I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 163 Annihilating the Yinhua Group

Chapter 163 Annihilating the Yinhua Group

When the searchlight shines on the faces of the two groups of people!

"Baga, the person who protects the umbrella!" Kameda cursed secretly, looking around.

All the members of the security company quickly surrounded them, and in an instant, they surrounded the two groups of people fighting in the center, with heavy crossbows, pistols, and aiming.

"Ahem, little devil, you won't be able to escape this time." Qi Bing looked at the surrounded security guards and struggled to laugh.

I also secretly breathed a sigh of relief in my heart: "Sure enough, the umbrella has been ambushed for a long time. Even if we don't come, they are sure to deal with these little devils. With the strength of the opponent, we are really no match."

Don't look at Qi Bing and his two subordinates who have fought against Kameda together for so long, but it was very difficult. One fell in a pool of blood and didn't know what to do. He and the other were also seriously injured, with knife marks all over his body. No work, the arrival of the umbrella security can just solve the current situation.

"It's this guy who made me unable to complete the task. Kill him."

"Death!" Resentment flashed in Kameda's eyes, and he slashed out with a single knife, rushing to plunder all the soldiers.

"Damn it, the energy of the third-order supernatural being is too strong." Qi Bing cursed secretly, holding his sword to block, and Kameda's powerful one-shot slashed down, directly knocking Qi Bing's figure back, scrambling With the sword light, the strange ability strangled Qi Bing's big hand holding the sword until it was bloody and bloody, showing the bones, which was very miserable.

"These people holding swords seem to be my Yanhuang people, and those wearing black clothes and masking their faces seem to be little devils!" Wu Peng took a closer look and immediately separated the doubts of the two teams.

The surviving members of the Yinhua group are very recognizable, they are dressed like little devils and ninjas, while the group of dragon groups have different weapons, but they don't have the characteristics of little devils at all.

"If you are from Yanhuang, please step aside temporarily." Wu Peng shouted towards the field.

"Baga!" Guitian and the others couldn't understand Chinese, so they didn't understand what it meant.

"Brothers, retreat!" Qi Bing understood the meaning, gave an order to the few living men, and quickly retreated towards the periphery with his seriously injured body upright.

"Yes!" The other dragon team members hastily let go of their opponents and retreated towards the periphery.

"Baga, they want to escape." Kameda suddenly understood, a cold light flashed in his eyes, he clenched his samurai sword tightly, and was about to catch up.

"Aim at the little devil in black!" Wu Peng seized the opportunity and ordered immediately.

All the security guards held up their weapons and shot at the little devil.

The sound of the heavy police crossbow piercing through the air, the rattling sound of ordinary pistols, dozens of crossbow arrows piercing through, bursts of murderous intentions appeared in the night, and they rushed towards the Yinhua group

This time the Yinhua group attacked, in order not to affect much, all the security guards of the security company used light weapons.

"Baga!" Kameda yelled, looking at the fire snake that shuttled in horror, the samurai sword was blessed with superpowers, and swiped rapidly, forming a circle of impenetrable sword shadows, jingling, sparks shining, Dozens of fierce crossbow arrows and fierce flames were chopped off one by one by his saber.

Facing the flying crossbow arrows, fire snakes, and the remaining three supernatural beings of the Yinhua group, they did not lose the wind. They stood in the same direction, swung their samurai swords, and the bullets were knocked down by the light of the swords. , Didn't even hurt the four of them.

"Is this the power of supernatural beings? Fighting guns with cold weapons, this kind of power is only found in movies!" Wu Peng seemed to understand something, and a strange light glowed in his eyes.

"Captain, what should we do?" Xiao Yao asked nervously as he watched the four of Yinhua moving towards the periphery quickly, as if they wanted to escape.

"Shoot in a roundabout way, increase the firepower to hit the gaps that these devils can't defend, and use heavy crossbows and heavy arrows to attack. They don't have that much ability!" Qi Bing said in a very appropriate voice. Knowing the weakness of supernatural beings in the face of bullets, they immediately reminded them.

"Director?" Xiao Yao, Luo Feng and the others cast inquiring gazes, asking them to obey an outsider's order, they couldn't do it.

"Do as he said, increase the firepower, and hit the gaps that they can't defend!"

"The first team and the second team hit the upper body of this group of devils, the third team and the fourth team hit the lower body of this group of devils, buy all-round firepower nets, and destroy him." Wu Peng glanced at Qi Bing, and then ordered.


All the security team followed Wu Peng's order, and with the firepower of the four teams as the standard, they aimed at the four of Kameda, and more fierce firepower hit them.

Ding Ding Dang Dang, the four of them swung their samurai swords with all their strength, and the bullets couldn't break through their defenses at all!

But at this moment, after all the security guards were divided into two parts to attack, the lower body and legs of the three members of the Yinhua group were attacked. Dozens of crossbow arrows directly penetrated the legs, knocking the three of them to their knees and waving The defense also stopped at this moment, puff puff puff, and then hundreds of crossbow arrows pierced and shot, swinging away the samurai sword that had lost the blessing of supernatural powers, and the three Yinhua team members were also shot into hedgehogs by the crossbow arrows, and died of pain .

"Baga, Lu." Kameda cursed angrily, with panic in his eyes, without his three subordinates, he would face attacks from all sides at the same time, and he would definitely die.


Wu Peng mercilessly ordered that he would show no mercy to the intruders.

Hsihhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. The failure of his subordinates, he knelt down powerlessly, but he did not give up, knelt on the ground and yelled ferociously: "Baga, I can't die in the hands of the Chinese!"

The four sides slid across the bright sky, and hundreds of crossbow arrows pierced and shot through all parts of Kameda's body, directly shooting Kameda into a big hedgehog.

"I'm not. Reconciled." Kameda's eyes widened unwillingly, and with a thump, he fell to the ground with the samurai sword he held high, without a sound!

"See if he's dead!" Wu Peng said out loud.

"Yeah!" Xiao Yao nodded, brought a few hands down to the little devils in Guitian, kicked the knife away, and kicked him with his feet: "Brother Peng, they are all dead!"

"I heard that the security members recruited by the umbrella company are all well-trained. They are a force to maintain law and order and fight criminals. This time, it is true. In front of so many well-trained members of the security company, we People with abilities below the fifth level will only be slaughtered." Seeing Anbao deal with Kameda so quickly, Qi Bing and other members of the dragon group couldn't help but think.

"Brothers, clean up this place!" Wu Peng said.

"Okay!" More than a dozen security guards said strictly, and began to clean up the place of the big battle.

 PS: Thank you brothers for your support.

(End of this chapter)

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