I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 160 Attack

Chapter 160 Attack
"Vice President" Kameda lowered his head, not daring to look into Abe Gozo's eyes.

"Didn't you see those security guards with guns? I can be sure that it will definitely not be the full power of the umbrella. As long as you make a move, all the security guards of the umbrella will rush out. Even if you have supernatural powers, you may not be able to Block dozens of guns?" An Beigousan continued to scold with a cold face.

"Hey, this subordinate knows his mistake! Please punish the vice president!"

Hearing this sentence of scolding, Kameda finally understood the seriousness of the matter. If they did something just now, even if they have supernatural powers and can avoid bullets, but their president is just an ordinary person, wouldn't it be dangerous.

If something happens to An Beigousan, then they will be finished!

"Punishment is unnecessary, don't act so recklessly next time!" An Beigousan sighed and waved his hands generously.

"The vice president, what should we do now?" Kameda nodded and bowed, asking with a servile look.

"Since we can't reach an agreement with a soft strategy, we can only use force. I am the vice president of the dignified Yinhua Group, the future successor of Yinhua, and I am pointed at by this small company. If my father Got it, didn't I lose his prestige?"

Silver Flower Group!
The No. [-] Group in the Great Wa Kingdom!
When he came to Yanhuang before, which company didn't serve him respectfully and like a slave, but today, remembering that he was pointed at his head with ten guns before, and was blasted out of the umbrella building in front of many people, Abe Gou San's face flushed with anger, even humiliation!
"Don't worry, the vice president, the subordinates will definitely avenge you, not only the formula, but the so-called umbrella president will also pay the price for what happened today!" Kameda comforted him very loyally, with a little bit of confidence towards Li Yu in his tone Killing intent.

"Baga, everything must be in the interests of the Yinhua Group, how can we talk about personal enmity, this time we came to Yanhuang, the main task is to get the formula!" An Beigousan cursed angrily, and his mouth was drawn in Guitian There was a slap on his face.

"Hi! This subordinate knows his mistake!" Kameda stood up straight with the slap marks on his face.

"Suona is a little bit good, yoxi, yoxi!" Seeing the performance of his subordinates, An Begousan nodded in satisfaction: "Have you completed the research on the plan to seize the formula?"

"Vice President, this is the blueprint of the Umbrella Building, including the distribution of each floor of the Umbrella Group. We have already investigated everything." Kameda replied immediately, and greeted several companions behind him, and someone immediately took out a drawing.

Looking at the drawings first, the markings of the departments on each floor of the Umbrella Building fall into the eyes.

"According to our investigation, BHS anti-virus, BHS.A vaccine formula, and many kinds of Umbrella Group's unique formulas are all stored on the 32nd floor!" Kameda seems to have done a lot of research on the umbrella, and he knows the umbrella very well. situation, point directly to the second floor of No.30.

That's right!

The 35th floor of the Umbrella Building, except for the top rooftop, the 34th floor is the president's office, the 33rd floor is the general manager's office, and the 32nd to [-]th floors are important places for storing recipes and servers!

However, the regulations on the division of floors were planned only recently after the umbrella management department moved in, and it was very confidential. Only the management of the umbrella knew about it, so how did these devils know?
Don't think about it, ghost!It must be the ghost!

"Have you investigated the guards of the umbrella security distribution? I heard that last time a group of mercenaries attacked the umbrella factory and were completely wiped out." An Beigou asked in a deep voice.

Although the last time the mercenaries attacked the protective umbrella was blocked by the authorities, the Yinhua Group also knew a little bit from other channels, but they didn't know that it was sent by Umbrella. If they knew, it would definitely be about the capture plan this time. Be more cautious.

"Vice President, regarding the security guards, we also carefully asked the informant in the umbrella, but he didn't know that all the security deployments were assigned by the security director of the umbrella, and the management of other departments didn't know." Turtle Tian shook his head.

"Although Umbrella Security is not a supernatural person, he is also a veteran with rich experience in combat. You must be more careful this time!" Abe Gou San urged.

"Vice president, don't worry, we understand!"

Soon, night fell, approaching one o'clock in the morning!
The employees of the Umbrella Building are almost all off work except for the security guards guarding all night, but the lights on the 35th floor of the building are still brightly shining.

In this dark night, there were ten black shadows approaching the umbrella building rapidly, and a group of little devils from the Yinhua Group finally made a move.

"Captain, the Yinhua team has made a move and is approaching the umbrella building." The Yinhua team has been staring at them from a dark place that they don't know. When they moved out, the news immediately reached Qi Bing's ears.

"Start to act, be sure to get rid of this group without disturbing the umbrella!" Qi Bing issued an order to all his subordinates.

"Yes!" All the members of the dragon group in the C city sub-base acted.

Soon, under the leadership of Kameda, a group of ten people came to the Umbrella Building, and came to the gate where they were humiliated today.

The group of Yinhua group all covered their faces, except for a few who held firearms, most of the rest were holding Japanese-style samurai swords and dressed as ninjas.

"The three of you enter through the main entrance to attract the attention of the umbrella. We climbed from the outside of the building and then entered the 32nd floor!" Kameda said to several of his men.

"Hi!" The members of the Yinhua group took orders in a low voice.

Get started now!
The three members of the Yinhua team with guns did not hide their figures, and rushed towards the main entrance of the building openly, while the others avoided the light and advanced towards the building through the blackness.

But today, what is strange is that there is no security guard at the gate of the building, only an ordinary security guard who seems to be asleep, motionless in the security booth. Although Kameda and the others have doubts about this, they don't take it to heart , thinking that this is an omission in the security of the umbrella, after all, they are not very familiar with the umbrella.

"Captain, there is no security guard outside the Umbrella Building?"

"Could it be that the umbrella found the Yinhua group and deliberately set up a trap?" A member of the dragon group also found doubts. I fully understand that in the past, the umbrella security would strictly guard the building every day, and no outsiders from the group were allowed to enter!
But today there is no one, it is inevitable that they will become suspicious!
"Well, it's very possible that people from the Yinhua team came to the umbrella today, and maybe something happened there that alerted the umbrella!" Qi Bing nodded heavily, agreeing with his subordinates.

 PS: Ask for votes! !
(End of this chapter)

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