Marvel's King of the Undead

Chapter 444 The Broken Button

Chapter 444 The Broken Button

Captain America's small shield hit Ant-Man's arm hard,

The moment the shield approaches,

Wayne changed direction directly as if he had a pair of eyes behind his back, avoiding the attack from behind.

This shield attack did not achieve any substantive effect except for making Ant-Man cry out in pain again.


The shield bounced back into Captain America's hands in a strange arc.

Talking about the relevant physics knowledge about shields,

Although Captain America may not have even taken a physics class, his knowledge in this area miraculously surpasses most scientists in the world.

The distance between Wayne and Captain America gradually widened.

After several spins and jumps, Wayne finally came to Ant-Man's shoulder.

Looked up,
Wayne could see a gap between Ant-Man's chin and his helmet that a man could barely fit through.

Do not you know why,
When Wayne was about to reach his destination, he suddenly stopped in his tracks.
turn around,
He looked at the American team who was chasing after him.


Your running speed has slowed down recently. "

Wayne waved his hand.

It seems to be urging the US team to come over quickly.


After half an hour,

Captain America finally came to Wayne, took a breath, stared at Wayne with blue eyes, and said:

"What exactly do you want to do?"

"I just suddenly saw Lie Xinxi and had a bold idea."

A malicious smile appeared on the corner of Wayne's mouth,

He rushed directly towards the US team.


Wayne stared at Ant-Man's arms with both feet, and the enlarged Ant-Man screamed again.

Right now,

Ant-Man finally realized the feeling of the floor that served as the battlefield of superheroes before,

Just come here if you don't move,
Whether it is an attack or a sudden acceleration, it is never the two sides of the battle that are most injured, but the ground.

Captain America subconsciously raised his shield to cover his chest,
Just took a defensive stance,
It felt like a gust of wind was blowing towards him.


The huge force was transmitted along the shield to Captain America's wrist,
A burst of severe pain came, Captain America's entire arm shook, and the shield immediately came out of his hand.

Wayne casually threw the shield that fell into the air into the distance,
Immediately, one hand locked Captain America's shoulder, the other hand pinched Captain America's arm, and twisted fiercely towards the back.


There was a slight cracking sound,

The bones and joints of the US team were directly unloaded by Wayne.

Captain America's entire face flushed red.

While enduring excruciating pain,

Turning around, he elbowed Wayne hard behind him.

"Don't move,

I will be gentle. "

Wayne's voice rang in Captain America's ears,


Captain America felt that the elbow he sent out was restrained by Wayne,
Then, according to the previous method, there was a direct "click", and the two arms of the US team lost their combat power instantly without mercy.


Captain America was a little flustered at this moment,
Although I don't know what Wayne's intentions are, but losing his hands is always a very uncomfortable thing.

If it is an ordinary person,

At this time, you should just lie limply on the ground and let others do what you want.

He is not an ordinary person,

He's Captain America,

Even if the joints of both arms are temporarily removed, he still has his own legs.


Captain America twisted his waist,
A side kick went towards Wayne's thigh.

Wayne smiled again,
Didn't stop the US team's attack,
Instead, he grabbed his neck and lifted his whole body upwards,
Like an eagle catching a chicken,
Let him have nowhere to borrow strength in the air, he can only struggle and sway helplessly like a hoisted domestic pig.


It's time to witness the miracle. "

Wayne ignored Cap's struggles,
but raised his head,
Through the transparent glass of the mask, he glanced at Ant-Man's huge pupils.


The legs kicked again,
Wayne grabbed Captain America and ejected towards the gap in Ant-Man's helmet.


Looking at Wayne who was rapidly approaching him,

Ant-Man murmured to himself in panic,
He didn't choose to continue to resist, but turned around, and ran out in the opposite direction of Wayne while Wayne was in the air.

"No matter what he wants to do, let's change himself back first!"

Ant-Man found himself sweating profusely on his forehead after using his hidden weapon.

Suddenly he discovered,
The situation at the scene was not as beautiful as imagined. The scene where he became a giant and killed the Quartet did not appear.

On the contrary, because of the increase in size, it has become a bigger target.

Even because the battlefield directly turned to him, he let himself be restrained.

after all,

No matter how you fight,
Some of the power will spread to the ground, that is, your own arms.

I am a real person with flesh and blood, not those painless stones and tiles on the ground.


Ant-Man pressed the button on the glove,
According to the previous design,
As long as you press this button, you can change it back to its original size.

After pressing three times in a row, Ant-Man suddenly found that the plane in front of him was still the size of a toy model.

"Isn't this bad?"

My heart tightened,
Ant-Man pressed the button on his hand several times in a row, but his body size still did not return to normal human size.


A blue light flashed,

The running Ant-Man suddenly found two small dots appeared in front of his chest.

"Tsk tsk...the chest muscles are really good."

Wayne stepped on it lightly twice, and the foot felt quite hard.

"go away!"

Ant-Man slapped himself in the chest,
At this time,
He couldn't continue watching, after all, the only teammate who could help him had been caught by Wayne.


Wayne nimbly dodged Ant-Man's slap,

But Ant-Man did not give up. After finding that he could not escape from the battlefield, he simply stopped.

With both hands raised high,
Then it fell heavily on his chest.

One loud chest-beating sound after another,



Because the body is too huge, the sound of beating the chest at this time sounds a bit deafening.

like in ancient times,
When the two sides confronted each other, the drums they beat each other made people suddenly ignite their blood.

Ant-man, who was the drum beater, didn't feel the feeling of being ignited at this time.
Instead, I feel that my current appearance is a bit like after successfully shooting a plane on the Empire State Building,
Secretly beating his chest to celebrate the roaring King Kong.

the only difference,
It was King Kong who successfully smashed the plane down.

And now,
The little black spot on his chest was getting closer and closer to his helmet under his intensive attacks.

(End of this chapter)

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