounded like thunder to others.

bent down,
Ant-Man stretched out his huge palm and grabbed Wayne.

Although the movements seem a bit slow and dull, just looking at this posture is enough to make many people shudder.

Wayne, who was shrouded in a shadow, did draw an arc at the corner of his mouth,
Facing the giant hand that almost completely enveloped him,

Do not retreat but advance.

The moment Ant-Man was about to grab him, he suddenly kicked his legs, and his whole body fell on Ant-Man's fingers.

"Do you think you can catch me?"

Wayne smiled slightly.
keep walking,

Directly following Ant-Man's arm, he ran towards him.

After becoming enormously large,
In the eyes of Wayne and others, Ant-Man's arm is like a wide runway, which can gallop freely.

"Go up and stop him!"

After being a little dazed, Captain America quickly realized, and after saying something to the Winter Soldier beside him, he took advantage of the moment Ant-Man raised his hand,
jumped up,

Hooked Ant-Man's little finger with both hands, and then exerted force, directly rolled onto Ant-Man's arm.

"What do you want to do?"

Ant-Man straightened his waist, and asked in a low voice.

Although he was a little unaccustomed to using this state for the first time, which made his movements and thinking a little slow,
But he still grabbed Wayne with his other hand,
Just like when encountering annoying mosquitoes outdoors in summer,

Usually people give it a hard slap.



Ant-Man hit Wayne precisely this time,
Yet Wayne hadn't made a sound yet, and he did gasp himself.

under his palm,
Wayne's hands were up against his slap directly, but Wayne was standing on his arms at this time.

come and go,
The final force was directly transmitted to his arm,
Anyone who has studied physics knows that when the force is constant, the smaller the contact area, the greater the pressure.

Right now,

Ant-Man felt as if he had been hit hard by a needle, and subconsciously let go of his hand.

"Are you afraid of pain?"

Wayne gave a smirk.

The speed of the feet does not decrease,

Continue to rush towards Ant-Man's head,
The moment he saw Ant-Man, he had a bold idea.

"Help me stop him!"

Ant-Man yelled at Captain America on his arm,

Although he didn't know what bad idea Wayne was planning, but at this moment he could only turn to another teammate on him for help.

after all,

He didn't want to try the feeling of pricking himself with a needle again.


Captain America shouted loudly,
Then he smashed his shield towards Wayne's path.

(End of this chapter)

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