Marvel's King of the Undead

Chapter 7 Laboratory Riot

Chapter 7 Laboratory Riot

One month after Wayne's genes were extracted.

During this period of time, Francis has been conducting various researches and experiments on Wayne's genes. He has not made substantial progress for too long, and some people in the organization have already criticized him.

The appearance of Wayne's gene made Francis see the dawn of success. He eagerly hoped to prove his ability to the organization through a successful experiment, and this eagerness also made him more irritable.

And the cute mouths of Wayne and Wade have made them receive special care from Francis this month. Francis has given full play to his talent of torturing people on them. It was cast on a person.

"I'll give you the last three days, Francis, if you still haven't achieved results, I'm afraid the organization will have to re-evaluate your capabilities."

"Okay, I will speed up the research progress."

Francis hung up the phone with a gloomy face, and said to Gina next to him.

"Fake, Gina, we can't delay any longer, we need to conduct research directly with living organisms."

As he spoke, he walked into the simple hall first, glanced at it, and found the bald man reflecting the light under the light and walked over.

At this time, Wayne and Wade were lying on the iron bed with their eyes closed. The endless torture in the past month had brought their spirits to the brink of collapse.

Especially Wade, who was already suffering from cancer, did not receive effective treatment, but was frequently abused, which made his physical condition even worse than his mental condition. His bloodshot eyes showed that his time was numbered.

Wayne had some unexpected gains during this month of torture. When he first awakened, Wayne needed to focus on the injured part in order to speed up his body's recovery.And after a long period of torture, Wayne's body seems to have formed a conditioned reflex, as long as he is injured, the self-healing factor will automatically start to repair.

Wade, who was closing the curtain and recuperating, suddenly felt that he was moving, and opened his eyes with difficulty, just in time to see Francis dragging his hospital bed with a sullen face.

"Hey, why does your face look like you ate shit?"

Wade's voice was a little hoarse, and as long as he opened his mouth at this moment, he would feel as if his throat was being cut by a sharp blade.

His deteriorating health made him a little desperate, and sometimes he felt that he might die in this dirty corner, never to see his Vanessa again.

Now he just wants to take revenge on the murderer who caused all this, even if these words will make him suffer more torture, but for a dying person, what is there to be afraid of?
However, Francis ignored Wade who was a little crazy, but directly put him into a transparent space capsule-like device, looked at Wade inside, and Francis leaned close to Wade's ear and whispered.

"Let's wait until you survive this time, but I really hope you survive so that I can continue to torture you."

Gina, who had been waiting by the side for a long time, took out the injection that had been prepared, plunged it into Wade's arm, then closed the outer glass cover, and pressed the buttons on the instrument a few times.

Wade instantly felt that the oxygen content in the air was constantly decreasing, his chest seemed to be pressed by a big rock, his limbs struggled weakly for a few times, and he tried to take a few breaths, but no new oxygen entered his body , as the oxygen content in his body became lower and lower, his consciousness was slowly stripped away.

As if after a century, the glass cover was opened again, and Wade took a few mouthfuls of air greedily, and then saw Francis' disgusting face appearing in front of his eyes, and it was obvious that Francis was a bit nervous at this time. excited.

"Are you happy, Wade, I cured your cancer without any side effects."

What Francis said made Wade temporarily forget to speak, and carefully felt the condition of his body. Although he had just been tortured to death, his physical condition at this time was better than ever. Since he was diagnosed with cancer, Wade suffered from cancer cells. torture, and now, he felt as if his body was rejuvenated.

"Want to thank me? Actually, I don't think so. After all, only if you live can our game last longer."

Seeing Wade's pale face gradually turn red, Francis showed a cruel smile, turned to Gina and said.


Although the experiment has achieved results, Francis is not ready to give up on torturing Wade, he wants to see how long this mouth can last.

Gina bent down as usual to check whether the shackles inside the instrument were firm.

"Enjoy it, Wade, you will have a good life ahead."

Taking advantage of the moment when Gina lowered her head, Wayne, who was silent before, suddenly raised his head and slammed into Gina's face fiercely. The sudden attack knocked Gina back two steps, and the match in his mouth was gone. trace.

Gina, who reacted angrily, wanted to go up and teach Wade a lesson, and then just took two steps, but was stopped by Francis beside her.

"Don't do this, Gina, just treat it as we owe him, you go first, I'll come."

Stopping Gina who wanted to teach Wade a lesson, Francis closed the glass cover directly and opened the pressure valve to the maximum.

Seeing Francis walking away slowly, Wade raised his head slightly, opened his mouth, and forcefully spat out a match into his hand, then lit the match with his fingernail, and then threw the match into the oxygen port.


Francis just took a sip of coffee, when he was about to take a break, he suddenly heard a loud noise, and then felt the whole building shake violently. He didn't know what happened before he had time to put on his shirt and hurried towards the stairs. Go down.

