Marvel's King of the Undead

Chapter 51 The Passing Colossus

Chapter 51 The Passing Colossus
As the last ray of sunlight faded into the sky, Wayne stood up from the bench, moved his stiff body, and completely gave up his plan to continue recruiting.

The three of them sat for 5 hours today, and finally ended the team's first recruiting meeting with the result of successfully recruiting two players.

"Let's get ready and tell them to gather at the southwest corner of the academy in 10 minutes."

Wayne took out a backpack from the closet and said to the little fat man next to him.

"What's in your bag?"

Seeing Wayne take out a schoolbag that he had never seen before from the closet, Liao asked curiously.

"Don't tell you."

Wayne shook his head proudly, and walked out of the bedroom first.

10 minute later.

Looking at the squad teammates standing in a row in front of him, Wayne couldn't help feeling a little overwhelmed.

This can be regarded as the first time he has carried out an operation in the name of the squad since he formed the squad.

Clearing his throat, Captain Wayne took out a note from the schoolbag behind him, stood in front of the four and said passionately:

"Today is the first operation of our team. In the next operation, I need you to do the following three points, the first point is to obey the captain's order, the second point is to obey the captain's order, and the third point is to obey the captain's order !"

Satisfied, he looked at the four people who were listening carefully, and Captain Wayne puffed up his chest and continued:

"You have to believe that under the leadership of the great Captain Wayne, the squad is destined to be invincible and invincible."

"You will continue to improve and grow under the brilliant leadership of Captain Wayne"

Time passed like this for 5 minutes.

"So, our goal today is to kill that bastard John!"

"Repeat out loud, what is our goal?"

"." Fatty, Liao, and Miaoji looked at Wayne silently.

"Get rid of bastard John."

Adonis yelled.

"Well, Adonis made a compliment, you three answer quickly!"

Looking at Adonis with satisfaction, Wayne suddenly felt that although the child was a little less talkative, he was still quite reliable at critical moments.

"Get rid of bastard John."

Three out of breath voices came, and Captain Wayne finally nodded in satisfaction.

"Now, we have to sneak out and not be discovered by the bald professor."

With a gesture of action, Wayne turned around and prepared to turn over the wall.


A huge metal figure appeared in front of Wayne's eyes, and the two stared at each other in silence for a few seconds.

"Were you sent by the bald man to stop us? When did he find out?"

Wayne said coldly.

".Do you believe me when I say I'm passing by?"

With a dazed expression on his face, Colossus subconsciously covered his bandaged chest with his hands.

Since the awakening of the power, Colossus thought that his body had turned into steel. However, after going for an examination today, the doctor in the infirmary insisted that he had a broken bone.

He also put a bandage on him, and told him to take a walk if he had nothing to do, and get some fresh air.

And he obediently obeyed the doctor's advice after dinner, and wandered aimlessly in the school when he suddenly heard shouts from the corner.

Then I saw Wayne questioning him coldly.

The Colossus immediately panicked.

"Whoosh" sound.

Wayne suddenly rushed towards Colossus, causing a burst of wind.

Looking at Colossus's chest that had been bandaged, Wayne realized his conscience, bypassed the wound, and suddenly appeared behind Colossus.

Straightening his right hand, a knife slashed at the back of Colossus' neck.


The tall Colossus fell to the ground in an instant, and passed out directly.

"Come on."

Wayne threw the fat man with one hand, threw them over the wall, and then jumped over.

Meowji turned into that chubby orange cat again, and when Wayne was about to get up, he nimbly jumped onto Wayne's shoulder.

And Adonis turned into a black shadow again, directly blending into the shadow under Wayne.

All members of the squad finally completed their first small goal and escaped successfully.

"Where should we go?"

Holding the flashlight, Liao staggered and walked in the forest with difficulty.

From time to time, I will trip over vines or roots on the ground, and I have to always pay attention to whether there are snakes in the grass.

The little fat man on the side was no better than Liao, and while looking enviously at the orange cat lying on Wayne's shoulder, he said:
"I hacked the street surveillance in the urban area, but I didn't find John's whereabouts, but I saw Storm and the others."

"Hey, where's Adonis?"

Liao suddenly remembered that since he climbed over the wall, he hadn't seen Adonis again.

The next moment, a darker shadow suddenly appeared in the darkness, and slowly changed into the appearance of Adonis in Liao's eyes.

"I am always here."

Adonis, who appeared, said something to Liao, and merged into the darkness again.

"Is it possible that John is hiding in the forest?"

The little fat man tripped over a tree root again, stopped and said to Wayne who was at the front.

"It's not impossible."

Listening to the 4D sound of surrounding insects, Wayne also stopped. The efficiency of their aimless search was too low.


At this moment, the orange cat that had been napping on Wayne's shoulder jumped off Wayne's shoulder and let out a crisp meow.

After a while, the sound of insects around suddenly quieted down, and there were a few rustling sounds in the grass.

Two mice jumped out of the grass behind the little fat man, startling the little fat man.

"Hahahaha, Stephen, why are you even afraid of mice?"

Liao who was on the side couldn't help laughing when he saw the little fat man making an embarrassment.

However, when he turned on the flashlight, he found that the little fat man was looking at him with a pale face.

"Look at what I do?"

Liao asked in a low voice, and then felt something wet and cold wrapped around his neck, and the smile on his face stopped abruptly.

In an instant, Liao's color was paler than that of the little fat man opposite, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

"Help, help!"

Afraid of angering the snake, Liao whispered tremblingly.

The sound was so small that if Wayne's ears hadn't been strengthened, he might not have been able to hear it.

When they came out, the little fat man quietly threatened Liao and said:

"I heard that there are snakes in this mountain."

Wayne clearly remembered that Liao was very calm and patted his chest:

"I caught snakes in Zhejiang when I was a child, so there's nothing to be afraid of."

However, looking at Liao's performance now, Wayne suddenly felt that he was afraid that what he caught was a toy snake when he was a child.

However, before Wayne could make a move, the orange cat under his feet meowed again.

The meowing this time seemed to be less gentle than before, with a hint of warning.

After the cat meowed, the snake quickly slid off Liao's body, crawled up to the orange cat, wagged its tail, and stuck out its tongue twice, as if to explain.

At this time, the two mice that came out in front also tremblingly crawled to the side of the orange cat, and began to squeak.

The three of Wayne stared dumbfounded at the strange scene in front of them, and even Liao temporarily forgot to wipe off the mucus left on his neck.

(End of this chapter)

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