I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 154 Mobile terminal?

Chapter 154 Mobile terminal?
"Director Liu, Director Wei, I will give you one month to store all the formulas of Donglin's medicines, surpassing Donglin's previous survival speed! Try to complete the orders from the drug dealers as quickly as possible!" Li Yu gave to Liu Guanglei The two issued a task.

"It must be done." The two promised.

After all, the pharmaceutical industry is the driving force behind the rapid rise of the umbrella, and it can only move towards genetic drugs and biochemical types. All pharmaceutical industries are also highly valued by Li Yu.

"Manager Xiao, please report to me about the situation of Donglin Hotel." Li Yu cast his eyes on the former person in charge of Donglin Hotel, Xiao Nan, a middle-aged man in his forties, who is mature and steady.

"Returning to Mr. Li, although the performance of the hotel is compared with that of the five-star hotels of Chutian Group, it can barely make a profit of more than [-] million yuan in a year. There is a branch of the hotel outside the building. In the past, there was always a company responsible for it. People come to Donglin to discuss business, and they stay in the hotel belonging to the group, which is also the most profitable of the five hotels in City C." Xiao Nan stood up and said respectfully.

"Well! It's a good thing to be able to achieve profitability! Prove that you, the person in charge of the hotel, are capable!" Li Yu smiled and praised.

"Thank you Mr. Li for your compliment." Xiao Nan said humbly.

"For the hotel industry, I will invest in the umbrella, but for the time being, I won't have as high a share as the electronics company!"

"Starting today, the original Donglin Hotel will be renamed Umbrella Hotel. The group will inject 5000 million yuan into the hotel, under Mr. Jiang's direct management, and Xiao Nan will be the executive manager of the hotel!" This time, the industrial integration will naturally be done in one step. The electronics company will inject [-] million yuan, which is Because Li Yu's next move is to prepare to open the electronic route.

As for the hotel industry, the umbrella will not be pushed too far at this stage, but will only be promoted at a constant speed. The hotel industry seems to be very profitable, but the competition is also very large. Although the umbrella is a big business, it will not be vigorously praised. So as not to be trapped.

"Thank you President Li for your trust, I will definitely not disappoint your expectations!" Xiao Nan said excitedly.

"Now my umbrella medicine has completely established its reputation. With a population of more than one billion in the country, only my umbrella can produce bird flu vaccine, and only my umbrella antiviral can produce a radical cure for bird flu and many difficult diseases. These are the business opportunities of my umbrella, through vaccines and anti-viruses, I can successfully market other pharmaceuticals of the group, this is the purpose of my umbrella sales!"

"While steadily increasing the sales of the drug company, I have decided on the next step of the group's development!" Li Yu said, looking at everyone present.

In everyone's anticipation!

"Electronics industry, Internet industry!" Li Yu smiled confidently and spit out a sentence.

The electronics and network industry can be summed up as one, but if it is strictly divided, electronics are classified as electronics, and networks are classified as networks. Electronic products can include digital, mobile phones, computers, and various modern products, while networks are virtual products, such as the popular Internet forums, Internet chat tools,

The main products of the former Donglin Electronics Company are network products, so after the umbrella, it will take the route of network products first.

"Mr. Li, may I venture to ask, now that the electronic network market is close to saturation, what network product is the group planning to conquer? Online forums, or chat tools?" Zhang Bi asked aloud, having been in this industry for so many years As a person, he naturally knows that the field of electronic networks is very deep and it is not so easy to walk.

"The market saturation you mentioned just means the saturation of the computer network market! But now, no one has developed too much mobile phones!" Li Yu smiled mysteriously.

"Mobile mobile phone?" This time, not only Zhang Yu was surprised, but all the management in the conference room were surprised, and Li Yu was also puzzled by this idea.

Who doesn't know that the software system on the mobile phone is very difficult to develop, not only time-consuming, but also very expensive, and the most important thing is that it doesn't work.

That's right, the technology of this era has advanced rapidly, and mobile phones have also become smart, and smart watches that can talk have also been derived, but this is only the initial smart, and now this smart system is still from the American company With the primary system from the past, it can be said that the world has just entered the era of intelligence, and the mobile phone system is not so stable.

Of course, in terms of mobile application software, it is not that no company has thought about developing it. There have been attempts to develop it in China before, but it is undoubtedly not applicable to the "Ban Sai System" passed from the United States, and the operation will collapse. The companies developed with funds have almost been dragged down. With the lessons learned from the previous companies, almost no companies are deliberately developing, and the focus is still on the computer-side network.

According to the guesses of most people in the Yanhuang market, maybe the system that Bansai Company has flowed to Yanhuang is not complete, and it is deliberately targeted at Yanhuang, so there will be all kinds of instability.

"That's right, it's the mobile phone route!" Li Yu had already expected the surprise of everyone present, but his thoughts did not change in the slightest.

In the previous life, in the next few years of this time period, various domestic mobile phone network applications rushed to the forefront, occupying almost all the network terminals, so Li Yu must seize this golden opportunity to establish an opportunity for network giants.

"Tianxing, Zhang Yu, I will give you a task. Combine all the manpower of the technical department and the electronics company to develop a chat software for mobile phones. It must be developed in the shortest time!" Li Yu set the task.

"Boss, the development of mobile phone chat tools is not very difficult, but the real problem is the compatibility of the mobile phone class system. Many companies have tried to develop mobile phone applications before, but they were all successful in the initial stage. Later, all systems were not compatible. , directly collapsed." Tian Xing expressed his doubts.

"You just need to develop the software. I will find a way to solve the system compatibility problem." Li Yu said thoughtfully, secretly thinking in his heart, maybe he can only find the brain.

"More than 100 programmers work together, and we can develop the software in a month at most." Tian Xing nodded and said no more.

Looking at Li Yu's confident appearance, maybe there is really a way to solve the compatibility problem.

"Okay, that's all I want to say today. The departments are re-planned according to the new division. I hope that after a while, the umbrella will have a new overall picture!"

"The next detail meeting will be chaired by Mr. Jiang."

Li Yu smiled, stood up, glanced at Jiang Yuyao beside him, then took his notebook, and left the conference room under the gaze of all the managers.

 PS: Don't worry, prostitute friends, this book has an outline, it won't collapse, and the real pattern is about to emerge.

(End of this chapter)

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