Marvel's King of the Undead

Chapter 5 Meeting Wade for the First Time

Chapter 5 Meeting Wade for the First Time
As if hearing Wayne muttering to himself, the man with closed eyes next to Wayne suddenly raised his head and looked towards Wayne.

Only then did Wayne have the opportunity to carefully observe the man's appearance. The man was about 30 years old, with a thin beard and a man with well-developed muscles, but his whole face was sickly pale, and his eye sockets were deeply sunken. Going in, it seems to be terminally ill.

While Wayne was looking at this man, this man was also looking at Wayne.

"Little handsome guy, what's your name? Where did you come from?" The man asked first.

"Uh, my name is Wayne, and I'm from New York. Are you a mutant too? What kind of place is this? It looks like the set of The Walking Dead."

Seeing the man break the deadlock, Wayne suppressed the anxiety in his heart and asked the man.

"My name is Wade, yes, I am also a mutant, and my superpower is cancer." Hearing what Wayne said, Wade showed a mocking smile on his sickly face, "As for where this place is, you can tell me later." Just know."

"What the hell is this place?"

Seeing that Wade made a fool of himself, Wayne frowned and continued to ask.

"let me tell you."

At this moment, a man and a woman came from a distance and interrupted their communication.

Wayne turned his head and squinted his eyes, and found that the man among them was the doctor next to Dean Boone in the hospital that day.

And another woman she didn't know walked up to Wayne, stretched out her hand and pushed Wayne back to the hospital bed roughly, then skillfully tied Wayne's hands and feet.

"Haha, it's a familiar scene, your binding skills are still so superb, do you often practice on your father?"

Seeing Wayne bound by shame, Wade smiled exaggeratedly and said to the woman who bound Wayne.

The woman shifted her gaze to Wade and didn't speak, but Wayne could clearly feel her anger. She was slamming her hands with thin belts, and the woman turned around and walked to Wade in spite of Wayne's cry of pain. He stretched out his hand and dragged Wade's bed to the back of the hall.

"I'll take him there to calm down."

"Go ahead and entertain our Mr. Talkative."

The man dressed as a doctor replied with a smile, and then said to Wayne who was tied to the bed and struggling hard.

"Give up, poor child, let me tell you the truth, do you think the orphanage you grew up in is really just an ordinary orphanage?"

Seeing that Wayne stopped struggling, the man continued.

"From the day you entered the orphanage, your fate is doomed. The orphanage exists only to help us collect ordinary people with potential X genes."

"Do you know why the rules of the orphanage are so unreasonable? It is to create more conflicts between you. Strong emotions can increase the probability of triggering the x gene, especially death."

The man continued to use a gloomy tone, and continued to explain to Wayne the reasons for the various abnormal behaviors of the orphanage.

"What about the people who didn't activate or left when they reached the age?"

Wayne stared at the man's cold eyes and asked suddenly.

The little fat man is still a few months away from the age of leaving the orphanage, and the so-called x gene has not been activated. Wayne still has a little fantasy in his heart, hoping that this evil organization can let the little fat man survive.

"Ha, although those wastes are not awakened, they can still be used as experimental products for our other research."

Facing Wayne's question, the man showed a perverted smile on his originally expressionless face, just like the perverted scientist in the movie Wayne watched when he was a child.

And the man's words also solved Wayne's long-standing questions, why the orphanage made a series of strange rules, and why the people who left the orphanage never came back to visit their former friends.

"You bloody scum."

Looking at the perverted doctor in front of him, Wayne suddenly felt that the iron bed under him was as cold as ice in Antarctica, and the cold air penetrated his body, freezing to his heart.

Over the years, Wayne has silently thanked the orphanage countless times in his heart, allowing himself and other orphans to survive in this indifferent society, and becoming the support of their group of lonely children.

Although many rules of the orphanage are cruel, but as orphans, they understand better than ordinary people that they need to pay for what they want. There are more people in the world who live a life that is hundreds of times harder than them. Over the years, Wei Eun has long regarded the orphanage as his home.

However, the cruel reality made Wayne realize that the place he has always regarded as his home is actually a slaughterhouse, and these people have become livestock in the slaughterhouse. Just so that he can satisfy his own evil purpose.

There was no more time for Wayne to think. After the man finished speaking, he dragged Wayne's hospital bed to the back of the hall. After passing through the hall, Wayne realized that compared with the scene behind, the hall just now was already very harmonious.

This is the real hell.

Tortured humans or mutants were everywhere, and wailing and screaming filled the entire space.

All kinds of tools make people feel creepy at a glance. It seems that all the torture methods imaginable for human beings can be found here. Wayne began to try to struggle, but Wayne, who was injected with drugs, was already weakened to the extreme. The two leather ropes can already tie Wayne tightly at this time.

Francis dragged Wayne near a wall, raised Wayne with one hand, fixed Wayne on the wall with a leather case, and then took out a silver desert eagle from behind and pointed it at Wayne's head. A strange light began to bloom in the eyes:
"It is said that your body has a self-healing factor? Then let us test your limit."

Pressing the gun down, the man shot Wayne directly in the heart.

Looking at the silver pistol that was only 30cm away from his heart, Wayne tensed his body subconsciously. The clothes on his back were soaked in cold sweat for an instant. With his mental strength, he could even clearly notice that the hand of the man holding the gun in front of him Shaking slightly with excitement.

"Bang" sound.

The bullet shot into Wayne's heart quickly, and there was a burst of severe pain. Wayne subconsciously focused on the injured heart.

Wayne could clearly feel that with the concentration of attention, a heat flow in the body quickly gathered to the injured part, and with the influx of heat flow, the intense pain began to be relieved quickly.

"Deng", in less than 3 seconds, the bullet has been squeezed out of Wayne's body, and the wound has begun to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Ha, a few more rounds. Is this bullet expired? Are you so poor that you can't afford genuine bullets? You bloody bastard."

After profusely sweating, Wayne calmed down his shortness of breath, and then spat at the man not far away.

Although the severe pain lasted less than 3 seconds, it felt uncomfortable to feel the heart being concentrated. Although Wayne could still yell loudly at this moment, the slightly trembling fingers still exposed Wayne's fear.

"Not bad, it seems that your recovery ability has surpassed that of the famous Wolverine. You are really a perfect experiment."

Ignoring the roaring Wayne, the man looked at Wayne frantically after a brief silence and said.

"Let's try something else."

After finishing speaking, the man put Wayne off the wall and fixed him on the hospital bed again, and then walked towards the freezer.

The so-called freezer is a room filled with many large freezers.

(End of this chapter)

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