I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 155 Asset rewards, supernatural skills!

Chapter 155 Asset rewards, supernatural skills!
CEO's office!
Li Yu locked the door of the office and pulled down the curtains. If Li Yu wasn't the only one in the office, I'm afraid he would have thought that Li Yu was doing some nasty things like a secret secretary.

"Zhinao, I hope you can add a rule to enable permissions!" Li Yu rolled up his sleeves, opened the watch attached to Zhinao, and said very seriously.

"The brain doesn't understand what the master means?"

After a while, there was a slightly dull electronic sound from the smart watch.

"If I increase the authority to use the brain according to my strength, if I want to unlock all the authority, I'm afraid it will be difficult to open it after hundreds of years. Every time the ability is promoted to a level, the difficulty of advancing will double!"

"So I hope you can re-plan the conditions for opening permissions based on my current situation! I know you are not as simple as a simple alien brain! If you are really for my own good, and you really put me first, promise me request!" Li Yu looked very serious, and when he said this, Li Yu thought about it for a long time.

If you need to increase your own ability level every time you open a permission, it has to be said that it is difficult and time-consuming. After all, apart from your own crazy cultivation, there is only one way for a person with abilities to break through, which is to devour the power of other persons with abilities Ability Crystal.

As early as in the previous life, there were countless people with supernatural powers!

There are two major reasons for the generation of supernatural powers. First, it is because of the evolution of the virus after the emergence of the virus. Second, it has been greatly stimulated and combined with some external factors and has never produced supernatural powers. In short, it is absolutely impossible for Li Yu to be the only one in the world now. A supernatural person must have hidden a lot in the dark.

Having said that, Li Yu is also helpless. He can't find the supernatural beings hidden. After all, this era is not the end of the world. Supernatural beings are very rare and almost never appear in the public. Those who exist are also covered by the government and other countries. , or many big forces have been searched away, so it won't work for Li Yu to swallow the wafers of supernatural beings, and no one can swallow them!

In order to protect the future development of the umbrella, Li Yu can no longer limit himself. He needs more technology, stronger technology, genetic technology, technology to open human body abilities, all kinds of... until he controls the world!

Zhinao's voice was suddenly immersed, and he didn't answer Li Yu's words immediately, 1 minute, 2 minutes until 5 minutes passed, finally, Zhinao spoke again, but the answer left Li Yu speechless: "If you want to open the authority, you must master The strength has reached the corresponding limit!"

"Isn't it going to work?" Li Yu was a little sad. He seemed to be thinking about something wrong. This brain is just a set intelligence, not an intelligent life that can make decisions on its own.

"Comprehensively speaking about the problems that the master said, the brain communicates with the core system, and an asset system is specially designed for the master!" Liu Yinhua brightened another village, and when Li Yu was refusing to worry about the brain, the brain added another sentence.

"What is an asset system? How can it help me? Can I obtain scientific and technological knowledge?" Li Yu asked three questions in a row with an eager look on his face.

"Asset system, a sub-system of the core system components of brain communication, as long as the owner's assets reach a certain limit, he can get the owner's rewards from the asset system, including various technologies." Zhinao explained carefully, and then: "Does the owner open Asset system?"

"Open it immediately." There is no reason for Li Yu not to open it. Now relying on vaccines and anti-viruses and various basic drug technologies, the umbrella has become a billion-dollar group, and the market in Yanhuang has reached an unprecedented peak. , if any other medicine appears, it will be icing on the cake at best, and will not achieve any miraculous effect, so the umbrella must be expanded to other fields.

"Open the asset system!"

"The first time it is turned on, the owner can be given the category of selected reward technology once, and then it will be distributed randomly!" Zhinao said intimately.

"Electronic network technology!" Li Yu said directly without thinking.

In the current situation, the development of electronic technology is already a matter of the umbrella. Just now, Li Yu asked the company programmers to make a mobile chat client, and they have clearly delineated the next step of the umbrella.

"The owner's assets reach 100 million, and the reward is elementary electronic technology, Android system!"

"The owner's assets have reached 1000 million, and the primary electronic technology and compatible software technology will be rewarded!"

"The owner's assets have reached [-] million, and rewards for elementary light industry technology and sports car series technology!"

"The owner's assets have reached one billion, and rewards for primary supernatural skills and ability control!"

"The asset system accumulates rewards ten times the owner's assets! Bring the owner's assets to tens of billions, and the next random reward can be given!" The intellectual brain keeps prompting, but every sound of improvement makes Li Yu's eyes shine, and his heart is extremely excited.

"Android system? With it, in a short while, I can make all kinds of electronic products logically, and launch a system that is many times stronger than this class!"

"Compatibility software technology? If you really feel drowsy, you can send a pillow, and then the problem of developing mobile chat software will be solved."

"Light industry technology, or manufacturing sports cars? Although the umbrella does not involve the light industry now, but after the development of the electronics industry, light industry may not be a development channel. The umbrella makes the umbrella's own car, and the umbrella employees drive the umbrella's car. Think It’s exciting to think about.”

"As for supernatural powers"

Speaking of the technology of the first three rewards, Li Yu concealed his excitement at most, but for the last one, the last reward, Li Yu couldn't hide his excitement, even his hands on the chair. Started shaking, not sick, it was pure excitement.

"I never expected that the brain would reward me with supernatural powers!" Li Yu stared at the smart watch excitedly, with a feeling of emotion in his eyes.

A supernatural power!
Even if Li Yu was a fifth-order supernatural being in his previous life, and controlled this survival base of tens of thousands of people, he had only heard of supernatural powers, only listening to their names, but not seeing their essence.

In Li Yu's previous life, after the eruption of the apocalyptic power was almost frozen, Umbrella developed a method to help the evolutionary, that is, the supernatural being to improve their strength, which is the supernatural power method.

It is said that if you practice supernatural powers, the speed of supernatural powers will be doubled. It is precisely because of supernatural powers that Umbrella is almost unshakable in the last days, except for their own creation. trouble!
"Control ability! Control ability, the name is concise and powerful, as long as I practice this technique, my strength will definitely improve with each passing day!" Li Yu clenched his hands, his eyes filled with indescribable confidence.

After suppressing the excitement of obtaining supernatural powers, Li Yu also returned to calm.

"The follow-up problem has been solved by the brain, and the next step is to wait for the technology department and the electronics company to develop the mobile chat software!"

"The umbrella is officially on its way to rise!"

 PS: Brothers, I am no longer limited, and start to be unconstrained, only you can't think of it!
(End of this chapter)

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