I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 165 Devouring Crystals

Chapter 165 Devouring Crystals
Thinking of this, Li Yu doesn't waste time!
"Wu Peng, you lead someone to guard the garage door, no one is allowed to approach without my order!" Li Yu ordered.

"Yes!" As Li Yu's confidant, Wu Peng has absolute loyalty to Li Yu, and naturally he will not disobey him in the slightest. He immediately led people to guard the garage and stood by with guns.

"In this period of time, no one should know the method of devouring supernatural crystals. Otherwise, the group of dragons would not have let us take away the supernatural beings of the Yinhua Group so easily." Li Yu thought deeply.

Swallowing supernatural crystals was discovered by evolutionists after the outbreak of biochemical apocalypse. Apart from fighting to the death, this is the only way to improve strength.

"Try to devour the wafer first!"

Li Yu walked to the body of a Yinhua group and squatted down.

The supernatural person is dead. Although the vitality is dead, the supernatural crystal will not dissipate immediately. It is precisely this that gives Li Yu the opportunity to devour the crystal. Ability, black-gray light flashed, creating an adsorption force.

Strange to say!
Under the action of Li Yu's supernatural ability, a crystal with alternating virtual and real flickering light slowly floated out from the devil's head!

This is the supernatural wafer!
"Swallow!" Li Yu increased the mobilization of supernatural powers, directly absorbed the virtual and real crystals into the palm of his hand, and then followed the inexplicable trajectory in the body, turning it into the most essential crystal energy and swimming towards Li Yu's crystals in the supernatural world In the past, when he came to where Jingyuan was, Li Yu's Jingyuan was not polite, and swallowed all the external energy of Jingyuan to strengthen himself.

After a while!

This second-order wafer was swallowed up by Li Yu. Following Li Yu's thoughts and looking at where the wafer was, the wafer that originally shone with black and gray light became stronger and stronger. It was obvious that it had grown stronger after swallowing this foreign crystal. In the center of the yuan, Li Yu's unpredictable virus crystals seem to have gained some benefits after devouring the crystal yuan, which is even more weird and unpredictable.

"This ordinary devouring method is too much of a waste of wafer energy. During the process of swallowing into the body, at least half of the energy is dissipated." Successfully devouring a wafer, Li Yu was not very satisfied.

"It is said that supernatural powers can not only help supernatural beings practice, but also assist in devouring crystals. I can put away all these crystals for the time being. When I have time, after practicing supernatural powers, I will think about devouring. So as not to waste these hard-won energies." Li Yu didn't want to waste this precious supernatural crystal, so he decided to wait until he learned the supernatural power before devouring the remaining supernatural crystals.

But for now, it is better to store all these wafers first!
Thinking, Li Yu didn't waste time, his big hands passed over the devil's head one by one, and supernatural crystals appeared one after another in his palm, turning into nine round crystals, lying on Li Yu's palm .

The supernatural wafer is very strange, alternately virtual and real. If it is catalyzed with supernatural power, it will be swallowed as illusory energy. If it is not touched with supernatural power, it will be in the form of a real crystal, which can be preserved for at least a month without dissipating.

"Boss, are you still at home?" When Li Yu came out of the garage, Wu Peng hurried up to meet him.

"I won't go back today. In addition, report what happened to the government department tonight, and remove all traces as soon as possible." Li Yu said.


That night!

"Mayor, it's bad, something happened to the Umbrella Group again!" Zeng Lei, the mayor's secretary, urgently called Fang Yanghui, very anxious.

"What's going on?" Fang Yanghui got up suddenly and asked in a daze.

"A group of gangsters wanted to steal the formula of the umbrella medicine, but they were killed by the umbrella," Zeng Lei replied.

"Apart from the gangsters, nothing else happened, right? There were no casualties among ordinary people, right?" Fang Yanghui asked.

"Ordinary personnel were not injured or injured, but some people from special departments were killed." Zeng Lei said in a low voice, very heavy.

"What? The special department has been mobilized. Could it be that kind of force that exists this time?" Fang Yanghui's dazed look was completely awake. As the leader of City C, he naturally knew what the special department meant, and even more so. Can know what the department is responsible for fighting against.

"That's right! According to the information provided by the umbrella, this group of gangsters is related to the Waguo Yinhua Group!" Zeng Lei replied seriously.

"This matter is serious!" Fang Yanghui looked serious.

"Immediately mobilize all the relevant departments to thoroughly investigate this matter. We need to see who gave the instructions. We must give an explanation to the umbrella and an explanation to the special department." Fang Yanghui immediately ordered, and under the surprised eyes of his wife, he quickly got up. , seems to want to personally understand the situation.

Early the next morning, before dawn, a large number of armed police arrived at the scene of the fierce battle last night. Many responsible officials also came to the scene, which attracted the attention of the general public. After all, the Umbrella Building is located in the city center. There was a lot of people, and the fierce gun battle last night also attracted great attention, but because of the blockade of the umbrella, those watching the excitement were blocked.

In the Chutian Hotel, after Kameda and his party dispatched, An Beigousan waited anxiously all night, without sleep all night!

When the bursts of gunshots were fired, An Beigousan also heard it, thinking that it was his subordinates who started to act. After the gunfire lasted for more than ten minutes, and after it stopped, An Bei thought that it would not be long before Kameda would Came back with the recipe.

But waited and waited, several hours passed, and Kameda never came back, which also made An Beigousan fall into uneasiness!

"It's been so long, Kameda and the others haven't come back? Did they miss it?" Abe couldn't help thinking, and fell into a panic.

"No, for safety's sake, I have to leave!"

Abe thought solemnly, quickly packed up and saluted, opened the door, and was about to leave with his bag.

But just as Abe opened the door and rushed out, he bumped into someone!

"Who are you?" An Bei looked up in horror, and several people in police uniforms stood outside the door, equipped with weapons.

"An Beigousan, I, Yanhuang Public Security, suspect that you are related to the umbrella attack last night, please go back to the police station to investigate." Liu Hongwei said coldly, took out an arrest warrant, and then did not leave, and forcibly arrested An. Bei Gou turned around three times and handcuffed him.

"Wait. What kind of umbrella attack? I don't know? I am a citizen of the Great Wa Kingdom, and you Yanhuang people have no right to arrest me." Abe Gouzan struggled and shouted with fear.

"This is my Yanhuang land. No matter what kind of devil you are, or the king of heaven, you are all under our control. You'd better be honest, otherwise, I don't mind beating you up for resisting arrest." Liu Hongwei didn't give a damn. This Abe dog has three faces, and he slapped his face when he said it.

Beat An. Bei Gou Sanyi was stunned!
(End of this chapter)

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