Chapter 49

Soon, the movement here attracted everyone on the playground.

"Bob, put out the fire!"

Among the crowd, Meowji immediately spotted Bob who had just rushed over.

"Let me try."

Bob came straight through the crowd.

Exposing his hands to the air, wisps of white smoke emitted from Bob's hands.

Then the air began to slowly move closer to the fallen Bruce, and the sudden cold dispelled some of the heat in the air.

Bob didn't dare to directly control the cold air to touch Bruce's body, so he could only lower the surrounding temperature to control the fire.

After all, the human body is too fragile. If you icicle it directly, although it can quickly extinguish the flames, the Bruce inside will also turn into pieces of minced meat.

At that time, everyone can pick up the fragments above, mark the Bruce fragments on them, collect all 99 fragments, and synthesize a complete Bruce.

"Everyone let it go."

At this moment, Professor X finally arrived with Storm, Hank the Beast and other teachers.

Pushing aside the crowd in front of her, Storm's black pupils suddenly turned white, and the surrounding air seemed to have found its master. Under Storm's control, a hurricane formed, instantly extinguishing the flames on Bruce's body.

Looking at Bruce, who was limp on the ground, most of the skin on his body was burnt black, and he lost consciousness.

Originally wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, Hank dressed up in Sven suddenly turned into a huge blue beast with blue skin.

Gently lifted Bruce onto the stretcher that had been prepared, the blue beast held the stretcher firmly with both hands, and quickly took him to the school's medical room.

"John did it?"

Looking at the remaining traces on the ground, Professor X's face no longer had the kind smile of the past.

Although the tone was still gentle, Wayne, the melon-eating crowd among the crowd, clearly noticed that the atmosphere on the playground became heavier with the arrival of Professor X, as if the air had condensed.

It was as if there was a huge rock pressing on everyone's chest, making it hard to breathe.

"Yes, it's him."

"I saw it too."

"John controls a tornado of fire that attacks Bruce."

As soon as Professor X finished speaking, several students who rushed to the scene immediately replied.

They were not far from John and Bruce at the time, and witnessed the whole process of this incident.

"Where's John?"

Wayne stood on tiptoe and searched in the crowd, but he didn't see John.

Apart from a few mutated big men in the academy, Wayne's height still had an advantage.

Just now everyone's attention was completely on the injured Bruce, completely ignoring the culprit John.

"He has escaped from school."

Professor X opened his eyes, and while Wayne was looking around, he closed his eyes, relying on his powerful spiritual power to search for John in the school, but John's spiritual power was not found in the entire school.

"Act immediately and bring John back."

Fingers tapped on the wheelchair, and the voice of Professor X suddenly appeared in the minds of Storm, Qin, and Cyclops.

Although Xavier Gifted Academy is hidden in a mountain forest, it is actually not far from New York.

If an out-of-control fire-type mutant appeared rashly in such a big city, a bad one would cause a lot of casualties.

If it is used by someone with a heart, it will even destroy the balance that Professor X has worked so hard to maintain over the years, and make mutants completely go against ordinary people.

What's more, John also injured his companion in the academy.

Although Professor X's character is relatively kind, it does not mean that he will tolerate without a bottom line.

Seeing the three leaving quickly, Professor X activated his ability again, and at the same time, he showed a smile on his face again, turning into a kind old man again.

The invisible spiritual power is like a ray of wind blowing through everyone's heart, and the original anxiety, anger, fear and other emotions in the heart dissipate instantly.

Seeing that the emotions of the students have stabilized, Professor X comforted him skillfully:

"Everyone go back to the bedroom, Bruce will be fine."

"Where did that bastard John go?"

After returning to the dormitory, Wayne asked the little fat man beside him.

"I don't know, there is no monitoring in the school."

Looking at his mobile phone, the little fat man replied helplessly.

In order to create a free atmosphere, except for a few special places, Xavier Academy of Talents did not install any monitoring equipment.

The little fat man can only check the monitoring around the road outside the college that leads directly to the city through his ability.

But John was just out of control and not insane, he wouldn't be so stupid as to run away on the road.

Looking through the window at the students returning to the dormitory one after another, and thinking of Bruce who was burnt beyond recognition just now, Wayne suddenly felt a little depressed for no reason.

Is it because the companions you live with get hurt before your eyes, while others act as if nothing happened?
Wayne thought silently in his heart.

The last time in Professor X's office, Wayne was a little surprised by the sudden change in the mood of the three of them. During this time, he had already learned about Professor X's ability from Liao's mouth.

The mood of everyone on the playground suddenly stabilized this time, confirming Wayne's own guess.

Although Wayne also understands that it is the most sensible way for Professor X to do this, after the incident, the influence of the incident will be reduced to avoid causing some other troubles.

But looking at the students who were chatting and laughing as if nothing had happened, and the little fat man who had already started playing games as if nothing had happened, Wayne suddenly felt that he should do something.

"I think we need to do something."

Wayne spoke to the two people in the room.

"The X-Men will definitely be dispatched for this kind of thing. In principle, students can't run around without permission to avoid causing bad influence."

Liao, who was squeezed on the single sofa, heard Wayne's proposal, and suddenly felt a little eager to try.

However, when he thought of the three X-Men who had left early and the teachers' advice, he immediately hesitated.

At this moment, Liao is like a good student who has maintained good class habits for a long time. He suddenly heard a classmate suggest that we skip class and go out to play.

The good student is a little moved, but the long-term adherence to the principle makes him more hesitant.

"We can't control our abilities very well, and it may hurt others."

Liao continued, as if looking for reasons to support his decision.

"What if you lose control? Eat all the trash in Times Square?"

Looking at the hesitant Liao, Wayne joked, then turned to the little fat man and said:
"Stephen, send a message to everyone in the class. Our squad is about to start recruiting. Time: an hour later, location: our dormitory, goal: catch the bastard John."

(End of this chapter)

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