I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 156 What If Forced Acquisition?

Chapter 156 What If Forced Acquisition?

Yanhuang, a hidden military base in C City, a place unknown to outsiders!

C city dragon group base, if a person with supernatural powers from Yanhuang is discovered, they will definitely be taken in by the dragon group and strengthened!

"Captain, there is news from the headquarters that the Japanese Yinhua Group has sneaked into Yanhuang, and has sneaked into City C. We are ordered to quickly destroy this group of Japanese pirates." A member of the Dragon Group said, what order has just been received? .

"Yanhuang is so big, Japanese pirates are eyeing City C, they really dare to think!" The captain of the sub-base, Qi Bing, seemed to have guessed something, with a cold expression on his face.

"Captain, the Yinhua team must have come to City C to protect the drug formula of the Umbrella Group. It was precisely because of the formula that the headquarters sent us to City C. Now, judging from the entry of the Yinhua team, the headquarters really did the right thing at the time. decided."

"However, I can't figure out one thing. With the official power of the government, when the formula was developed by the umbrella, it was directly purchased by force. In this way, how dare those foreign forces be so bold." A member of the dragon group thought deeply. Said that it is a bit weird for the official to let the umbrella develop and turn a blind eye to the formula.

"Do you think Li Yu who developed the formula is a fool?" Qi Bing asked with a weird smile.

"What does the captain mean?" the dragon team member asked in surprise.

And the dialogue between the two also attracted other dragon team members in the base.

"I was ordered to investigate Li Yu!" Qi Bing looked at several of his men with a serious expression: "He is a young man who is only 20 years old, and he has developed two kinds of century-old drugs. It is no accident that the company has brought the drug giant that is now the top in C City!"

"In the final analysis, Li Yu's leadership has played a very important role, and he is very decisive in dealing with things. He will never show mercy to opponents and enemies! Sunrise Hospital and Donglin Group are two living examples!" Qi Bing Seriously speaking, what I'm talking about now is talking sideways, but Qi Bing also has a bit of admiration for Li Yu in his eyes.

A 20-year-old young man has created a pharmaceutical giant group. What kind of person can do this?
"Okay Captain, maybe you are right. Li Yu is a rare talent, but what I am wondering now is the formula. After all, in the eyes of the officials, his strength alone is definitely nothing. If the official purchases the formula , does he dare not sell it?" said the member of the dragon team who opened up the conversation.

"He dares! He definitely dares!" Qi Bing took a very sure tone.

"Captain, you are exaggerating a bit. I have never seen anyone who can resist the power of the government when I grow up."

"Yeah, it's rare to see the captain praise one so highly. He can't be your brother, the captain." The members of the dragon group who were watching the fun joked aloud. From this, it can be seen that the team of the dragon group There is no such strict hierarchy of power departments, and the relationship between them is very good.

"An antiviral element, an avian flu vaccine, when it was first produced, the eyes of the whole Yanhuang were attracted by the umbrella. It can be said that it is full of attention. Even now, the popularity of the umbrella is only high, and many media are always watching. Umbrella, getting first-hand news, you say, if the government wants to forcibly acquire, will Umbrella sit still? They will definitely use their full names to pay attention, and use the power of the media to announce the purpose of the official's forced acquisition!"

"At that time, the whole government will be scolded, the credibility will be greatly reduced, and the umbrella will be pushed into a hurry. Li Yu can immigrate out of the country. For a young boss with two formulas and assets of over one billion, which overseas country is not good? Will you take it in?"

"If it really develops like this, our Yanhuang's loss will really be great." Although Qi Bing was just talking, there was a look of fear on his face, and every time he said a word, that look of fear became Richer.

"Captain, is it really as scary as you say?"

"A 20-year-old young man has such courage? He is facing an official!" Several members of the Dragon Team were startled by these words.

"Yanhuang is a country that speaks the law. A forced acquisition violates the legal foundation, and even violates public opinion. Li Yu is not stupid. He will definitely make use of the problem, and both sides will suffer!"

"The upper management investigated Li Yu's character and considered various situations comprehensively, so they gave up the forced acquisition of the formula, and instead treated Li Yu softly and treated the umbrella!"

"And the task of our Dragon Team stationed in City C is to prevent the loss of the umbrella's drug formula, so we don't care about other issues, we just need to protect the integrity of the formula." Qi Bing said.

"We understand!" Several members of the dragon team said.

If Li Yu could hear this discussion, he would know that the official had an unexplainable idea in the formula, forcibly seized it, and then heard the discussions of these dragon group members, he would definitely laugh.

That's right!

From the time the formula was just developed, Li Yu took into account the official factors, whether he would take it by chance, and if it was really made, there was action!

Naturally, Li Yu will also make some moves. First of all, he will go crazy and publicize the official disgusting way to occupy the commanding heights of public opinion. Then, he will sell assets and go abroad for development. After all, if you do [-], I will do [-]. This is all forced Yes, there will always be countermeasures!

After all, no one in the world is still serving like a pug after being robbed by force!

All in all, it is not far from what Qi Bing guessed!
"How many people from the Yinhua group came this time? What kind of supernatural beings are they? How strong are they?" Qi Bing regained his composure, and the discussion returned to the topic.

"The news from the headquarters said that there are ten people, three people who are good at using guns, and seven people with different attributes. The leader is named Abe Gozo, and he is a third-level person!" The member of the dragon group said seriously.

"Third-level supernatural beings have sent out such a strong elite, so they must be ready for battle." Qi Bing was dignified.

In this apocalyptic and relatively peaceful world, the overall strength of supernatural beings is not as strong as imagined. Tier-[-] supernatural beings can be regarded as small masters in the supernatural world, and in the eyes of ordinary people, they are the enemy of ten thousand people. exist.

"Captain, do we need to inform the Umbrella Group?" a member suggested.

"No need, we are enough to deal with this group of little devils. The identity of the power world is a secret, and ordinary people cannot know it. This time the devils attack, let's solve it secretly."

"Where is the little devil's position?" Qi Bing said in a deep voice.

"They are currently staying next to the original Donglin Building, waiting for an opportunity to do something!"

"Garge your gear and act now"

 PS: Turn on anti-theft in the early morning tonight, brothers, don't subscribe for now at [-]:[-] am, I want to disgust those pirates! !Hey hey hey!Evil smile!

(End of this chapter)

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