I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 166 The Group Has Traitors

Chapter 166 The Group Has Traitors

"Baga, you." An Beigousan looked in disbelief at the person who made the move, that is, Liu Hongwei.

He never expected that Liu Hongwei would slap him. He is the vice president of Yinhua Group, the future heir, and has a respected status. He was slapped forcibly. This made the Japanese with the most face look down on Yanhuang They, An Beigousan, were extremely humiliated.


When Liu Hongwei saw An Beigousan's resentful expression, he was so angry that he slapped his face again. The crisp sound of the slap resounded in the corridor of the hotel, and it was painful to hear.

"Organizing an attack on the umbrella with the intention of seizing my high-end pharmaceutical formula belonging to Yanhuang is really courageous and courting death." Liu Hongwei looked at An Beigousan very upset and cursed angrily.

"Damn it, thanks to the umbrella's security brother, nothing happened, otherwise I'll let you know what it means to suffer."

"Take it away!" Liu Hongwei shouted.

"Yes!" Immediately agreed, An Beigousan was forcibly escorted, swaggered past the hotel, and was directly turned over to the relevant department.

When Umbrella's mercenaries attacked, if it weren't for the Umbrella Security Company's all-out rescue, the police officers in Liu Hongwei's team might have been in danger of being wiped out. It can be said that the umbrella belonged to Liu Hongwei and many other police officers. The savior, in the bottom of their hearts, they are always grateful for the umbrella.

And today he was ordered to arrest An Beigousan, and these two slaps were also intended to vent his anger.

Umbrella Building!
Regarding the situation of An Beigousan, the umbrella side does not know, but the aftermath caused by the Yinhua Group is spreading inside the umbrella. The management of the umbrella, as long as they can get in touch with some of the core management, are all in place, and the meeting room is full. , while outside the meeting room, more than a dozen security guards in full uniform stood outside, on tight alert. Xiao Yao, Luo Feng, Li Qiba and other security team leaders stood guard everywhere in the meeting room, also guarding closely. Without Li Yu's order, no one is allowed to leave, nor is any unrelated person allowed to enter.

Judging from the lineup of security guards, it is known that this meeting is different from the past, and something big must have happened!
"Everyone knows what happened last night, right?" Li Yu sat in the main seat and looked over at a glance. The management below was clearly watched by Li Yu, and his facial expressions were unobstructed.

"The Yinhua Group is too hateful. It's a coincidence that they didn't intend to buy it, but they actually did it. Thanks to the security company's security guards, if they let them succeed, our umbrella will suffer a lot." Zhang Bi said angrily.

"Yes, thanks to the tight defense of the security department, the Yinhua Group was not allowed to succeed." The other former Donglin managements echoed.

Compared with the original executives of the umbrella, they all showed anger, and the sincerity was not mentioned for the time being, but this was also caused by the fact that they had just entered the umbrella, and they didn't know the real secret of the umbrella.

The umbrella ace drugs are all equipped with anti-theft medicine primers, even if the Yinhua Group steals the formula, it is useless!

"Looking back on the past, I don't want to say more."

"To start this meeting today, we will only discuss one point, the traitor inside my umbrella!" Li Yu's eyes were cold, showing a kind of coldness, which shows that Li Yu was really angry this time.

"What? There are traitors under my umbrella?"

"That's impossible."

As soon as Li Yu said this, the entire conference room fell into an uproar. The management looked at me and I looked at you, it was a little unbelievable. This time, even the core executives of the umbrella were at a loss. Today's lineup of security guards has come to understand that this is to catch traitors.

Of course, there are also some people who heard these words, different from the bewilderment of many people present, but fell into uneasiness and panic.

"En!" Li Yu winked at Wu Peng at the bottom left, and all the management in the conference room looked over, trying to figure out the situation. Why did there appear to be traitors?

"Yes!" Wu Peng nodded, and said loudly: "Last night, a group of people from the Yinhua Group attacked, a total of ten people. The division of labor for the theft of the formula is very clear. A group of people is responsible for attacking the front desk of the building, attracting my security attention. , and the other part wants to take the opportunity to enter from the side of the building and go straight to the 32nd floor, the storage floor of the formula!"

"That's the way it is. The Yinhua Group clearly knew about my umbrella's storage formula and had prepared it in advance. What does this mean? There are traitors inside my umbrella, and they have leaked out the core secrets belonging to my umbrella. Seriously. Harm the interests of my umbrella!" Wu Peng said in a cool voice, his words were very shameless for the behavior of this traitor.

For a while!
The heavy atmosphere in the entire conference room was ignited a bit more, and the executives who were absolutely loyal to Li Yu were all frosty and very angry!
Traitor, no matter in which era, this character is cast aside by everyone and shouted at by everyone!
To be bought with profit, to betray one's master, to be unfaithful and unrighteous!

"My umbrella management team has just moved to the building. The floor distribution setting is negotiated and divided by various departments. It is definitely related to the core management of my umbrella to be able to know the distribution of each building's floors, and to know the formula storage floor. personnel."

"I hope that the traitor who betrayed the umbrella will stand up honestly, and the group may be punished lightly. However, if you insist on hiding and dare not admit it, then don't blame me for being ruthless. Although the energy of my umbrella is not all-powerful, it makes some It is still possible for people to disappear." Li Yu suppressed his voice and glanced at all the management present, the depressive silence made everyone feel depressed and restless.

Especially some traitors, even pinching the corners of their clothes, broke out in cold sweat!
"It's them!" Li Yu suppressed through words in order to expose the traitor. Obviously, Li Yu's plan succeeded, and the traitor has been stared at by Li Yu, and he is definitely sure of him.

"I won't be discovered, I definitely won't be discovered. As long as the meeting ends, I will immediately leave the group and flee to another city."

At the end of the conference room, a man's legs were already trembling with fright, and he kept peeking at the security guards outside. He also knew that it was impractical to escape, so he could only hold on to the emotion of being about to collapse, and lowered his head in deception. Secretly hoping not to be discovered.

But he was on the verge of collapse and didn't see it at all. On the main seat, Li Yu's cold eyes had already fallen on him.


"Jiang Run from the Ministry of Personnel and Internal Affairs, is he a traitor? He has always been honest, and he is an old employee of the group. He is actually a traitor?" Following Li Yu's gaze, the management present all cast their votes, and the men present at the end had already fallen into the trap. in the eyes of all.

 PS: Come on, brothers, donate your tickets.

(End of this chapter)

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