I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 153 Establishment of Umbrella Electronics

Chapter 153 Establishment of Umbrella Electronics

"Three electronic network products! Not bad, a little stronger than my previous guess!"

Regarding the product status of Donglin Electronics Company, Li Yu was not disappointed. On the contrary, he was relieved. It's just that the industry received was not empty. In addition to more than 100 technical computer talents, there are also [-] users on the Internet. As long as you make more use of it , this is a business opportunity.

"Mr. Li, let me tell you the truth. The efficiency of electronics companies is really not good, and the products are difficult to promote. A special company did a market survey a few years ago. Now Yanhuang has 2 million computer users, but the company's products account for only [-]% of the total. Ten thousand, less than one thousandth, the product is so unsalable, as the person in charge of the electronics company, I should be the first responsibility!"

"Mr. Li can fire me at any time, but I also have a request. Can you not blame the ordinary employees of the company and let them stay in the company." Zhang Yu was afraid that Li Yu's words had something to say, and after struggling for a while, he reported Dao, at the same time, he has already decided his own fate in his heart, and he will definitely be swept away.

Li Yu smiled, feeling a little emotional about Zhang Yu's magnanimity, not to mention other elements, at least he is a good person, not only dares to take responsibility, but also benefits for his subordinates.

"Remember what I said to you two days ago!" Li Yu smiled, his eyes swept over all the former Donglin management, making more than a dozen people even more disturbed.

Li Yu: "As long as I have the ability, I will not let go of my umbrella. Only talents will be kept, not mediocrities!"

"As for you, Zhang Yu, I don't know your abilities yet, but from your words, I can see your character!" Li Yu said with a slightly praiseworthy tone.

"Thank you Mr. Li for your compliment, but" Zhang Yu was a little embarrassed.

"Today, I protect the Umbrella Group, and the former Donglin Group executives are here. Here, I announce several decisions!"

"The former Donglin Planning Department banned it!" Li Yu said.

As soon as the words fell, Yi Hailun's expression changed, the meaning in these words had already given him a dismissal order.

"Yi Hailun from the former planning department of Donglin is acting as the acting deputy director of the purchasing department." But Li Yu's next sentence brought Yi Hailun back to his senses and was very surprised.

"Zhang Tao from the former Donglin Legal Department, I am hired by Umbrella as the chief lawyer of the Umbrella Legal Department!"

"The former Donglin Finance Department. There is also the personnel department management, and served as the deputy director of the various departments of the umbrella!"

"Starting today, a new branch company will be established under the Umbrella Group. With the former Donglin Electronics Company as the shell, it will be renamed Umbrella Electronics Network Company, with an initial injection of 1 million yuan. The general manager is Zhang Yu, the former head of Donglin Electronics Company! He is in charge of Jiang’s general management!"

Li Yu kept talking, and appointments appeared one after another, especially when it was related to the electronics company. Zhang Yu, and many former Donglin executives were all stunned. They were very surprised. They didn't expect Li Yu to make such a big deal. , Just took over and injected 1 million yuan, which is enough to prove Li Yu's emphasis on the electronics industry and Li Yu's next move.

"Thank you Mr. Li, thank you Mr. Li."

At this moment, all the former Donglin managements were grateful, stood up, and thanked Li Yu. With these appointments, their jobs can be regarded as saved, especially Zhang Yu of the electronics company, who was originally only tens of millions. The company has climbed to the billion level in one fell swoop, which will allow electronics companies to use a wider platform.

For these management thanks, Li Yu just smiled lightly.

After all the appointments, all the dozen or so managers of the original Donglin were merged into the major departments of the Umbrella Group, which also represented the initial annexation of Donglin under the human resources of the Umbrella Group.

"The heads of all departments should pay attention. Every person who transfers to the management of the Umbrella Group will be given a three-month inspection period. After three months, if the ability is excellent and indeed capable of being the department manager, the umbrella employment contract will be formally signed. If you become a full-time member, if you don’t pass the inspection period, it’s still the same sentence, the umbrella only keeps talents, not mediocrity.” Li Yu’s words have been very obvious.

If you can't pass the inspection period, you can only leave the umbrella and find another way out!

After all, the umbrella is not a shantang. As the saying goes, one emperor and one courtier, this is also true in the modern business world. If a company is acquired by another company, the management of the acquired company will definitely be killed in large numbers. But under the umbrella group, this kind of thing will not happen, and to be precise, it will not happen to talents.

As long as you have the ability, the umbrella will give you a platform!But for incompetent mediocrity, I'm sorry, the umbrella threshold is too high, you can't afford it!

"Except for Donglin's top management, the office personnel of each department will be strictly checked by each department and re-appointed. Those who enter the company based on relationships will be eliminated, and no one who is capable will be let go." This society that pays attention to relationships, Li Yu It is very certain that there are definitely many related households in the Donglin Group.

"Don't worry, BOSS, we understand." The heads of various departments expressed their views one after another.

"Employees of major factories in Donglin, if they are willing to continue to work in the umbrella, after the group's re-recruitment training, they will be given a three-month internship period. There are too many employees, and this matter will be handled by Personnel Manager Zhang and Production Manager Wei, and the two departments will be responsible together!" Li Yu arranged.

"We understand." Zhang Hong and Wei Quan responded quickly.

"Director Wei, have all the factories under Donglin been taken over? Are there any omissions?" The matter of Donglin's remaining employees has been preliminarily settled, and now it is time to deal with matters related to Donglin's inherent assets.

"All have been received, as long as the factory personnel are recruited and trained in place, they can be produced immediately!" Wei Quan said.

"Director Liu, do Donglin's inherent assets have drug formulas?" Li Yu has never been clear about this question. He doesn't know whether the city government counts the drug formulas left by Donglin as its inherent assets.

If count!
Then this time the umbrella will really make a lot of money. Donglin can become a drug giant in City C, radiating sales to surrounding cities. Naturally, they also have their own unique field in terms of medicine. If they all take over Donglin's drug formula, it will make people The umbrella has reached a new height on the basis of the original medicine.

"Yes! Donglin's legacy drug formulas are all included in its inherent assets. At present, the group has successfully received more than [-] kinds of Donglin drug formulas, plus old employees and production lines, ready to produce at any time!" Liu Guanglei said excitedly.

"Very good!" Hearing this, Li Yu felt very happy. Lin Dongchu worked so hard for so many years, and all the drug formulas developed by spending countless funds were absorbed into the umbrella. It has to be said that he has made a lot of money.

Drug Hotel, Electronics

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(End of this chapter)

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