I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 152 Electronic Network Products

Chapter 152 Electronic Network Products
Two days later!
Umbrella has come to an end to take over the affairs of Donglin Industry. The reason why the handover can be completed so quickly is thanks to the help of the government department!
After the Donglin Building was officially accepted by the Umbrella Group, it was officially renamed the Umbrella Building as the current headquarters of the Umbrella!

People from the various departments of the umbrella, after confirming the headquarters, also moved here one after another!

On this day, the 34th floor of the Umbrella Building belongs exclusively to the President of the Umbrella. On this level, in addition to the President's Office and the executive meeting room, there are many rooms, just like a big villa.

After accepting the building, the person in charge of internal affairs under the company's personnel department immediately planned the divisions of the various departments of the building. The highest end is the rooftop, not counting it, so starting from the fourth floor of No.30, it is where the president's office is located.

The third floor of No.30, where the general manager's office is located!
The 32nd to [-]th floors are where the group stores confidential documents and various technical servers.

No.20, the ninth floor, where the Supervision Department is located!
No.20, the eighth floor, where the finance department is located!
No.20, the seventh floor, where the scientific research department is located!
No.20 sixth floor, where the technical department is located!
No.20 first floor, where the HR department is located!
No. 20th floor, security company office!

Of the nine departments, the most confidential departments are used to allocate floors, and the higher floors will be equipped with tighter security, loaded with live ammunition, and fully armed. As for those below the [-]th floor, they will be divided into basic databases for each department, etc. , to be scheduled later.

The fourth floor of No.30, the president's office floor, in the solemn conference room, the senior management meeting of Donglin Group was also held here, but now things have changed, and the umbrella has become the owner of this conference room!
Today is the third day that Umbrella has taken over the Donglin industry. After all the senior management moved to the building, the first regular meeting was held in the building. Digest this huge industrial chain in the fastest time.

And today, not only the executives from the umbrella came, but also most of the management of Donglin's various departments before. Of course, except for the shareholders who were in power, they were all arrested and interrogated.

There are more than [-] seats in the conference room, and more than a dozen umbrella executives sit on Li Yu's left hand side. A dozen of Donglin's executives once sat on Li Yu's right hand side, nearly forty people, Executives and general managers are basically here.

"Boss, everyone is here!" President Secretary Chen Yueyue said in Li Yu's ear after counting the number of people in the conference room.

Li Yu glanced at it, yes, everyone who should come has come: "Since everyone is here, let's start the meeting."

"Before the meeting, Donglin's various department managers, please briefly introduce yourself!"

"Mr. Li, Mr. Jiang, all supervisors, I am the former deputy director of Donglin Planning Department, Yi Hailun!" Li Yu had just arrived two days ago, and Yi Hailun, who introduced Li Yu to the division of departments on each floor, stood up and introduced himself.

"Mr. Li, Mr. Jiang. I'm Xia Yurou, the former deputy financial director of Donglin." A young woman stood up and introduced herself, and she looked pretty.

"President Li. I'm Zhang Tao, the chief lawyer of the legal department." A man Li Yu seemed to have known before stood up anxiously, looking at Li Yu with a little fear.

Recalling that a few months ago, it was Zhang Tao and another lawyer who came to Li Yu's house to collect debts. I think Zhang Tao is now afraid, I am afraid that he just remembered what happened at the beginning and was afraid of Li Yu's revenge.

"En!" Li Yu just glanced at it, then withdrew his gaze, without any intention of revenge on Zhang Tao.

At the beginning Zhang Tao came to him because of his duty as a lawyer of the Donglin Legal Department, and when Li Yu gave him a punch, it was also a lesson for Zhang Tao's aggressiveness, but now, everything is different. The former Donglin collapsed, and now Umbrella reigns supreme.

Zhang Tao, who used to be the legal department of Donglin, will be Zhang Tao of the umbrella legal department without accident. For his subordinates, Li Yu only recognizes two points, ability and loyalty.

First of all, if Zhang Tao is capable, he can be qualified as the chief lawyer of the legal department, and Li Yu will give him a platform, and then he needs to be loyal.

Li Yu may have been a little irritable when he was reborn and returned, but after several months of precipitation, he also regained the feeling of being a superior. After all, the position is different, and the vision is actually different.

"Mr. Li didn't bother me? Are you going to settle accounts after Qiuhou?" But even if Li Yu didn't show any emotion to Zhang Tao, the uneasiness in Zhang Tao's heart became more and more intense.

This is exactly the case of speculation between the superior and his subordinates. A movement or a detail of the superior can make the subordinates speculate for a long time.

"President Li, I am"

"Mr. Li. I'm the person in charge of the electronics branch, Zhang Yu."

After a while, the management of each department of the original Donglin finished introducing themselves.

"Well, let's all sit down." Li Yu waved his hand, signaling them to sit down, and wrote down the names of these managers.

"Thank you, Mr. Li." A dozen managers sat down anxiously, sitting upright.

"Yi Hailun, tell me first what is the function of the planning department?" Li Yu asked aloud.

"Back to Mr. Li, the main function of the planning department is to plan the future of the company or group, and plan to seek various investments." Yi Hailun stood up seriously and replied with a smile.

"I haven't set up a protective umbrella for this department." Li Yu smiled majestically, waved his hand, and signaled Yi Helen to sit down.

The function of the planning department, in terms of the umbrella, does not need to set up a corresponding department, because Li Yu clearly requires each department head to hold a development meeting every month, and decide the group's future investment every quarter.

"Zhang Yu, what products does the electronics company you are in charge of currently have?" Except for the planning department, Li Yu naturally understands the functions of other departments. Only the original Donglin Electronics Company, Li Yu doesn't know much.

And the reason why Li Yu is so concerned about the electronics company is to protect the next development of the umbrella.

"Mr. Li, the cost of Donglin Group's investment in the electronics company was not high at the beginning. The company has only been in operation for more than two years, so the electronic network products developed are relatively rare. There is only one computer chat software, and A web forum and a small web game, and the scale is not very large, and the total number of users is less than [-]." Zhang Yu stood up and reported truthfully, and did not exaggerate the value of electronic companies to show their employees to win Li Yu eyeballs.

"Three electronic network products! Not bad, a little stronger than my previous guess!"

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(End of this chapter)

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