I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 161 Statutes

Chapter 161 Statutes
"Then should we change our strategy? After all, the umbrella doesn't know us. If it's set up for the Yinhua group, it won't be good for us to step in." A member of the dragon group suggested, a little worried.

There are hundreds of security personnel in the umbrella, each with a gun license, and official approval, as long as the gangsters enter the area of ​​​​the umbrella group, the umbrella has the right to kill, and the members of their dragon group also know this.

Although the individual strength of the supernatural beings is very strong, facing bullets with long eyes, especially the well-trained umbrella security guards, their lives may be in danger.

The really powerful supernatural beings are above the fifth level, and such supernatural beings have the ability to be difficult to injure bullets. Those below the sixth level are just the strength of individual soldiers. A few security guards with guns are okay, relying on the agility and speed of the supernatural beings, and they can also dodge bullets, but facing a security team of 200 people, there is absolutely no life or death. After all, they are flesh and blood, not biochemical warriors .

"No need, we are ordered to protect the "umbrella". As long as we explain the reason, the umbrella will not do anything to us, and everything will go according to the original plan."

"Action!" Qi Bing vetoed his subordinate's proposal, and then stepped forward, holding a long sword forged with ancient Yanhuang craftsmanship, and rushed towards the location of the Yinhua group first.

"Yes!" the captain said, and the eight dragon team subordinates in the sub-base did not neglect, followed closely and rushed out quickly.

"Wait! Someone is following us!" Kameda, who was secretly advancing towards the building, suddenly noticed something, looked back suddenly, and uttered a ghostly voice: "Baga, get out!"

"Little devil, you are really strong. You can actually spot us." Originally, Qi Bing was planning to get close to Guitian's group and kill them by surprise, but since he was discovered, it's fine. When they came out, they were all cold and murderous.

"Yanhuanglong Group!" Kameda narrowed his eyes, and tightly held the samurai sword in his big hand, very cautiously.

"You devils have some knowledge, why, sneaking away from me, Yanhuang, looking for death!" Qi Bing raised the long sword in his hand, blessed with supernatural power, a golden light shone.

From this point of view, it is known that this is a metallic supernatural ability, blessed on a sharp sword, invincible, and a single strike is more powerful than a cannonball.

"Metallic abilities!" Kameda's expression became serious. Metallicity is the most powerful of the five common attributes.

"A mere second-level supernatural being, do you think I'm afraid of you?" Kameda sneered, raising his samurai sword, surrounded by a cold and dark aura, with a stronger sense of killing than Qi Bing.

"Don't talk to me in your bird's language, because I don't understand it. Let me tell you another thing. For you barbarian little devils, our Yanhuang has an unwritten rule, that is, come and kill one."

Qi Bing showed his white teeth, and raised his long sword that shone with golden light, as if it was a declaration from Yanhuang, with a sharpness that pierced the air. With a step, his figure moved forward, and his speed surpassed that of ordinary people With his cognition, the speed of his body collided with the air to produce a kind of explosive sound.

In a blink of an eye, the distance of more than ten meters across the past!
The long sword in Qi Bing's hand was merciless, and it slashed down towards Gui Tian's head fiercely.

"Second-level abilities, garbage!" Kameda held the samurai sword, dragged it, and stroked it against the concrete floor. Sparks flashed, and a deep ditch-like long mark appeared in an instant. Then, he held up the samurai sword and moved Qi Bing greeted him with a sword that he tried his best to slash.

The flashing golden long sword collided with the cold and dark samurai sword, drawing bright flames in the dark midair.

The two tried their best to control the weapons in their hands, surrounded and confronted each other, and couldn't stand each other.

"Chinaman, die!"

Kameda mobilized the supernatural power in his body, and the dark supernatural power erupted on the knife in vain, swinging away Qi Bing's clinging long sword, and the dark energy directly hit Qi Bing's wrist. Immediately advancing, the Japanese sword slashed towards Qi Bing's body. The speed of the sword was so fast that it seemed inevitable.

"Good guy, the energy of the third-level power user is really strong." Shocked by the Kameda Japanese sword, and the dark sword energy was blown, Qi Bing's big hand holding the sword was a little numb with pain and bloody, but he gritted his teeth and held back. After retreating sharply, the figure flashed quickly, avoiding Kameda's knife.

"Help the captain!" Seeing this scene, the other members of the dragon team stopped watching, raised their weapons, mobilized their supernatural powers, and surrounded Guitian.

"Baga Yalu, Chinese people, there is only death."

Kameda's hands glowed coldly, he raised his samurai sword, mobilized his supernatural powers, and greeted the dragon team members who came to kill him.

The single-player battle just now turned into a group melee at this moment. Two groups of people fought back and forth with swords and swords. The place is in such a mess, if ordinary people were there to see it, they would probably think it was Superman fighting and fighting here!

But after that, the two groups of people also completely fought together, each had casualties, and the fight was inextricably linked.

And inside the umbrella building, the reception hall on the first floor!
When the Yinhua group and the dragon group were fighting, three members of the Yinhua group with guns had already entered the hall. Their main purpose was to attract the attention of the umbrella, so that other members could take the opportunity to climb to the 32nd floor of the building and steal the formula!

"Why is there no one?" When the three entered, they wanted to shoot and kill a few people directly to attract the umbrella security, but they looked around and saw that there was no one in the hall.

"Little devil, little devil, we'll wait for you until the daylilies are cold!" At this moment, a teasing voice came from the building.

"Someone, on the second floor, attack!"

The three Yinhua team members immediately raised their heads, followed the sound, and fired. There were more than a dozen bangs in a row. The bullets seemed to hit something hard and bounced off.

"The marksmanship is inaccurate, continue!" The playful voice on the second floor sounded again.

The three Yinhua groups looked at the second floor in horror, only to see that the second floor, like a roundabout, was already covered with black shields, and the bullets of the three of them hit the shields just now.

"No, they have bulletproof shields."

"The umbrella knew we were coming, so we were prepared."

"Retreat, have a round with the captain." The three of them exchanged glances, and immediately dispersed, preparing to retreat towards the door.

"Want to escape after shooting the black gun? How can there be such a good thing in the world?"

At this time, Wu Peng's figure appeared on the second floor. As soon as he ordered, all the shields standing on the second floor were put away, and dozens of black muzzles followed, aiming accurately at the three guns below. Silver Flower Group members.

 PS; Come on, bring me Piaopiao, okay!

(End of this chapter)

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