Marvel's King of the Undead

Chapter 6 Rough Testing

Chapter 6 Rough Testing

"Hey Wayne, I'm here, are you here to do an ice spa with me?"

Wade was shivering as he was soaked in the freezer full of ice cubes, and suddenly he saw Wayne being dragged in, and suddenly regained his energy.

That happy expression is as if he is doing a hot spring sap, instead of cosplaying a human popsicle here.

Wayne, who was lying on the iron bed and waiting for the next wave of torture, suddenly heard a familiar voice, subconsciously looked up, and saw that his face was green and Wade was soaking in a freezer and shouting to himself

"Yes, I enjoy the treatment of a distinguished VIP member, but the waiter behind me is a little ugly."

After Wei En was stunned for a moment, he understood God's cooperation.

"Pfft" Before he finished speaking, Wayne threw it into one of the freezers.

"Look, I didn't lie to you, I don't even need to come in by myself, it's a dragon VIP service."

Wayne couldn't help shivering when his warm body suddenly touched the biting ice, but he didn't show it. Instead, Scholar Wade pretended to be comfortable and said to the gloomy man.

"I'm starting to like you, handsome boy, help me upgrade my membership level too, you can't be partial, Francis."

Looking at Wayne next to him in surprise, Wade suddenly felt that this new kid was in perfect harmony with him.

"Shut up, you two bastards!"

The man who brought Wayne in, that is, Francis, looked at the two people in front of him sitting in the freezer enjoying themselves, and roared.

Francis was a little annoyed that a method of tormenting people was taken as a party by two strange flowers. In order not to hear nonsense, Francis directly closed the doors of the two freezers.

"Did you like the ice bath yesterday? Wade."

Gina came over with a match in her mouth, asked Wade, whose face was paler than yesterday, and then looked at Wayne, who was next to him with a ruddy face. The two faces formed a sharp contrast.

"I heard you had a good chat yesterday."

Gina is also the woman who bound Wayne.

After Francis closed the cabinet door yesterday, the biting ice water instantly surrounded Wayne, but before Wayne could cry out, a hot current appeared in his body, quickly covering Wayne's whole body .

The appearance of the heat flow made the freezer feel better in Wayne, no matter where it was about to be frostbitten, the heat flow would arrive in time.

But for Wade, being put in the freezer is a real torture. After all, his cancer ability can't help him resist the cold, but will make him weaker.

"Not bad, are you imitating Stallone with a match in your mouth?"

Wayne glanced worriedly at Wade, who was still shaking, and said to Gina.

"I know him too. He lives next door to me. If you let me out, how about I let him be your father?"

"Another talkative one? Let's see your limit today."

Gina glanced at Wayne in surprise. After experiencing torture, few people can continue to talk like Wayne and Wade. After all, all kinds of torture here can easily make a normal person mentally collapse.

Ignoring all kinds of trash talk from Wayne, Gina dragged Wayne's bed and walked to the back of the hall.

After passing through the hall, Wayne found that today he was not taken to the two places yesterday, but instead came to a small empty room. On the bed, Francis was sitting by the wall with a can of gasoline and looked at him indifferently as he was dragged in.

Gina skillfully fixed Wayne on the metal bed. Yesterday they had seen Wayne's ability to recover after being shot and his ability to resist freezing.

I have a general understanding of Wayne's recovery ability, and today I plan to use other methods to get a more comprehensive understanding of his ability.


The moment Wayne was immobilized, Francis had already walked up quickly, without giving Wayne a chance to open his disgusting mouth, Francis directly poured gasoline on Wayne from head to toe, and then Gina spit out He lightly stroked the match in his nails, and threw the lighted match on Wayne, and the flames covered Wayne's whole body in an instant.

Wayne who just opened his mouth saw the oncoming gasoline, and closed his mouth wisely to prevent the oil from entering his mouth. However, the next moment Wayne felt as if he had been put into an oven. The excessively high temperature made his skin look like dried bread, cracking inch by inch until it was scorched black.