When Francis arrived at the hall, the entire hall on the first floor had been covered in flames, with broken instruments and wailing test subjects falling to the ground everywhere.


Looking at the messy hall, Francis cursed, picked up a fire extinguisher and started trying to put out the fire on the first floor.After walking a few steps, he was suddenly startled. In front of him, the glass cover of the instrument that tortured Wade had been smashed, and Wade, who should be lying inside, had disappeared.


While seeing the shattering of the glass cover, Francis was suddenly hit on the head by something, and the huge force brought his body to the ground.

Francis, whose reaction ability had been strengthened, sensed the danger, and immediately turned his head away from the position just now, and saw Wade rushing out of the fire when he turned his head.

Looking at Francis who fell to the ground, this time Wade did not continue to talk nonsense, but rushed towards Francis directly, like a crazy bison, lifted Francis with both hands, hit the wall behind him, and was already burned by flames Half of the wall column collapsed in an instant.

When Wade was hit by the collapsing pillar, Francis went forward instead of retreating. He took a step forward and hooked Wade's neck with his strong right arm, threw it hard, and then punched Wade's head with a punch. While beating Wade, he kicked Wade in the stomach and kicked him away.


Spitting out a mouthful of blood, Wade wanted to struggle to stand up, but the feeling of weakness in his body made him feel as if he was suffering from cancer again. Although he escaped from the apparatus just now by relying on the explosion, but the close range The explosion made Wade's state not very good.

Watching Francis pick up a steel bar on the ground and walk towards him, Wade crawled to the side with some difficulty.

"Bao" easily caught up with Wade who was wriggling on the ground.

Francis forcefully inserted the steel bar into Wade's back, and the powerful force directly penetrated the floor, directly fixing Wade to the floor.This attack completely dissipated the little strength that Wade had just gathered.

On the other side, while Wade was creating an explosion.

Wayne, who was sleeping on the bed, suddenly heard a loud noise, and before he had time to react, the whole person and the hospital bed were instantly overturned to the ground.

Looking at the messy hall and the smell of barbecue wafting from behind, Wayne was about to see what was going on, when he suddenly glanced and saw that one of the glasses of the tranquilizer drug that had just been blown up in the explosion was Lying quietly on his right side.

Regardless of watching the continuation of the excitement, Wayne bent down to pick up the piece of glass before Francis caught his attention, and began to cut the belt on his hand with some difficulty.

Five minutes later, Wayne finally regained his freedom as the belt that bound his right foot was cut.

Feeling his weak hands and feet, Wayne didn't run around like everyone else, but quietly moved into the hall with various overturned instruments and hospital beds.

"Damn it, where did Wade go?"

Coming to the back of the hall, looking at the burning laboratory, Wayne gritted his teeth impatiently.

In memory, Wade should be suffering in the back of the hall at this time.

Just as Wayne was about to continue his search, he suddenly sensed movement behind him, and just wanted to dodge sideways, but his weak body prevented Wayne's reaction from keeping up with his thoughts.


Wayne slammed into the wall in front of him heavily, touched the blood coming out of his nose, and as soon as Wayne turned his head, he saw Gina behind him.

Seeing Gina, Wayne's head became hot, and he got up and rushed towards Gina, regardless of the weak feeling coming from his body.

The torture during this period made Wayne's hatred for Francis and Gina difficult to describe in words.

Seeing Wayne rushing towards her, Gina leisurely took out a match, put it in her mouth, then stretched out her hand to easily catch Wayne's fist, and turned it hard.


Wayne's left hand was pinched off by Gina in an instant, but Gina's attack did not stop, she held Wayne's severed hand, pulled it in, raised her knee and slammed into Wayne's defenseless chest.

The sharp attack directly knocked the hot-headed Wayne to the ground. Looking at the helpless Wayne on the ground, Gina reached out and grabbed one of Wayne's feet, and walked into the hall.


Hearing someone call his name, Wade raised his head with difficulty, just in time to see Wayne who was lying on the ground looking at him.

"Sorry, I may not be able to take you out, Wayne."

With a wry smile, Wade spat out a mouthful of blood, and said weakly.

"You just wait here to die, Wade. But his value is still there, I can't stay here with you anymore, let's say goodbye."

Francis crossed Wade with a smile, interrupted Wade's speech, and motioned for Gina who arrived to pick up Wayne on the ground and run out the door.

The explosion and fire in the factory building have attracted the attention of the people nearby. Francis needs to take Wayne away to continue his research at the next experimental base that has been prepared.

As for Wade, let him stay here to wait for death. For the worthless experimental products, Francis doesn't care about their life or death.

 What is the best time to update every day? ? ?Does anyone have a suggestion.

(End of this chapter)

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