I am the umbrella boss

Chapter 167 The fate of the betrayal

Chapter 167 The fate of the betrayal
"It seems that this traitor is very confident and thinks he won't be discovered!" Li Yu said quietly, standing up with a cold face, step, step, step by step, slowly walking towards Jiang Run at the end.

All the management's eyes moved with Li Yu's footsteps, and several security guards in the conference room also moved, and began to approach Jiang Run!

And this Jiang Run still lowered his head, not knowing that at this moment he has become the focus of the meeting room, the focus of hatred!

Li Yu had already walked behind Jiang Run, and patted Jiang Run's shoulder with one hand with a black-gray light invisible to ordinary people.

When Li Yu suddenly patted his shoulder, Jiang Run jumped in fright, raised his head suddenly, and looked back.

"BOBOSS you." Seeing Li Yu standing behind him, Jiang Run stammered, his face already dripping with cold sweat.

"Are you scared?" Li Yu said coldly with a weird smile.

"Me, me." Jiang Run took a peek around, and everyone in the conference room looked at him coldly. At this moment, Jiang Run already understood what happened.

"Boss, I was wrong. I shouldn't have leaked the group's secrets. I was really wrong. Forgive me." Jiang Run knelt down in front of Li Yu in horror, begging.

"I remember that I seemed to have given you a chance just now." Li Yu said coldly.

"Boss, I was unintentional. Everyone can testify my loyalty to you. My mother is seriously ill and I need money. I have to do this. Please forgive me this time. I promise I won't do it again." Jiang Run panicked. explained, full of entreaties.

"Mother is seriously ill?" Li Yu looked at him coldly, his expression showing no fluctuation of pity: "I, Li Yu, naturally don't treat the employees of the company any less. If there is any accident in the family, as long as it is reported to the group, the senior management will start to solve it. You shouldn't, you shouldn't, you actually betrayed the group and leaked the group's secrets!"

"Boss me. I." Jiang Run's face was full of remorse.

"You have 1 minute left in your life. What else do you want to say at this last time." Li Yu said coldly, with a kind of ruthlessness of a superior in his words.

Traitor, betrayer, Li Yu will never let go, no matter who it is!
Suffering from betrayal in the previous life, betrayal has become a taboo in Li Yu's heart, and anyone who touches it will arouse Li Yu's infinite anger.

"One minute left?" Hearing this, not only Jiang Run, but also the management present all had a frown, wondering whether Li Yu wanted to kill Jiang Run.

"No, I don't want to kill the boss, please let me go, I still have young and old in my family, I can't die."

With a frightened face, Jiang Run pushed his seat violently, and rushed towards the door of the conference room frantically, very frantically.

"Want to escape?" Wu Peng and the others present looked at each other, and stepped forward quickly, about to go forward and grab Jiang Run.

"No need!" Seeing the actions of Wu Peng and the others, Li Yu raised his hand and stopped it.

"Yes!" Despite doubts, Wu Peng and the others stopped moving.

"Is the boss going to let Jiang Run go?" Everyone present thought to themselves.

"Five Fourth."

I saw Li Yu raising his big hand, finger after finger, counting down, and Jiang Run had already run to the door of the meeting room, seeing that his hand was already on the doorknob, he was about to pull it away.

"I don't want to die. I don't want to die" Jiang Run screamed in panic, wanting to escape impatiently.

"Three Two One"

Li Yu's detailed count has reached the last second. At this moment, Jiang Run, who had just opened the door, suddenly had a painful expression, and suddenly collapsed on the ground, shaking violently, foaming at the mouth, and screaming in pain. , the body just struggled for a while, then straightened up and trembled, eyes widened, and died unwillingly, without a sound.

"What's going on here?" Seeing this scene, everyone's eyes widened and they were at a loss. Even Li Yu's closest friend, Jiang Yuyao, couldn't figure it out. Jiang Run died inexplicably.

In retrospect, Li Yu just patted Jiang Run on the shoulder just now!

Although they were puzzled, everyone present was so frightened that they didn't dare to take a breath. Although Li Yu punished Jiang Run because of the traitor on the surface, he also told everyone, especially the new umbrella The Donglin management, the end of the traitor, that is death.

"Wu Peng, arrange for people to be sent to the hospital!" Killing the traitor with his own hands, Li Yu's face did not show any waves, just now he patted the shoulder casually, Li Yu secretly mobilized a very strong supernatural ability, and the virus invaded Jiang Run's body caused many fatal diseases, and he almost died suddenly in a few minutes.

"Boss is also a superhuman!"

As Wu Peng, who has seen the battle between the dragon group and the Yinhua group, he naturally knows the power of the superhuman, and Li Yu's invisible hand made Wu Peng guess the identity of Li Yu's superhuman.

"Yes!" Wu Peng gave his subordinates a wink, and then left the conference room with Jiang Run who fell to the ground without a sound.

"For the betrayers, I don't have too much to say. If you dare to betray me, betray the umbrella, there is only one end, and that is death!" Li Yu returned to the main position, holding the conference table with his hands, scanning all the management, full of cold admonition.

"Boss, we understand!" All the managers returned respectfully with palpitations.

"Very good!" Li Yu withdrew his warning gaze and landed on Wu Lin: "Investigate the situation at Jiang Run's home, and if there is any difficulty, give some subsidies. Although he betrayed me, he paid it back with his life. For the sake of his contribution to the group, he will be given a subsidy!"

"One more thing, if there is any difficulty in the family of the group's employees in the future, they can communicate directly with the upper circle, and the group will provide some help. I don't want to sell the group's interests in exchange for money in the future!" Li Yu said.

"We understand!" All the management members hurriedly said, but a few people's faces were not very good-looking, especially the people from Yuan Donglin, who saw a person die in front of their own eyes, and died of inexplicable reasons, which made them understand No, could it be that in front of them, their boss is reincarnated and has some supernatural powers?
Otherwise, how can you say that if you let one person die, let one person die!
These methods are hundreds of times stronger than the Lin Dongchu they faced before, and they have left an introduction in their hearts, or they are their own warnings to themselves, no matter what they do, they must not betray the umbrella. An irreversible price!

About half an hour has passed!

Wu Peng, who sent Jiang Run to the hospital for treatment, has just returned!
"Boss, after Jiang Run was sent to the hospital, the rescue failed. The cause of death was myocardial infarction, and many heart complications occurred at the same time, and he died suddenly!" Wu Peng respectfully reported.

Hearing this, the management present was even more palpitated and surprised!

A man who was alive and well suddenly died of a heart attack?This is too scary!
At this time, all the management looked at Li Yu with deep awe in their eyes! !

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 PS: In the VIP group of this book, there are hundreds of brothers in the group. After entering the group, you need to post subscription screenshots. Group number: 135675978, brothers are welcome to join!

(End of this chapter)

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