Marvel's King of the Undead

Chapter 50 Adonis Joins

Chapter 50 Adonis Joins
After the little fat man sent the message, the three of Wayne began to make some adjustments to the layout of the dormitory.

Moving the two beds away, Wayne put a desk in one hand and put the original computer desk together.

Three benches are placed near the window of the table, and a large sofa is placed near the door.

After Wayne instructed Er Fatty to paste a note written by himself on the door of the dormitory, Wayne took out a pair of glasses from nowhere and put them on his face, sat down between the three benches, and poured water for himself. Had a cup of coffee.

At this time, a petite figure suddenly appeared in the corridor outside Wayne's bedroom.

Looking at the sign-up office of the team written crookedly on the white paper in front of him, the tail behind this figure couldn't help wagging a few times, as if hesitating, but finally knocked on the door.

"bang bang bang"

"Open the door quickly, Er Fatty."

Hearing the knock on the door, Wayne put down the coffee in his hand, sat up straight quickly, and motioned Er Fatty beside him to open the door quickly.

"Hey, it turned out to be you."

After Erpang opened the door, Wayne looked at the petite Meowji in surprise.

Meowji sat down on the sofa coyly, and the sofa that could barely squeeze Liao's butt seemed extremely spacious at this moment.

Under the eyes of the three of them, Miaoji whispered:
"I'm here for an interview, um, to apply for a job."

"Ahem, interview and application mean the same thing. Why do you want to join us?"

After a brief surprise, Wayne quickly entered the role, looking at the first interviewer in front of him with a serious face.

"Because Bruce is my friend!"

Speaking of Bruce, Meowji, who was originally a little shy, forgot her shyness and said loudly.

"Okay, okay, what is your dream?"

Looking at the irritated kitten in front of him, Wayne couldn't help laughing.


Meowji froze, Wayne's question was too jumpy.

What is your dream?
A picture subconsciously appeared in Meowji's mind.

A bloated orange cat twisted its fat buttocks to find a clean piece of ground in a shady open space, and made a trip there.

After licking the long hair on his body in satisfaction, all kinds of delicacies suddenly appeared on the originally empty ground.

After a quick look, the orange cat rolled around on the spot a few times, and finally fell asleep with its head against a soft doll that appeared out of thin air.

"Eat, drink, and sleep."

Subconsciously, Meowji uttered three words.

"Congratulations, you passed!"

The next moment, Wayne stood up abruptly under the surprised eyes of Liao and the little fat man, bent down and held Meowji's hands with a smile on his face, as if to celebrate her remarkable achievement.

"Where is this going? How did it pass?"

This sentence came to the minds of the two fat men on both sides of Wayne at the same time.

"Huh? Then I'm next?"

Meowji looked at Wayne in a daze, but didn't react.

"Next, you can go back to the dormitory to rest. I will notify you before the mission."

Wayne kept smiling and said kindly.

"Wayne, did you forget something? Didn't you have to pay to enter the team?"

After Miaoji went out, Liao who was beside him suddenly reminded Wayne in a low voice.

"Well, the money you paid is enough for us for the time being."

Captain Wayne explained without sincerity.


Liao was speechless.

When I was two hours old, the orange light from the setting sun filled the sky and dyed the whole school in an orange coat.

At this time, the squad registration office.

Captain Wayne, who was originally in good spirits, was lying on the table boredly, staring at his own shadow reflected on the ground in front of him by the setting sun.

The little fat man on the left has long been immersed in his own online world.

Liao Zheng on the right kept nodding his head like a woodpecker.


Liao finally couldn't hold it anymore, and his whole face fell to the table, making a muffled sound.


Sitting up reflexively, Liao covered his nose and let out a scream.

"What time is it? Is no one here yet?"

Feeling the soreness coming from his nose, Liao looked at the two bored people beside him and asked.

"How about we recruit again next time? Blame that damn John!"

Captain Wayne said with some embarrassment.

The squad's first recruiting ended in such a cold way, and Captain Wayne felt that he couldn't bear this grievance.

Blame that bastard John.

John, who was on the run, didn't know that he was inexplicably charged with the crime of causing the squad to fail to recruit people.

At this moment, Wayne's shadow on the ground suddenly changed.

The head of the original humanoid shadow suddenly began to swell, as if a big lump had grown from its head.

Then the big bag continued to expand, and in just two seconds, the big bag had turned into another complete human form.

Then, the shadow on the ground suddenly became three-dimensional, like a two-dimensional picture suddenly turned into a three-dimensional image.

A plain-looking boy appeared in the sight of the three of them.

He is about 175 in height, has black hair and black eyes, and has a very popular face.

He was obviously standing in the sun, but at first glance, he always felt that his whole body seemed to be covered with a shadow.

"My name is Adonis, I'm 175cm tall, I weigh 122cm, I'm British, I'm here to join you, I have no dreams."

The shadow boy looked at the three people in front of him blankly, and completed his self-introduction.


Looking at the strange boy in front of them, Liao and the little fat man began to quickly recall information about each other.

It seems like the one who always stays alone in the corner?
Fatty and Liao looked at each other, as if confirming their guess.

And Wayne also looked at the young man in front of him blankly, without saying a word, but felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

You've finished talking, so what am I asking!
Just after Wayne and Adonis looked at each other for a minute, Wayne stood up abruptly again, held each other's hand enthusiastically, and said:

"Congratulations, you passed!"


Fatty and Liao were speechless at the same time.

"it is good."

Allowing Wayne to hold his hand and shake it non-stop, Adonis replied.

After shaking hands for 2 minutes, when even Wayne felt a little embarrassed, Adonis finally spoke again:

"When do we act?"


Wayne breathed a sigh of relief, he had finally spoken.

As the captain, how can I make my subordinates cooler than me? Of course I can't speak first!
"Go back, act, notify."

Quickly uttering three words, Captain Wayne quickly opened Adonis' hand.

The two big men held hands and shook hands for a few minutes, and Wayne couldn't take it anymore with his thick skin.

"it is good."

Adonis answered with one word again.

The whole person suddenly became like a noodle.



Then it changed from a three-dimensional image to a two-dimensional picture again, turning into a mass of pitch-black shadows, blending into the shadows on the side, and disappearing.

"Did he understand what you meant?"

Seeing the silent Wayne, Liao suddenly asked.

"I guess not."

The little fat man secretly laughed.

"Then why don't you send him a text message to explain!"

Suddenly, Wayne turned his head and said sadly.


No matter what I say, the other party only needs to say one good thing.

It's impossible for me to win!
"Remember, in your own name."

Looking at the little fat man who was about to send a message, Captain Wayne added.

 Neither the plot of the mutants in the novel nor the plot of Marvel will completely follow the movie.

  It will mess up the plot and remix it.

  After all, it doesn't make much sense to follow the movie completely.

  So everyone, don't criticize based on the plot in the movie.

  Just take it as this is the parallel universe of Marvel, and I will do whatever I say!

(End of this chapter)

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