I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 159 Alarm Sounds, Security Deployed

Chapter 159 Alarm Sounds, Security Deployed (Addition)
As Huang Yao pressed the red button, a sudden siren rang through the Investment Promotion Department on the 22nd floor. For a moment, all the employees in the Investment Promotion Department office building stopped their work and looked towards the office, stunned for a moment. After the meeting, they walked towards the office almost at the same time!
"The first security team is ready, the director's office is in danger, act immediately!"

After the security personnel hidden on the floor heard the siren, ten armed security guards rushed out of each room with live ammunition, loaded their bullets without hesitation, and ran towards the office of the director of the Investment Promotion Department.

The red button is the SOS button specially set up in the supervisor's office. If you encounter any danger, you can press it directly, and the security personnel will arrive immediately.

"Nani?" An Beigousan looked surprised, looking at the flashing red alarm light in the office, a little at a loss.

"If you don't listen to good words, if you don't want to persuade you to leave, then I have no choice but to let the security escort you away." Huang Yao said coolly.


There was a sound of hurried footsteps, and ten armed security personnel came to the office together. After looking at the situation in the office, Huang Yao looked angry, and there was a short man with a fierce look in front of her, and she understood it all at once. come over.

"Aim!" Xiao Yao led the team in charge of the security of the Investment Promotion Department, and saw him give an order, and ten guns were already aimed at Abe Gozo.

"What's the situation? Isn't Yanhuang's supervision on firearms very strict? Why do these people own firearms?" Suddenly being locked on by ten guns and aiming at them, An Begousan also became a little panicked. He was under Yinhua Group The superhuman is very powerful, but he is just an ordinary person.

"Director Huang, does this person want to commit murder?" Xiao Yao asked in a deep voice, looking at An Beigousan very unkindly.

"Misunderstanding, it's all a misunderstanding. I'm the vice president of Yinhua Group. I came here to discuss business." The situation was pressing, and Abe Gosan quickly changed his expression, raised his hand, smiled, and used He spoke in a sloppy Chinese, very harmless.

"Japanese?" Xiao Yao stared at An Begousan, wondering.

"Yes, yes, yes, I am from the Great Wa Kingdom." An Beigou nodded three times, justifying his name.

"Bah, Japanese people don't have anything good." Xiao Yao took a sip, disgusted.

"Director Huang, what should we do with this guy?" Then Xiao Yao asked Huang Yao.

"Send him away, and he is not allowed to step into my umbrella again." Huang Yao said coldly.

"Okay!" Xiao Yao nodded in understanding, and gave his subordinates a wink. Several security guards entered the office and walked behind An Begousan, while the others retreated outside the door.

"Get out!" Xiao Yao shouted bluntly.

"Hi hi!" An Beigousan nodded repeatedly in Japanese, raised his hands high, and walked out of the office quickly.

"Damn Chinese people, Bageyalu!"

"How dare you treat our vice president like this"

The sound of the siren not only attracted the security personnel, but also attracted the subordinates of An Bei who were in the waiting room. When they saw An Bei Gou San being pointed at by the security personnel with guns, the faces of these Japanese people were ruthless, and they brought With a murderous look, he rushed towards a group of security personnel, looking like he was about to do something.

"Stop!" An Beigou showed anxiety on three sides, and hurriedly stopped it.

"Vice-president?" The Japanese people stopped and looked at Abe Gozo with doubts.

"Wa people, be honest, this is not your small place, and it's not your turn to be arrogant." Xiao Yao aimed at the Wa people, as long as they dare to move, bullets won't have eyes.

Since many officials in City C saw the mercenary attack from the umbrella last time, they knew that the formula of the umbrella had become the target of many lawless forces, so Fang Yanghui asked his superiors for instructions and gave the umbrella security a very rare Privileges, Umbrella Group regions, including major factories, Umbrella Security Company has the right to use firearms for self-defense!
If there are gangsters attacking, they can be killed if they have enough evidence!
Knowing this privilege, one knows what status the two formulas of the protective umbrella have risen in the eyes of the official government, which is absolutely not to be missed!
"Let's go right away." Abe Gou San winked at his subordinates, raised his hands, and walked towards the elevator with a deep sinister look in his eyes.

And Xiao Yao didn't intend to let this group of Japanese people go, and followed into the elevator, ready to stare at this group of people to leave the umbrella. After all, in the impression of almost every Yanhuang person, Japanese people are not good things.

The hatred of the past, the shame of the past, are engraved in the hearts of every Yanhuang person!

"Hi, Secretary Chen, I'm Huang Yao, please transfer the call to the boss, I have something important to report." In the supervisor's office, Huang Yao managed to calm down just now, picked up the phone on the desk, and called the president Chen Yueyue.

"Director Huang, wait for a while!" Chen Yueyue's voice sounded, and then she directly transferred it to the president's office. As a department head, if the minister has not come out, it is the third level, the president, the general manager, the supervisor, Huang Yao Naturally, I can communicate directly with Li Yu.

"Hello!" After a while, Li Yu's voice rang in Huang Yao's ear.

"Boss, something happened just now." Huang Yao had a serious expression, and hurriedly told what happened to An Beigousan just now.

"Yinhua Group? An. Beigousan? Want to buy the formula for 200 billion?" Li Yu adjusted his taste.

"Yes, I directly vetoed him and asked the security guards to drive them away, but from An Beigousan's tone and demeanor, it seems that I will not give up my coveting of the formula." Huang Yao expressed her worries, As the director of investment promotion, she has also seen all kinds of people, and Huang Yao feels gloomy about An Beigousan.

"Don't worry, you are busy with your work." Li Yu instructed, and after comforting Huang Yao, he hung up the phone.

"Yinhua Group, people from the Japanese country, with the expansion of medicines, foreign, foreign, power, and power have finally come to the door." Li Yu was thoughtful, with a stern look on his face.

"Wu Peng, come in!" Li Yu called and called Wu Peng, the person in charge of security, into the office.

Foreign and foreign forces have come to the umbrella, so they must plan and deploy their defenses carefully, and they must not let them take advantage of the loopholes.

In the city center, Chutian Hotel is not far from the Umbrella Building!

"Vice president, these Chinese people are so hateful, they dare to point a gun at you, and drive us out in front of so many people, why did you stop us before, with our strength, it is enough to destroy that group Security, get the formula." Kameda looked angry, as if he was forced out by security with a gun.

"Kameda, you've been with me for so long, haven't you learned yet? Small indifference can lead to big schemes!" An Begousan scolded in a cold voice.

 PS: Add more, I owed it before.

(End of this chapter)

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