The great pain caused by the flames all over his body caused Wayne to scream out. At this time, the self-healing factor in his body rushed to the scene of the fire in time like a dedicated firefighter. Wherever he went, the scorched skin All rejuvenated, the pain from being burned by the flames and the tingling sensation caused by the new skin growth made Wayne's body start to twitch involuntarily like a ghost.

Five minutes later, all the flames in Wayne's body were extinguished, and the barrel of oil was finally exhausted. Wayne lay powerlessly on the big metal bed. There was no trace of injury on his body. The newly grown skin was as clean as a Just got out of the shower.

Taking a long breath, watching Francis and Gina slowly approaching, Wayne no longer had the energy to continue mocking. When he was surrounded by flames just now, Wayne felt like countless ants were crawling all over his body. Wayne was tormented by the pain and new itching of his skin.

"The burn can also be healed quickly, continue to the next item."

Looking at the unscathed Wayne, Francis recorded something in his notebook like a scientist. After a while, he raised his head and gave instructions to Gina beside him.

During this day, Wayne experienced tests such as being burned, hacked with an axe, and injected with viruses, etc. These methods did not leave a trace on him.

However, the pain caused by the experiment made Wayne tortured. Unlike ordinary people, Wayne's strong recovery ability made it difficult for him to fall into a coma, and he could only endure every torture.

But this is not the most sad thing for Wayne. The most unacceptable thing for him is that after being burned by the fire, although his body has returned to its original shape, all the hair on his body has been wiped out together with his hospital clothes.

The original short blond hair has turned into a bare egg, which can still reflect dazzling light under the light. For Wayne, who has regarded himself as a handsome man since he was a child, this is as uncomfortable as killing him.

"It has been confirmed that his vitality is very tenacious. Report to the organization. Tomorrow, we will start to extract his genes for research. The first experimental subject will be our Mr. Talkative."

Ignoring Wayne's angry gaze, Francis wiped the stains on his hands with a towel and said to Gina after the last test.


When they are not dragged into the torture, most people who are still in a normal state will be more eager to communicate with the same kind. After all, facing all kinds of inhuman torture every day, only the comfort of the same kind and the expectations for the future can make them feel better. Have the courage to face life the next day.

"Wayne, I heard that you did all the health care items for me today?"

Wade, who had regained some energy, said gratefully to Wayne who was staring at the roof in a daze.

"Yes, damn Francis, if there is a chance to switch roles, I must ask him to experience it."

Wayne stared at the ceiling and said weakly, the day's torture had made him a little tired mentally, and no amount of resilience could restore his mental fatigue.

"Do you think we have a chance to escape?"

After a while, Wayne withdrew his gaze, turned his head to look at Wayne next to him and asked with a hint of doubt.

"Of course, when my cancer is cured, I will go back to see my Vanessa, she is a beauty, then I will take you to Zhang Zhang to see, you must look like this in the Margaret Sisters Bar very popular."

Speaking of Vanessa, Wade's overall mental state seems to be better.Vanessa is Wade's spiritual support, and Wade mentions it to Wayne at least fifty times a day.

"Okay, let me tell you some bad news. They may experiment with you after a while, using my genes. Ha, I didn't expect to have an extra son for no reason."

Wayne, who had rested for a long time, finally recovered, remembering that Francis was going to use his genes to experiment on Wade, he couldn't help laughing, if Wade had his genes in his body, wouldn't it be the same as his son? Thinking of this unexpected harvest this time.

"You accidentally wounded a friend, Wayne. Do you think your genes can help me cure cancer?"

Glaring fiercely at Wayne who was still snickering, Wade's eyes were also a little confused.

Of course Wade knew that this organization was not a charitable relief organization, and these people were doing various experiments just to achieve the purpose of the organization, but Wayne's miraculous recovery ability still made Wade couldn't help having a little fantasy about possible miracles.

If only there was hope to cure her cancer, Vanessa might be looking for her everywhere now, Wayne couldn't help thinking.

"I hope, if I can escape, I must uproot them."

Wayne clenched his fists, and suddenly felt a sense of emptiness in his body. He sighed helplessly and slowly fell into a deep sleep.

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(End of this chapter)

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