I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 164 Ready to Devour

Chapter 164 Ready to Devour
"Team, what should they do?" Luo Feng nuzzled with his nose, pointing at Qi Bing and other members of the dragon team.

Wu Peng's gaze followed the past, and the surrounding security did not take it lightly, and locked on Qi Bing and his group. They had seen their battle with the little devil just now, and each of them looked like a superman, which is unimaginable for ordinary people His strength, which horrified all the security guards, also made them have to be cautious.

"Who are you, why did you come to my umbrella group? Do you want to steal the formula like these little devils?" Wu Peng walked over and asked in a cold voice.

During the daytime today, I came here and pretended to be smart to buy pharmaceutical formulas. I didn’t know that this move made Li Yu alert. He arranged a security ambush in advance and waited for people from the Yinhua Group to take the bait. I don’t want to have a team of people, but Li Yu didn't expect it.

"We are members of the Yanhuanglong Group, and we are ordered to guard the umbrella. This is our ID!" Qi Bing smiled, and took out an official ID from his pocket.

"Go!" Wu Peng winked at one of his subordinates, who cautiously stepped forward and took the certificate.

On the certificate, there is also a mark of Wu Peng, which is still fresh in the memory of all security guards.

"It's a real certificate!" Wu Peng confirmed that the certificate was real.

"You are official people, I can be sure, but if you enter the area under my umbrella, whether there is any suspicion of intrusion, we need to order confirmation from our BOSS." Wu Peng returned the documents to Qi Bing, and then said.

"Of course, I have been hiding in the dark, and I have only heard the name of the president of the umbrella. It is my honor to meet you today." Qi Bing smiled, but in his words, he put Li Yu on the upper level .

Originally, as supernatural beings, they were all rather arrogant. Generally speaking, they looked down on ordinary people, but today's umbrella, the strength shown by the umbrella, forcibly surpassed the elite abilities of the Yinhua group. All those with abilities were wiped out, a third-level ability user was beaten into a sieve, and three second-level ability users also died tragically.

It has to be said that this move is enough to make the members of the dragon team treat each other seriously, especially Li Yu, the president of the umbrella!

At this time, Li Yu walked out of the building slowly, glanced at the messy battlefield, and then looked away expressionlessly.

"Thank you for the help of the dragon group. I will thank the authorities someday!" Li Yu walked up to Qi Bing and said in a deep voice.

"Boss Li, I've heard about your name for a long time. It's a great honor to see you today." Qi Bing smiled politely, stretched out his hand, and was about to shake hands with Li Yu, but just as soon as he shot it, he pulled the tragic wound on his body, and it hurt so much Qi Bing grinned and struggled.

"Everyone has suffered such serious injuries, you must go to the hospital for treatment as soon as possible!"

"Wu Peng, prepare two special cars and take them to the hospital." Li Yu said.

"Okay." Wu Peng nodded, calling the two security team members to go.

"Boss Li, don't say much, thank you. Here, I have one more request." Qi Bing moved his eyes to the center of the battlefield just now, and then his face became sad, and the corpse of a member of the dragon group was reflected. into the eyes.

"I hope Boss Li can help my brother collect the corpse, and when I go back, he will send someone to pick it up!" Qi Bing said sadly.

In the battle with the Yinhua group just now, although the dragon group has an advantage in numbers, it can't match the opponent's third-order ability user. While causing various hand injuries to the members of the dragon group, it also caused the dragon group to lose a lot. A supernatural person.

"We will keep the corpse!" Li Yu nodded.

"Although you are not employees of my umbrella, today's World War I is also fighting for my umbrella. For all the injured friends, my umbrella will give 30 Yanhuang coins to each of you. For this friend who died in battle, my umbrella will give you [-] Wan's pension." Li Yu said seriously.

"Boss Li, no need! We are official people and have enough subsidies, so we don't need to bother you to spend money." Qi Bing was very grateful for Li Yu's attitude, but still shook his head and refused.

"How much subsidy can you officially give?" Li Yu looked at Qi Bing playfully.

"This..." Qi Bing didn't know how to answer this question.

"Okay, you go to the hospital for treatment first, Wu Peng, take me to the underground garage." Li Yu turned around.Said.

Afterwards, he walked slowly towards the underground garage. Wu Peng took dozens of security guards under strict protection. Although the entire Yinhua group was wiped out, it was unavoidable, and the security guards had to be cautious.

"Captain, this president of the umbrella is really a character." A member of the dragon team said, with a clear admiration for Li Yu in his tone. It seems that he has a good impression of Li Yu's subsidy to them just now.

"En!" For this, Qi Bing did not object, but nodded in agreement, but in his heart, Qi Bing had a doubt: "The battle of supernatural beings is absolutely unprecedented for ordinary people. There will definitely be great doubts, but why didn't Li Yu? And I can feel that he has no interest in supernatural beings, as if he had known something before?"

Not only Li Yu gave Qi Bing a very weird feeling, but even Wu Peng of the Security Corps surprised Qi Bing, because from when he just led people over, to seeing the power of the supernatural being, although there was something in his eyes Surprised, but he didn't ask about the supernatural beings. He gave Qi Bing the feeling that he would get the answer himself!

"This umbrella is not simple! Li Yu is not simple!" Summarizing all kinds, Qi Bing came to such a conclusion, and he was even more in awe of Li Yu.

"Everyone, please get in the car, I'll take you to the hospital!" Two company cars drove over.

"You don't need to send us to the hospital, just send us back!" Qi Bing took his men into the car, and did not agree to go to the hospital. As a member of the Dragon Group, his base has excellent medical equipment, and the doctor After all, the appearance of their scars in ordinary hospitals would cause unimaginable panic.

underground garage!

The corpses of the ten members of the Yinhua group were lined up in a row, and the ferocity before was gone.

"Boss, just now I heard from that group of people that this group of devils is called the Yinhua Group, and they should be related to the Yinhua Group." Wu Peng said.

"It can't be wrong! It must be the Yinhua group!" Li Yu nodded, looking at the corpses in this place, with a strong heat: "I can step into the second-level power user now, but as long as I swallow The crystals of these supernatural beings, nine second-level and one third-level, are absolutely sure to break through to third-level supernatural beings, and then they can open up higher-level authority of the brain!"

PS: The last chapter was blocked, it hurts.

(End of this chapter)

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