I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 162 Surrounded

Chapter 162 Surrounded

Dozens of guns were already aimed at the second floor, as if they might fire snakes at any moment. This scene made the three of them even more frightened, and hurriedly evacuated towards the door.

Originally, they were the cannon fodder and victims discarded by the Yinhua team to attract the firepower of the umbrella!

But the three of them didn't want to die like this. They had to withdraw to report the situation to their captain. There was an ambush here.

"Fire, leave no one behind!" Wu Peng shouted coldly.

As members of the Yinhua group, 100% of them are dead soldiers. Even if they are captured alive, they may commit suicide by taking poison, so they just kill them and it's over.

blah blah blah!
blah blah blah!
Dozens of security personnel on the second floor immediately took orders, aimed at the three members of the Yinhua group below, pulled the trigger, and fired at the same time, hundreds of ruthless bullets shot at the three of them.


With three painful screams, the three members of the Yinhua group were swallowed up by the fire snake in an instant, and they were smashed into a sieve. The bright red blood flowed down, and the reception hall below was dyed blood red.

"Intruder, die!" Looking at the three corpses walking towards the cold, Wu Peng's eyes no longer had the same unbearable and sad feelings as before.

When the Umbrella mercenaries attacked, Wu Peng and all the security members understood one thing after another, watching the security brothers die in front of their eyes one after another, and watching the security brothers fall in a pool of blood one after another. Enemy, you must not show mercy, because if you show mercy, you will die, and the enemy will never show mercy to you!
I remember that when Wu Peng watched the gangster killed by security, he stared at him with regret. He was very hairy in his heart. He also asked Li Yu, is it okay to kill like this mercilessly?

Li Yu replied: "When you face the enemy, he will never give you a way to survive because you are pitiful and you beg for mercy, let alone because you are kind and let the enemy go, he will thank you! On the contrary, You let him go, and next time he will come back ten times and a hundred times with revenge, and he will never stop dying!"

"If you don't want to see your brother die or get hurt, you will never show mercy to your enemies. Kindness to your enemies is cruelty to yourself! Only when your enemies die can you be truly safe! You will no longer have the ability to retaliate! "

From that moment, Wu Peng realized that Xiao Yao, Luo Feng, Li Qiba, they all realized that they will never show mercy to the enemy. To show mercy is to be cruel to oneself, and to show mercy is to be disloyal to the umbrella!
From the moment the contract is signed with the umbrella, all security is the defensive arm of the umbrella. As long as there is an enemy coming, no matter who it is, you must obey the instructions of the president of the umbrella, kill if you can, and show no mercy!
"The first team has completed the task and is ready to advance outward. The second, third, and fourth teams will surround the area from the outside. Not even a single intruder can be let go!" Wu Peng picked up the walkie-talkie and issued an order.

"Yes!" Three echoes sounded at the same time. Outside the umbrella building, the leaders of the three teams started to act with hidden security guards.

"Xiao Yao, go downstairs and push forward, complete the siege with the three outer teams, and don't let an intruder go!" Wu Peng ordered to Xiao Yao who was beside him.

"Yes!" Holding a gun, Xiao Yao went downstairs with dozens of security guards holding shields, and ran straight out of the building to surround the place where the Silver Flower Team and the Dragon Team were fighting.

"Boss, everything is going according to plan, and none of the intruders can escape." Wu Peng turned around, and in front of the window sill outside the second floor, Li Yu stood with his hands behind his back, staring downstairs.

"This time, people from Yinhua Group came prepared." Li Yu said thoughtfully.

"Boss, did you find something?" Wu Peng leaned forward and looked under the window. The people from the Dragon Group and Yinhua Group were fighting fiercely, and their abilities were raging at the battle position.

"What the hell is this? Superman War?"

"Are they human?" When Wu Peng saw the scene of the fierce battle below, all of them were just like those shown in martial arts movies, with colorful lights flickering and sword energy flying, which made Wu Peng very surprised and at a loss.

"This is a supernatural being!" Li Yu smiled lightly at Wu Peng's doubts.

"Supernatural person?" Hearing this name for the first time, Wu Peng's expression was surprised, and then thinking about the appearance of the biochemical warrior, Wu Peng found that after putting in the umbrella, he seemed to have come into contact with another world of this world.

"I thought that people with supernatural powers would not be able to hide it, but I didn't expect that because of my umbrella drug formula, it would lead to a piece of it." Li Yu's face hung a touch of indifference.

"More than a dozen second-level abilities, and one third-level ability person, if they devour their abilities, it will be enough for me to break through to the third level!" Li Yu was full of ambition.

"Wu Peng, none of this group of supernatural beings can be let go, regardless of life or death!" Li Yu ordered immediately.

"Yes!" Wu Peng nodded, and ran downstairs quickly. It was completely Li Yu's task, and he didn't ask too much about the supernatural being. He knew that after this time, Li Yu would definitely tell about the supernatural being of.

Outside the building!
Qi Bing and the two members of the dragon group joined forces to deal with Kameda, and the members of the dragon group and the Yinhua group fought against each other!

"You can't give this devil time to breathe, kill!" Qi Bing already had several bloody knife marks on his body, but he gritted his teeth, mobilized his supernatural powers, and attacked quickly.

The other two members of the dragon group nodded, and the different colors of different abilities flashed, divided into left and right, and besieged Kameda!

"Baga." Although Kameda was strong, he could hardly hold back the siege of three second-order supernatural beings. He could only resist to some extent, and his body was also full of scars.

And his subordinates are not that strong, they are suppressed by the number of supernatural beings in the dragon group!

The five members of the dragon group let out a hiss, charged with their energy control, and pierced out with sharp sword blades. The three silver flower groups were already enveloped by the flashing sword light of supernatural powers, and there was no way to hide.


The bone-piercing sound!
"Ah" screamed three times, and the three people in the Yinhua group were pierced through their bodies by five sharp blades that shone with supernatural powers, and their vitality flowed away quickly. sound.

After killing three enemies, the five members of the dragon group looked at each other, and immediately rushed towards the other opponents. After all, the members of the dragon group had the home field advantage in Yanhuang, and after investigating the strength of the Yinhua group, it was natural to move first machine.

"Bageya Road." Seeing his subordinates die one by one, Kameda's face turned cold, and he mobilized all his supernatural powers. With a flash of dark energy, he retreated sharply, avoiding the siege of the three soldiers, and then one by one. Dash forward and slash with a single knife.

"Pfft!" A member of the dragon team couldn't dodge in time, was directly slashed by a katana sword, flew upside down, and fell into a pool of blood.

"Little San!" Qi Bing's expression changed.

"I want to kill all of you Chinese people." Kameda scolded angrily, slashing one after another, becoming more and more ferocious, taking the initiative to kill Qi Bing.


A low shout sounded in the dark night.

Suddenly, more than a dozen searchlights lit up around the battle, illuminating all the two groups of desperate fighters, and the strong light made them move!
 PS: Thank you (dark green sky) brother for the reward of ten thousand coins, there will be an update today.

(End of this chapter)

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